Maria Hill - biography, actress, quotes, appearance and character


Character History

Organization "Sch.I.T.", invented by the creators of "Marvel", is designed to organize interaction and the union of superheroes for the benefit of the earth and to confront the villains that are seeping on it. Bright representatives "Sch.I.T." Became Nick Fury and Maria Hill.

History of creation

The creators of the character named Maria Hill were Brian Michael Bendis and David Finch. For the first time, the girl appeared on the pages of Marvel's comic books in 2005 in the fourth issue dedicated to the Union called "Avengers". She occupied the position of the director in the organization "Sch.I.T." And appeared in several episodes dedicated to individual heroes.

Maria Hill - Art

As a secondary character, Maria Hill appeared in minisers who came out in the 2000s. More attention began to be given to her since 2010, when Maria became a regular character in the series about the "Avengers" and "People of X".


According to Legend, Maria Hill was born in Chicago, Illinois. The girl served as part of the Armed Forces of America. Work in the agency "Sh.I.T." She was her profile direction, and the girl quickly received an increase, building a career. She was noticed by the heads of many powers, noting the achievements and positive qualities of the representative of the secret organization.

Maria Hill

A loud business about the secret war was seriously affected by the reputation of Nika Fury, and he had to complete public activities. When Fury was removed from work, Hill first became the executive director, and then ranked the position of the US Head Advisor. Her competitors did not even be considered, as politicians staged the views of Mary on the activities of the former colleague. At the same time Agent "Sh.I.T." Maria Hill could not find a common language with the command of the Avengers entrusted to her. She also contributed to maintaining the interests of the United States, not the UN, as was assumed by the investors of the organization "Sch.I.T.".

Maria Hill had to resist the re-creating the team "Avengers", when a superstore escaped from a special prison "raft". Captain America managed to use their communicative skills to combine like-minded people. Having access to information stored in the archives "Sh.I.T.", the heroes began to be survened. Hill decided to be loyal and give the heroes to finish the work.

Maria Hill in comics

After the events that occurred on the Wild Earth, Avengers decided that Maria Hill works against them and is a criminal, but her guilt was not found. The agent, in turn, suspects superheroes in concealing important information. For interrogations, she kidnapped Vizhen and Man-Spider. Despite the differences, Hill often objectively assessed the situation and prevented the discharge of an atomic bomb capable of destroying the Avengers.

Maria Hill was the acting face of comics dedicated to the Civil War, which went out in 2006-2007. In them, she interacted with Captain America and blackmailed a miracle man, managed the thumbs up. The operation headed by Hill, failed with a crash. She admitted Tony Stark that the position of director "Sch.I.T." It does not bring her satisfaction and was not able to. Thus, an iron man rose to the head of the organization, and Maria ranked his deputy.

Frame from the film

The main features of Mary Hill is the lack of a tendency to sublimation, the reputation of a person, strictly complying with the regulations and the following rules. She is a pragmatist and was the first who expressed doubts and criticism against the Avengers project. Hill promoted superheroes during the battle for Zakov, helping to defeat Altron.

Among the outstanding character abilities are the ability to effectively conduct interrogations, hand-to-hand combat skills and possession of various weapons. Maria Hill is smart and demonstrates good analytical abilities.


Maria is among the secondary heroes of the Marvel Universe and extremely rarely appears on the screens in the visualization of comics. In the full-length paintings "Avengers", "First Avenger: Another War" and "Avengers: Era Altron" in the image of the agent "Sch.I.T." Actress and German model Kobi Smolders, whose photos decorate the covers of glossy magazines. Despite the fact that there is little attention in large projects to this character, Maria Hill appears in the thematic anime dedicated to the Avengers and Iron Man.

Kobi Smolders

The creators of cartoon serials use the heroine in their projects. Maria Hill appeared in several series of the series "Iron Man: Adventures in armor" and in the project "Avengers: the greatest heroes of the Earth." The character performed by Kobi Smolders is present in several episodes of the multi-sized tape "Agents" Sch.I.T.. "

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