John Leuyuizamo - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Bright, extraordinary, multifaceted. He was suspended the entire range of acting images: from the inexperienced young men ("hanging out with their", 1991) to cold-blooded killers ("Path of Carlito", 1993), from ridiculous comic characters ("Superbray Mario", 1993) to outstanding historical personalities ("Moulin Rouge ", 2001), which confirm its numerous awards. John Leuyuizo played in dozens of pictures, in addition to this, he is known as the theater artist, dancer, singer and producer.

Childhood and youth

John Alberto Legueizo was born on July 22, 1964 in Bogota, Colombia. Mother - Luzu Leuyuizo, Father - Alberto Legueizamo, dreamed of a director's career and even studied on the Italian film studio of Chinechitta, but left his studies due to a lack of money. In the pedigree actor there are representatives of Colombian, Italian, Puertorican and Lebanese blood.

John Leuyuizamo in youth

John was 4 years old when his family immigrated to the United States. The boy grew up in the largest district of New York - Queens, lived in his colorful quarter - Jackson Heights, where immigrants from Asia and Latin America had long set off.

"It was difficult, had to fight a lot and defend themselves. But I learned to be funny to not hit me, "recalls the actor the first chapters of his biography.
Full John Legueizamo

Leguezo studied at the Joseph Pulitzer High School, and then in the Higher Business School of Murry Bergtraum. Already being a student of this institution, John dreamed of an actor career. And barely waiting for the end, entered the Tis School of Arts of New York University. Having received a bachelor's degree, Leuleizamo improves skill at private theater courses (Liu Post).


John began a creative career in a comic role. His first speeches in clubs are dated 1984. On television, he debuted in 1986, while playing a small role in the episode of the Miami Police: Department of Malls. Among his earlier filmmaster tape "Mixed blood" (1985), "Military losses" (1989).

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Actively removing legisamo began in the 90s. And the success of the actor began to grow after the lead role in the youth drama "hanging out with their" (1991). Also this year, John presented his own show "John Leguizamo: Mambo Mouth", in which 7 different Latin American characters played. The comedy show became a hit and got a wage review of critics, and later it was shot on TV. Since then, Leuleizamo periodically acts as a showman with its performances in New York and Chicago.

Meanwhile, in the movie, John is increasingly getting the roles of villains of Latin American Outdoor: the hired killer in the action movie "Strong nut - 2", Gangster Benno Blanco in the criminal drama of Brian de Palma "Path of Carlito" (1993), a narcodyiler in the "fraternal kiss" (1997) and etc.

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In the middle and late 90s the actor plays his best roles. In 1995, the sparkling comedy "Wong Fu, with gratitude for everything! Julie Newmar ", in which Leuleizo, Wesley Snipes and Patrick Swayze played three New York Drag Queen (artists using female images), who went to the voyage with adventures.

In 1996, John plays Tibald in the "Oscar" film "Romeo + Juliet" with Leonardo di Caprio and Claire Danes. The next year was marked by a new extraordinary role - the actor depicts the main antagonist - Demon Demon / Clown in the superhero militant "Spaun", made by comic books about superhero.

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In 1999, another vivid role in the filmography of the Latin American is a vivid role - Lennie Lifestyle and the SPIKA lifestyle in the Spike thriller Lee "Bloody Summer Sam". The film is based on real events and tells about the investigation of the loud business of David Berkoving Serial Killer.

The beginning of the new era was marked for the actor with work with the Yuean McGregor and Nicole Kidman in the musical Oscar Drama "Moulin Rouge" (2001). For the role of the famous French artist Toulouse, Lotrek, John was nominated for a prestigious premium of the script guild.

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In 2000, Leuleizo is incredibly much working: besides filmmakers, the actor makes progress in the sounding (his voice speaks from the "Ice period" and the subsequent parts of the cartoon), increasingly, it appears on televisers. From 2000 to 2004, it was filmed in the series "Garcia Brothers", since 2005 he joins the main acting of the series "Ambulance", playing the emotional Dr. Viktor Clement.

In the meantime, his filmmakes will fall out of the horns of abundance: "Attack on the 13th plot" (2005), "Dead Earth" (2005), "Nanniki" (2007), "phenomenon" (2008), "Disappearance of the 7th Street "(2010) - Almost all the paintings became hits of rental, and the name of John Legueizo is associated with the constant quality of films with his participation.

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However, as the actor himself admits, his vocation is not at all cashier superhits.

"I love independent films, they are the only ones where the actor can breathe. Independent projects for actors who love to play. And it's not a salary, it's damn accurately, "admitted Leuyuizamo.

In 2014, John starring in the militant Chad Stachele "John Piq". John Piq (Keanu Reeves) - a former murderer, Superprofessional, who announced the war to the Syndicate of the Russian Mafia in New York. Leguezo played the owner of the auto repair shop Aurelio Martino. This character also appears in the second part of the picture ("John Weeke - 2") in 2017.

Personal life

The first wife of John Legueizamo became the actress Yelba Osorio. The actors got married in 1994, but after 2 years, it was separated.

"Marriage is a wild thing. I thought it was the perfect country of happiness and joy. Wrong! "," Said Leujuamo then.
John Leuyuizamo and Justin Morker

For a long time, the actor lived a bachelor, protecting his personal life from Paparazzi, until Justin Morker met on his life path - a real estate agent. Chosen by actor - Jewish origin, and he is a Catholic. On June 28, 2003, they conducted a Catholic-Jewish wedding ceremony.

Wife gave birth to John two children - Son Lucas and the daughter of Allegra. Now the family lives in New York, in Manhattan. Its family photos are not seen in "Instagram", the actor still protects the personal territory from other people's eyes.

John Leugeizamo now

In 2018, Leuleizamo received the Honorary Degree of College Marymount Manhattan. In the same year appeared in the mini-series "Waco", for the role in which was nominated for the AMMI.

John Leuyuizamo in 2018

Also, the actor starred in the third part of the John Weeke - 3 militant, whose release is expected in 2019. In addition to this work, it is planned to exit large projects "Pablo Escobar", "Banana Republic" and others.


  • 1991 - "Sticking with your"
  • 1993 - "Superbray Mario"
  • 1993 - "Path of Carlito"
  • 1995 - "Wong Fu, with gratitude for everything! Julie Newmar »
  • 1996 - "Romeo + Juliet"
  • 1997 - Spaun
  • 1999 - "Bloody Summer Sam"
  • 2001 - "Moulin Rouge"
  • 2002 - "Supreme pilot"
  • 2005 - "Attack on the 13th Plot"
  • 2007 - "Nanniki"
  • 2008 - "Pressure"
  • 2010 - "Disappearance on the 7th Street"
  • 2014 - "John PEC"
  • 2017 - "John Weeke-2"
  • 2018 - "Nancy"
  • 2019 - "John Piq - 3"
  • 2019 - Pablo Escobar

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