Augusto Pinochet - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Politics



Augusto Pinochet - Chilean General, Politician, Commander-in-Chief of the Army, Pro-American Dictator. Having come to power as a result of the state coup, Military Tyran Svarc democratically selected Socialist People's Government and put an end to civil power. The author of reforms aimed at economic liberalization, gave rise to the "Chilean Miracle", his heritage is still criticized and remains controversial.

Childhood and youth

Augusto José Ramon Pinochet Walp was born on November 25, 1915 in the Chilean Administrative Center Valparaiso. His parents of Augusto Pinochet Vera and Alelina, Verft Martinez, were descendants of the French and Basque, who moved to South America at the beginning of the XIX century. Father worked in the port, in the service of the customs, and the mother led the economy and raised six children.

Augusto Pinochet

In his youth, Augusto studied at the seminary of St. Rafael, visited the Catholic Institute of Maristers and Church School in Valparaiso, and then in 1931 he entered the military institution in Santiago. After 4 years of studying the strategic geography, the young man graduated from the infantry faculty, received the junior officer's rank of Alférez and was distributed to the military part of Concepcion, and then translated into the regiment, which was in the hometown of Valparaiso.

In 1948, Augusto continued his studies at the Military Academy, he deserved the rank of officer-head of the headquarters and began to teach geography and geopolitics, as well as edit the student magazine "Cien Águilas".

Military service and a coup

Soon, Pinochet was appointed by a professor and sent to Ecuador to organize the Military Academy. In the process of performing this mission, a young officer continued to gnaw the granite of military science. Having spent 3 years in the leadership positions in the Chilean Army and recovering the title of the regimental commander, Augusto took the post of deputy director of the Santiago Military Academy.

Officer Augusto Pinochet

In 1968, the future dictator became the commander-in-chief of the 6th division deployed in Ikike, received the rank of brigade general and appointing to the post of trouser Province of Tarapak.

After 4 years, Pinochet has already led the garrison of the Army of Santiago, and after the resignation of Carlos Prats became the commander-in-chief of the Chilean army. At this time, the country was shaking, the number of internal riots reached the critical point. The military took the case in their hands and in the fall of 1973, after the announcement that the Government does not comply with the Constitution, the President of El Salvador Allend.

Augusto Pinochet and Salvador Alende

The role of Pinochet in the events occurred is not fully understood. In the book of Memoov, he argued that he was the main conspirator coordinating the actions of the Armed Forces and the National Police, and the high-ranking military officials said that the commander-in-chief reluctantly joined the coup and participated in it, following the example of the majority. The authors of the films "in Santiago" goes rain "and" Night over Chile "are trying to understand.

Cears Mendoza, José Toribio Merino, Augusto Pinochet, Gustavly

After the overthrow of the government and suicide of Allende, the conspirators created a military junta, Pinochet represented the army, and José Toribio Merino - Fleet, Lee Gustavo - Military Air Force, and the Cears of Mendoza - Carabinierov.

Four suspended the effect of the Constitution and the work of the Congress and began to implement the executive and legislative functions of the government, introducing strict censorship and the curfew. Until December 17, 1974, the generals managed the country, having suspended its political activities, and then the Board was transferred to Pinochet's hands, which, violating the order agreement, became the sole president of Chile.

Governing body

At the beginning of the board, Pinochet tried to get rid of uncomfortable politicians and generals. In the forced resignation, the commander of Aviation Lee, José Toribio Merino lost political strength, and the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Oscar Bonilla under incomprehensible circumstances crashed in the crash of the aircraft.

Augusto Pinochet

The president received total control over the state with the right to declare the state of emergency and to solve the fate of laws and officials. Parliament and parties lost the right to vote, and the National Congress was dissolved.

Chile moved to military regime, the chief enemy of which was announced by the Communists. This was followed by cruel repression, during which about 3 thousand people were killed, and more than a thousand are still missing missing, the first executions took place at the National Stadium in Santiago. In order to ensure the security of the country, Pinochet created special control (Dina), who identified opponents of the new government. Many politicians who have not supported the president died from the hands of intelligence agents.

President Augusto Pinochet

The planned state economy was reorganized and put on the path of transition to market relations. Then the famous quotes of the dictator appeared in the press:

"We are trying to turn Chile to the country of owners, not proletarians" "We must take care of the rich to give them more."

The reforms led to a change in the pension system, which from the distribution turned into cumulative, and health care and education switched to private hands. Enterprising enterprises in the years of Allende returned to the initial owners, which led to expanding business and large-scale speculation. As a result, the country mired in poverty and social inequality.

Augusto Pinochet and Fidel Castro

In 1978, the UN condemned the ideology and dictatorship of Pinochet, releasing the appropriate resolution. Chile's President responded with a referendum on which most supported the existing power. After 2 years, the adviser of the ruling general Himima Gusman developed the new Constitution of Chile, according to which the 8-year term of office of the head of state was determined, and the new judicial authority and the Council of National Security were established.

These steps gave rise to the creation of an armed opposition headed by the leaders of the Opt Communist Party. Its members took a number of operations, one of which was an unsuccessful attempt on the life of Pinochet, undertaken in 1986.

Augusto Pinochet on the parade of the Chilean Army

Faced with growing resistance from the opposition and the international community, in 1987, Pinochet legalized political parties and appointed presidential elections. The decision of the dictator was partly prompted by a meeting with the stronghold of the Catholic faith by John Paul II, who called on Augusto return the country on the path of democracy.

Having lost the vote in October 1988, the Chilean Leader remained for 1 year as head of state instead of the planned 8-year term. On March 11, 1990, Pinochet passed the management of the country to his receiver Patricio Eylvia asokar, who received most votes on an open referendum. The dictator remained the Supreme Commander of the Army until 1998, and then was shied as a lifelong senator.

Augusto Pinochet and George Bush Sr.

In the fall of 1998, Pinochet was first arrested during their stay in the London clinic, and a year later deprived immunity legislator and called for the answer for military and economic crimes. After 16 months of home arrest, the dictator was sent from the UK to their homeland, where the investigation into criminal actions that had a place in the biography of the Blood General began.

As a result of the ex-president, Chile was accused of killing, abductions, corruptions, sales of weapons and drug trafficking. Before the court, Pinochet did not live.

Personal life

On January 30, 1943, Pinochet married 20-year-old Lucia Iriart Rodriguez, with which he had five children: Ines Lucia, Maria Veronika, Jacqueline Marie, Augusto Osvaldo and Marco Antonio. The spouse of the dictator was a representative of a rich kind, playing a prominent role in the political life of the country. Initially, Lucia's father opposed his daughter marriage, but she insisted on her.

Augusto Pinochet and his wife Lucia

Pinochet's personal life was inextricably linked with his political career. The wife became a valuable adviser to the general, and one of the daughters tried to continue the case of the Father, becoming a member of the right conservative party.

After the death of the former president of Chile, his family was repeatedly arrested for hiding money and tax evasion. However, the efforts of lawyers have ceased persecution. The inheritance of the dictator consisted of about $ 28 million, in addition, he was the owner of a huge library in which thousands of copies of valuable and rare books were collected.


Judging by the photographs made in the late 1990s - early 2000s, Pinochet was distinguished by strong health. However, for medical reasons, he was released from under arrest and translated into a home imprisonment.

On December 3, 2006, the former dictator had an attack, and he was taken to intensive care. A week later, the perpetrator of the death of thousands of Chilean citizens died in the hospital chamber surrounded by family members. The cause of death was the swelling of the lungs caused by acute heart failure.

Funeral Augusto Pinochet

On December 10, 2006, the crowds of people went to the streets of Santiago and other cities. The death of Pinochet caused mass demonstrations and rallies among opponents of the general mode.

The next day, the body of the former president was postponed to the building of the Military Academy in Las Condes, where the farewell ceremony took place. Pinochet's dust gave the family to avoid the desecration of the grave.

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