Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Civil War



Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev is the most famous hero of the Civil War, a character of a popular film, several books and hundreds of jokes. The warlord became a legend like Robin Hood or Tarzan. The biography of this extraordinary person is bright and fascinating.

Vasily Chapaev

Vasily, like many of the person who entered the history of personality, comes from a simple family of a rural carpenter. The boy was born on January 28 (February 9) of 1887 in the Budayka of Cheboksary County of the Kazan province. Grandfather Stepan Gavrilovich - Rustic Older - was recorded in metrics like Gabrilov, and only since Ivan Stepanovich, the family nickname Cupay acquired the status of the name. There is information that the father of the future hero by nationality was Erzei, and Mama - Chuvashka.

After 10 years, a large-scale working family moved to the Samara province, and the father, who received carpentry contracts, determined Vasya to the church-parish school sponsored by the cousin of the boy. However, after 3 years, Ivan Stepanovich took the Son from this school and began to teach the joinery.

House where Vasily Chapaev was born

The reason for the father's disappointment in the educational institution was the cruel punishment of the guilty Vasi. The harsh Volga Winter Boy for a little misconduct was locked in the unheated kartzier fire calant. He managed to jump into a snowdrift, but heat and hurt until spring.

The starting career of the carpenter interrupted the call of the young man in the army. However, after six months, Vasily Commissal due to the belly appeared on the eye. The guy quickly married the daughter of the priest and created a workshop to repair the tools used by peasants in agricultural activities.

Military service

On September 20, 1914, the First World War began, and Chapayev again called for the army. During the time spent on the fronts, Vasily Ivanovich passed the way from the younger Unter-Officer to Feldfelle, participated in the famous Brusilov breakthrough, was repeatedly wounded, but each time he returned to the system.

Vasily Chapaev with colleagues

The courage of Chapaev was largely due to the troubles in the family - Vasily Ivanovich as if he was looking for death in battle. He was a skillful warrior and for the valor received government awards - became a practically complete St. George Cavalier.

Civil War

It is believed that the role of Vasily Ivanovich in the Civil War is very exaggerated. The transformation of the Red Commander in the legendary personality occurred thanks to the book of Dmitry Furmanov, who served in Division Chapaeva Commissioner, and especially the film "Chapaev" directories of Vasilyev.

Dmitry Furmanov and Vasily Chapaev

However, Chapai and the truth was a brave commander that felt in battle more confident than in a peaceful life, skillfully supported the discipline and embarrassed the enemy's nontriviality of actions. RSDLP (b), in which Vasily Ivanovich entered in the fall of 1917, was not the first part in his life. In the vague interval time, Chapaev rushed and adjacent to Esraram, then to the anarchists.

In the cell of the Bolsheviks, where Georgievsky Cavalier came, he was at first accepted a storm. But the image of brave front-line with crosses on the chest contributed to the popularity of Bolshevik ideas among the soldiers. And the career of the commander rapidly went to the mountain. Chapayev fighters fought in the Volga region and Pre-Urals.

Commanders of the Nikolaev division Sergey Zakharov and Vasily Chapaev

In January 1918, Vasily Ivanovich headed the overclocking of the Nikolaev Zemstvo, in February suppressed several anti-Soviet rebellions, soon created the county Red Guard. In May, reorganized the detachments in the shelves of the Red Army.

On June 8, 1918, Soviet power was overthrown in Samara, this was the beginning of the civil war. In July, Beloe captured Ufa, Bugulma and Syzran. On August 23, the Red Troops under the leadership of Chapaeva beat Nikolaevsk in Belyakov, at the proposal of Vasily Ivanovich, who received the name of Emelyan Pugachev.

Portrait of Vasily Chapaev

In the winter of 1919, Chapaev "raised the qualifications" in Moscow at the Military Academy, but escaped from there, as in adolescence from the attic of rural calent. The warlord, who had organizational talents, combat experience and peasant smelter, felt badly in the audiences among the student parties.

For the spring and summer of 1919, he managed to grow from a commander to the commander of the 25th Rifle Division, who had a quoll. During the battle for Ufa, the occupied division in June, Chapaev was wounded. In July of the same year, he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

Personal life

In the story of Furmanov draws such a portrait of the Red Commander: Chapaev is a middle-hearing man with elegant brushes, a clean face and blue-green eyes. The photo is confirmed: there was nothing Bogatyr in the appearance of Vasily Ivanovich.

Vasily Chapaev and his wife Pelagia Metno

In the personal life of Chapaev was not lucky. Vasily Ivanovich had two companions of life, both called Pelagia. The wives of Comda Rodnit also the fact that both turned out to be incorrect to brave military: the first - Pelagia Metno - left Chapayev to the employee of Saratov kink, the second Pelagia Kamishertsev, the widow of his front-line companion Peter, changed Capay with the head of the ammunition repository.

The first spouse, 17-year-old for Vasily, managed to give birth to her husband of three children. The descendants were worthy of the memory of the legendary father. Sasha's eldest son became a personnel officer, awarded for the valiant service with numerous orders and medals. Alexander Vasilyevich completed the life path in the mid-80s in the rank of Major General.

Portrait of Vasily Chapaev

The younger Arkady chose the path of the pilot and died in the accident of the educational fighter 2 years before the start of the Great Patriotic War. The daughter of Claudia, who lived 87 years, devoted the life to collecting information about the father and perpetuating his memory. Grandmother Komdiv Evgeniya wrote about ancestor "My Unknown Chapaev" book.

There is information about two more romantic hobbies of Komdiva. Little time Love Chapaev was the daughter of the Cossack Colonel Tatiana, and then the heart of Vasily Ivanovich broke the wife of Furmanov Anna Stsetenko. Commander and Commissioner, lovers in the same woman, strongly conflicted.

Anna Stsetenko and Dmitry Furmanov

When Stalin recommended to improve the film "Chapaev" by the romantic line, Stshchenko, being co-author of the scenario, gave the only female character his name. So an anca-machine gunner appeared. An interesting fact: in the cinema image of Petki, the features of three Petrov, who served in different years with Chapaev - Kamischkeshev, Kosy and Isaev were combined.


According to the canonical version, which is posted in the film Vasilievy and poem Zinaida Alexandrova, the red commander drowned in the Ural River, to force the wound prevented. However, the body of Chapay is buried not in water, but on land.

Monument to Vasily Chapaev in Cheboksary

For reprisals above the comda, the White Guard Colonel Borodin shaped a special platoon, which was led by the Uplanzhiy Belonozhkin. On September 5, 1919, Belokazaki attacked the city of Lbishchensk (now it is the village of Chapaev, located in Kazakhstan). In battle, 32-year-old Vasily Chapaev received two injuries - in hand and belly.

The fighters laid the victim commander on the raft, which was made from the wicket, and cried Ivanovich Vasily across the river, but on the opposite - Asian - the shore it turned out that Chapai was dead. The cause of death was blood loss.

Monument to Vasilia Chapaev in Samara

Comrades with palms pulled the grave in the sand and disguised it from the opponents of the reeds. The place of the presumptive burial of Komdiv is now flooded as a result of changing the course of the Urals.

In the battles for Lbishchensk, the death of the overall and chapter of the Anti-Chapayevsky operation, Borodin officer.


  • 1915 - Georgievskaya Medal and St. George Cross 4th degree
  • 1916 - Georgievsky Cross 3rd degree
  • 1916 - Georgievsky Cross 2nd degree
  • 1919 - Order of the Red Banner

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