Gray worm - biography, appearance and character, actor, quotes


Character History

Collected, confident and fearless man named Gray Worm from the first minute acknowledged to Deireweris Targaryen leader and a challenger on the Iron throne. After all, the views of a man on slavery and humiliation, which were subjected to a simple people, completely coincided with the thoughts of the Mother of the Dragons. To defend our own principles and take revenge on Tirana, the warrior is ready to die for the blond leadership.

History of creation

Writer George Martin

The image of the bold eorn, George Martin entered only the third book dedicated to the battle for power in seven kingdoms. Gray worm is not mentioned in the "Song of Ice and Flame" and the "Battle of Kings". The same fate awaited the screening of the warrior - the man first appeared on the screen in the 5 series of 3 seasons.

The image recreated on the television screen coincides with the vision of the writer. In both sources, gray worm is a man of low growth, without vegetation on the face and short-cut. The hero is constantly serious and assembled.

Actor Jacob Anderson

In the television series "Game of Thrones" The role of the leader of impeccable, the singer and actor Jacobu Anderson. The resulting character was remembered by the audience not only their own color, but also the storyline in which gray worm is involved. Candid scenes and love lyrics made Anderson's character with one of the most popular in Telesge.

"Game of Thrones"

No one knows how the name of the gray worm before the man got an unusual nickname. It is not known where the leader of flawless. The biography of the hero is known since the purchase of a Unnamed Military Boy, who brought up a soldier from a child.

After Deeneris meets flawless, gray worm occupies the place of the army leader. This decision was made by the soldiers themselves who have long appreciated the courage of a comrade in arms. The hero perfectly owns emotions and does not show a new mistress, how much he touches the decision of the Deeneris to give freedom to the slaves.

The man is sure that it is such a queen who must lead the family of the kingdoms, so takes place next to the warrior. Gray worm in everything helps blonde beauty. The leader of the soldiers is ready to kill someone who will insult the Lady at least a look.

Dario Nahahris

Wanting to participate in the life of the patroness, to which there is a deep sense of devotion, the gray worm enters into a dispute with Daario Nahabis for the right to go to Kon next to Deeneris. Men hold swords on the elongated hands, and the first who will lower their arms - lost. However, it is impossible to identify the winner. Deeeneris, who learned about the dispute, orders both to throw a weapon or look for a new queen.

Upon arrival in Mairin, where the Dragon's mother splits the camp, the gray worm converges with the translator and the right hand of Daeneis Missander. A girl who is aware of the fate of ordinary slaves on his own experience, tries to teach a man with a common language. After all, gray worm talks only on Vali, which complicates the communication of the leader of the army with other assistants of the latter (as all confident) from Targarey.


Gradually, the relationship of young people becomes closer. Once a gray worm, who went to swim on the lake, cares to the translator naked at the water. A man looks at Missander, while she does not notice the close attention of the man. But it is impossible to translate friendly relations in the love channel - gray worm, like all flawless, neutered. Later, a man finds a girl in the castle and asks for forgiveness for an awkward situation. Such a turn is just stronger puzzles beauty.

During the patrol of the streets that the gray worm itself organized, a man gets a serious injury. Deficious fears and not afraid of death, the leader of the soldiers first speaks about the dangers of the warrior, and fear no longer see Missander. The lover spends a lot of time having gone for the sick.

Frame from the series

And after his own recovery and sudden disappearance, Deeeneris gray worm turns out to be the third leader of the Military Movement. In the adoption of strategic decisions, Tyrion Lannister and Missandeye help the hero. Cooling warrior with honor copes with his post entrusted to him, losing control only in those moments when negotiations raise the questions of slavery.

A serious test for the gray worm and Missandy is the mission to free the cliff of Caterle. On the night before leaving, a man translator comes to say goodbye to the beloved. Both heroes are too restrained and hidden, so only the threat to see again allows them to disclose. The kiss of the gray worm and Missandy puts everything into places and leads to a logical final - a love act, full tenderness and love.

Interesting Facts

  • The final series of the seventh season forced fans to talk about the fact that in fact gray worm is not eun. Alas, suddenly broken hopes of fans were not justified. The man was asked in 5 years.
Kiss Missandy and Gray Worm
  • On the American online tote, rates are accepted in the dispute, who will die in the eighth season of the Sinkie Piece. Most viewers are confident that the gray worm will be killed.
  • The only thing that remembers the past of the leader of impeccable, - the slave traders brought the hero from the summer islands.


"One day of freedom is more expensive than a lifetime in chains." This is a happy name. The one that gave your servant at birth is cursed - he was taken into slavery under him. And he was called the gray worm that day when Deeneris burden him freed him. "" I had no fears. I was not the biggest, not the strongest, but the most brave. Always. Until I met Missander from the island of Nat. "

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