Daniel Stern - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The name of this American comedian actor knows not all, but each viewer, seeing him on the screen, immediately exclaim, breaking down in a smile: "Yes, this is the most long-grade thief Marvin from New Year's comedies" one house "and" one house - 2 " " And indeed, thanks to this film, Daniel Stern became hostage not only by one role, but also a certain role: Most of the roles in the filmography of the actor - comedy.

Childhood and youth

Daniel Jacob Stern was born on August 28, 1957 in the city of Beteses, Maryland. Father Leonard Stern is a social worker, mother - managing children care center. A Jewish couple raised two sons - Daniel and David - in love for creativity and art. And from the very childhood, the movie came to their vocation: Daniel became an actor, and David - a screenwriter.

Daniel Stern in childhood

Daniel studied at the High School of "Bethesda-Chevy Chase", where he did not miss any participation in theatrical stage. Played Chucks Baster in the musical "Promises, Promises" and Tevier milkman in the musical "Scribes on the roof".

Already at 14, Stern decided with the desire to become an actor, but understood that the dream was still far away. Therefore, worked as he could to help the family. He worked as an employee at the gas station: Soap car windows, pumped gas.

Daniel Stern in youth

After school, Dan found out that the Shakespiest Festival in Washington requires workers, and filed a request for directing director in light. Light Stern did not, but did a children's dream of acting: the boy was taken to the episode of the production "how you like it."

Then Stern graduated from acting courses in New York and began to participate in Broadway and other theatrical productions: "SPLIT", "Frankie and Annie", "The Mandrake", "The Old Glory" and others. He served in the theater company "Second Stage Theater" with the popular actor Bob Ganton.


Kinocarier Stern began in 1979, when the director Peter Yets took him in the youth melodraman "going into the separation". Dan got though his debut, but the main role, having played one of the four teenagers organizing their cycle-making and challenging the strongest team of the university.

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The role in the Oscarone film (the prize for the "best scenario") opened the door guy in Hollywood and a glorious biography. The next decade, Stern is removed almost without a break. In 1980, he played in the comedy drama "Memories of Star Dust" in Woody Allen and Claudia Vale in the comedy "Now I am my turn" in the company with stars such as Michael Douglas and Jill Cleberg.

In 1982, Stern waits, in fact, the first adult major role in the painting Barry Levinson "Eyegalovka". The ribbon gathered a wonderful cast: Mickey Rourke, Ellen Barkin, Steve Guttenberg, Kevin Bacikon. All of them play young school friends who are going to the eases in the evenings, and after her walls have every life with their problems and hopes. The picture received nominations for Oscar and Golden Globe.

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2 years later, Daniel debuts in the horror genre, while playing Rev. Shepard, headed by the struggle with underground monsters in Kharrore "Cannibala Humanois from Dungeons". In 1986, the actor is working again with the Master of the Directory - Woody Allen, starring in the comedy "Hannah and her sisters."

From the mid-80s Stern begins to act on television. The first roles on the small screen he played in the series "Hometown", "Comedy Factory", and then acted as director, putting several episodes of the series "Wonderful Years" (1988-1993) about the life of the American boy Kevin Arnold. In addition, Stern himself reads the author's voice-over.

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Over the years, the actor played dozens of images in a wide variety of genres - militants, comedy, horrors, drama, before in the 1990s play the role of all his life - "Wet Bandit" Marvin Merchants in the family comedy "One House", which became the best Christmas screen All time.

When director Chris Columbus sent a film script, he reading, laughed in full voice. The actor immediately agreed to participate, and soon they were with Joe Peshi - an actor who played His partner Harry was already plunged into the film. Columbus stressed the gangster ridge comicness as soon as the growth difference: Harry's shortcut (160 cm) and Verned MarV (193 cm).

However, during the filming, there were moments when the actors were not at all before laughter. Especially when Stern, panically fearing spiders, put on the face of a huge tarantula. Therefore, that wild cry, published by the actor, was so believable.

"I can keep a blow. It is like after participating in a sports competition. There is even pleasant pain, because you had fun, and this is the difference from the real injury, "recalls the actor those of fun days.

The total amount of cash collections in the global box office was $ 467.7 million at a budget of $ 18 million. The film was nominated for Oscar and Golden Globe, a number of prestigious kinonagrad were noted. And the thieves Harry Lime and Marvin Merchants were nominated to enter into the "100 best heroes and villains according to AFI."

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Milky success The film was pushed by the director to remove the continuation of the history of Kevin Makcalist, and in 1992 the comedy "One house: Lost in New York" is coming about the adventures of a resourceful boy and "wet gangsters" in a large apple. Despite the negative reviews of critics, the film was a great success in the box office and became the classic of New Year's comedies. By the way, in this part of the comedy, as Kameo, Donald Trump himself starred, who was still a businessman at that time.

Since then, the role of the comedy actor was firmly fixed behind Stern. In the sparkling comedy "exhausted by the campaign" (1995), the actor got the main role of the Courier of Max Grabelski, who leaves the chase FBI for the imperfect murder of a millionaire. Another vivid role is in the black comedy "very wild things," where Stern shines in one frame with Cameron Diaz and Christian Slater.

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In 2000, the artist is no longer removed so actively as in his youth. But the sphere of his creative interests becomes more diverse. He is approved in the status of director: put a couple of episodes of the "Manhattan" series.

He became a screenwriter of the Broadway Hit "Wedding Barbara", engaged in visualing (Animated films "Hey, Arnold", "Griffins", "Simpsons"). In a row of bright filmmakers: "Bachelor party in Las Vegas" (2006), the drama "three days on escape" (2010), drama "Roll!" (2009), Comedy "Christmas History 2" (2012).

Personal life

The actor found happiness in his personal life: In 1980, he married Laura Mattos, with which he created a strong family. Wife gave him three children. Now his eldest son Henry is the Senator of California, Daughter Sophie - a musician, and the younger Ella is a health worker.

Daniel Stern and his wife Laura

Daniel himself got carried away by a visual type of art - became a sculptor and specializes in work from bronze. Its sculptures are decorated with exposure of art objects in different parts of America.

"When I make sculptures, I don't think about anything else and I do not speak. I am absolutely obsessed with this, "the artist is recognized.

Photos of Stern works can be seen in the "Instagram" of the actor.

Daniel Stern now

In 2018, the actor starred in the original comedy "The game is over, Chuvak," where he played the manager of the Mitch Hotel.

Daniel Stern in 2018

In 2019, the Yames VS His Future Self Film Self is expected, in which the favorite has the main role.


  • 1979 - "Leaving into the separation"
  • 1980 - "Memories of Star Dust"
  • 1982 - "Eyezhovka"
  • 1984 - "Cannibala-Humanoids from the Dungeons"
  • 1986 - "Hannah and her sisters"
  • 1989 - "Leviathan"
  • 1990 - "One House"
  • 1992 - "One house: Lost in New York."
  • 1995 - "exhausted by campaign"
  • 1998 - "Very wild things"
  • 2001 - "Murder in the Center of America"
  • 2006 - "Bachelor Party in Las Vegas"
  • 2008 - Otis
  • 2009 - "Roll!"
  • 2012 - "Christmas History 2"
  • 2018 - "The game is over, the dude"

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