Anastasia - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Wife Juliana 2021



Once the songs of Anastasia sounded without exaggeration from each window. Compositions "Mamin Cross", "Lip not a fool", "The Queen of Golden Sand" became real hits. It was rumored that her from the scene pushed Alla Pugachev, allegedly can't be two redgests with similar voices, albeit with an incomparable repertoire. But the actress sees the problem deeper: the pop level is very low, sing middling and about the same thing, and no one needs serious performers. Yes, and the producers are not interested in the public opinion.

Childhood and youth

Anastasia is a real name of the singer, turned into a scenic pseudonym. She was born in Moscow on August 4, 1965 in a creative family. By nationality by quarter Georgian. Lyudmila Saldadze's mother - documentary director, Honored Artist of the RSFSR. Father Vladimir Protassenko, the public remembers as a film actor on Mimino and Gentlemen of Good luck. Both are students of Sergey Gerasimov and Tamara Makarova.

The teachers often complained about an irrepressible hula girl, but he did not listen to anyone and was not going to change. In an interview with Anastasia, he said that he loved to play the war with the boys, dragged into the house everything was moving, and dreamed of becoming a biologist. In parallel with the general education, she went to music school.

The childhood of Nastya passed on Mosfilm. If the grandmother Anna Ivanovna could not sit with her, the parents took her daughter with her. The singer remembers the corridors of the studio, for which smoking people walked, and since then does not endure the smell of tobacco.

By the way, friendship with Stanislav Sadalsky ended after the actor stated that Drunk Anastasia fell asleep with a cigarette in his hand and arranged a fire in his own home. Relationship between the partners in the Pitter - Moscow - Paris "is already stretched. According to the audience, the singer is simply talented and replayed Stas on stage. And after what happened, she swore that henceforth and the hands of Sadalsky would not give.

When Nastya still studied at school, a mother was divorced with her father. The news was not easy to her. The girl had a nervous breakdown, and the subsequent communication with relatives often became a heavy test. Father married re-, and the future actress appeared Brother Gleb. At one time he worked as a TV presenter on the fifth canal.

In the theater school named after Boris Shchukina, Anastasia went for the company with a friend Alexander, which they did not in the end. Mom rated the decision of the daughter as nonsense, and with the grandmother who did not believe in success, the girl argued for money and won.

Higrarars for performances in the theater of the Beasts of Natalia Durora became an increase for student scholarships. There Nastya got acquainted with Vladimir Shansky. The composer advised the future actress to seriously engage in voice and led it to the popular television program "Shiry Circle". But the girl forgot about the Council of Marta, left his head in his studies, and at the end of "Pike" another 3 years went on the stage of the Moscow Drama Theater.

Personal life

Premenhenev from Alexey Minkykovsky, his daughter's father, Anastasia did not want to marry him. Mother of a young man insisted on marriage. Spouses broke up when the child was fulfilled a year and a half. For the sake of his beloved daughter, the singer did not change the last name, although he went to the registry office 5 times.

Anna inherited a passion for horse riding and music. Anastasia welcomed the passion for the girl with a game on the piano, and craving for horses used as a "gingerbread" in the upbringing. She was a strict mom: she wanted the only heiress to show herself as an independent person, and not a relative of celebrity.

Actually, it happened. Anya graduated with honors from the law faculty of MGIMO, a man of non-public, personnel from Andrei Malakhov's projects, perhaps the only eu photo on the net. In his youth, she starred in the clip "Agatry Christie". Now the daughter of the star of the 90s lives separately, raises the son of arms. Here are just close people do not communicate. Anna, as the singer said, refused to help with money when she had problems.

The Minsk city, the younger, wrote the media, did not approve the decision of the mother to become his wife Julian. Before him around a bright actress, a lot of workers were around. Anastasia did not neglect the attention of the opposite sex and tried to build a happy family, but something did not develop. The satellite named Ruslan robbed a favorite woman, the other turned out to be too greedy, the third - jealous.

The penultimate husband Vladimir Zudin became a reliable rear, devoted to each other and the main adviser. In addition, he was a producer, and director of the theater called the name of the singer.

The couple lived together for 10 years, made a heavy blow of fate, when, due to the fault of a mentally ill pyroman, their cottage burned to the Tver region. The Hectare of the Earth with the Pine Forest Anastasia was allocated as a sign of appreciation local authorities. Over time, relationships were smoldered, although they rumored that Vladimir was tired of tolerating the spouse's intrigues on the side.

In 2018, Julian and Anastasia visited the transfer "Direct Ether", where they shared their feelings and anticipation of change. Colleagues know each other a quarter of a century, happened between them and romantic adventures, but only experienced misfortunes revealed the woman's eyes to the fact that Julian is the one with whom you can feel like behind a stone wall. The artist presented a favorite 3-storey cottage and helped finance.

At the end of March 2019, Julian and Anastasia got married. Among the guests at the registry office, the journalists were noticed by Anna Kalashnikov, the group "on-on" and Lenin Lenin. The celebration was celebrated in the restaurant of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

Before the wedding, newlyweds were adjusted appearance in the beauty salon and tried to get rid of extra kilograms in the gym. Words that artists need to lose weight, they sounded still in the studio of "direct ether" (Anastasia, with growth in 167 cm weighed more than 73 kg).

Celebrity honeymoon was broken due to the fact that Nastya bit one of five dogs. In addition to them, in the household of singers there are goats, cats, chickens and rabbits. The spouses stated that they were planning to enjoy her holiday in Maldives or in Israel. Anastasia promised to conclude a marriage contract and immediately dispose of her husband's part of the property in case, if the first leaving about life.

Star Union existed for a year: in the spring of 2020, artists announced a divorce. The reason is quite explained: Julian dreams of children, and Anastasia at that age, when there is no need to think about the natural continuation of the genus. About the adoption and surrogate maternity singer does not want to hear. Lyudmila Saldadze news about the parting of his daughter with the performer of Romance was delighted, she did not come for marriage.

In an interview with one glossy publication, Anastasia admitted that he hoped for the resumption of relations with Vladimir. And this despite the fact that Zudin tried to drive a wedge between the former wife and Julian, demonstrating the video of Andrei Malakhov, allegedly testified about the frivolous behavior of Anastasia.

Julian later in his own house also installed the cameras, but explained that "Safety is never unnecessary."


"Wyry Circle" brought Anastasia fame. On the TV broadcasting, the actress sang a duet with Alexander Sklyarov and attracted the attention of the audience. The girl decided to complete the acting career and try to realize as a singer. Rock music was attracted, and this direction was elected for self-realization.

Anastasia's vocal debut took place in the city of Bryansk. The incendiary hit "High heel" provided listeners sympathies and became the name for the first album. So she had fans and schedule of concerts.

In 1993, Radio Rocks called the performer of the best singer of the year. Continuing to professionally engage in music, Anastasia has replenished discography with a new album and went on touring first in the native country, and then abroad - to Europe and the United States.

Sometimes it was accompanied by daughter. And then, when there were more speeches, Anya moved to his father's family. With Mom, the Mintkovskoy also had conflicts, they could not talk over the years, and Lyudmila came to concerts with secret.

Until 1996, the creative biography of Anastasia was successful, but after the transfer of the "Shark of Pen", she disappeared from TV channels. The reason was probably a frank statement that performers have to pay for their compositions to rotate on radio and TV.

"Do you know what Russian show-business is today? "You tell me, Gadan, how much are you Dadeno?" - Here is his motto. And nothing else cannot be said about it. This is not a show and certainly not a business. It is elementary, unacted, dirty washing "grandcomms".

In addition, the singer predicted the amount of the amount received for the concert, and pointed the inadequate colleagues that those refuse to speak with a charitable goal.

After the program is released in relation to the songs of Anastasia, the wording in the style of "not format" began to sound. In the prefabricated concerts and at great events it was not called. Once censors on television cut 12 numbers from programs at once. The artist was upset, but the girlfriend said that no one remembers the name of the mayor of Paris, when he sang Edith Piaf, so it is worth bothering about this.

Anastasia did not give up. She recorded not yet one album, pleased fans with solo performances, including in the Concert Hall "Russia", which was considered at that time the largest platform.

The artist was friends and friendly with people, "not playing face, noble and decent" - Sergey Zakharov, Alexander Kalyanov, healer, Juna, Ilona Armored.

Anastasia now

In the 21st century, the nostalging audience remembered the work of the singer. Anastasia became more likely to fade on the screens, a documentary interview was removed about it, a few popular shows were dedicated. And journalists from the notorious "sharks of pen" thanked the artist for loyalty to their principles.

However, and now she is still cutting in judgment. Anastasia, from her words, walked for costumes, clips, songs. It advises to open personal TV channels and radio stations to the current pop figures and there "to unwind girls and boys", and not score popular ether.

For Anastasia, the phonogram is taboo, "Crime, fraud and theft". The one who only opens his mouth deceives the viewer who paid considerable money, and came, it turns out, in Karaoke, the singer believes.

They say that the conflict with Julian was preceded, and the fans fear that the further joint activities of the two stars would also come to the end. Duet 5 years old challenged the country with a concert program. Will after the divorce continue cooperation, none of the parties specified.


  • 1990 - "High Heel"
  • 1991 - "Anastasia. Let's talk"
  • 1993 - "Crystal chains"
  • 1994 - "Unsent Letter"
  • 1994 - "I'm completely different"
  • 1995 - "Queen of Golden Sand"
  • 1997 - "Lip is not a fool"
  • 2002 - "Without you ..."
  • 2004 - "Names for all times"
  • 2011 - "Atmospheric Phenomenon"

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