Roy Medvedev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Roy Medvedev is a Soviet and Russian scientist, writer, teacher and publicist. His Peru belongs to the biographies of many political figures of the USSR and Russia, including Nikita Khrushchev, Yuri Andropov and Vladimir Putin. One of the repetitive topics of journalism and research of Medvedev from the beginning of work and to this day remains the figure of Joseph Stalin and the Epoch of Big Terror in the Soviet Union.

Childhood and youth

Roy Alexandrovich Medvedev was born in Tiflis on November 14, 1925. The exotic name of the boy was in honor of Manabendra Roy, known in those years in the USSR of the Indian Communist, who stood at the origins of the Communist Party of India.

The father of the boy, the regimental commissioner of the Red Army, worked at the Department of dialectical and historical materialism at the Military Political Academy, Olga Isaakovna's mother played a cello. Roy Medvedev has a mixed nationality: he has both Russians and Jewish roots, and the last scientist does not hide.

Roy Medvedev and Zhores Medvedev in youth

In 1938, in the midst of Stalin's cleansing, senior Medvedev was arrested. They sentenced a man to 8 years of conclusion, leaving the opportunity to correspond with the close. However, until the end of the term, Father Roy and his brother Zhores did not live - in 1941 he died in the camp.

The study was given to the young man easily - he received secondary education by externally by 1943. Then, for 3 years, Medvedev served in the army in non-road positions. Returning to civil life, Roy entered the Faculty of Philosophy, which then graduated with honors. After that, it was engaged in pedagogical activities: first taught in high school, then worked by the director of the "Semillets".

Creativity and social activities

In 1956, the XSSR Congress was held in the USSR, at which Nikita Khrushchev made a closed report on the condemnation of the cult of the personality of Joseph Stalin. The result of these events became a thaw and rehabilitation of many convicts on the 58th article. Alexander Medvedev got into this list. The swarm eventually became a member of the party, but a lot of time paid to the dissident movement.

Roy Medvedev

In parallel with this in 1958, defending the thesis in the IHPI. Lenin, Medvedev became a candidate of Pedagogical Sciences and began working as the editor-in-chief of the publishing house "Stockedgiz".

In 1961, he took up writing the main thing, according to him, Labor Life: Books "To the Court of History: The Genesis and the consequences of Stalinism." The work lasted 7 years, and by the time the manuscript was completed, the thaw began to go to no, and the image of Stalin began to try to oblivion and rehabilitate. Against this background of the reasoning about the repression and the era of the Big Terror, let them fail in the philosophical key, could not remain unpunished - in 1969, from the party of Roy Alexandrovich, they were excluded.

Writer Roy Medvedev

On March 19, 1970, together with 2 other major Soviet dissidents, Andrei Sakharov and Valentin Turchinov, Medvedev published an open letter to the Government of the USSR. In it, scientists indicated the authorities that the democratization of the Soviet system becomes a necessity. After such a statement, no publications of the works of Roy Alexandrovich in the USSR speech no longer walked.

By 1971, Roy Alexandrovich left the service in government agencies and became a free scientist. To such a step, it was forced by a law enforcement system: in the Medvedev house they conducted a search, the scientist seized the archive and issued an agenda that caused to the prosecutor's office.

Books of Roy Medvedev

Instructions from the agenda Roy Alexandrovich prudently ignored and decided to temporarily disappear from the field of sight of the authorities. For some time, Medvedev illegally lived in the Baltic States, and on his return to Moscow found what he was planned, forgot about him. Zhores Medvedev, meanwhile, was pursued much more tougher for attacks on academician Trofim Lysenko. As a result, in 1973, Roya's brother went to London with his family, and in the future the publication of Medvedev's books was carried out through Zhores.

The main topics of the works of Roy Alexandrovich since the 1970s are Nikita Khrushchev and its politics. The time of the thaw of Medvedev assesses the period of liberation and the top of liberalization in the form in which it was possible for the USSR. However, with the time of Khrushchev, according to the scientist, "outlined himself" and was shifted because he did not have his own clear reform program.

Roy Medvedev and Zhorez Medvedev

After coming to power, Mikhail Gorbachev and followed by the change in the writer of Roy Alexandrovich began a new period. With his work, an unofficial ban was filmed, and the name of the scientist became popular not only abroad, but also at home.

In 1989, Medvedev recovered in the party, while retaining the experience, during the restructuring Roy Alexandrovich was the People's Deputy of the USSR and a member of the Supreme Council. The events that followed the restructuring - the actions of the GCCP and Boris Yeltsin - the scientist exposed a tough criticism, and the 1991 coup is called the state coup. In an interview with 2013, the Gordon Boulevard newspaper Medvedev said that the collapse of the USSR became a tragedy.

Roy Medvedev and Vladimir Putin

After the restructuring and decay of the Soviet Union, the book of Roy Alexandrovich began to be regularly published in Russia. One of the genres in which Medvedev writes is a political biography. In 2007, Vladimir Putin written by him was published. This led to a squall of critical statements from the liberal community: a positive tone of the book was contracted with the reputation of Medvedev as a dissident.

According to the pione of Alexandrovich, during the writing of the biography, he did not fundamentally communicate with Putin - feared to get under the influence of the charm of the president and becoming an imjective. Personal meeting with Vladimir Vladimirovich, however, still took place, but after the release of the book. On the eve of the 85-year-old Jubilee Medvedev, the President invited him to the residence near Moscow. A personal conversation took place between Roy Alexandrovich and Vladimir Vladimirovich, about the details of which a scientist, of course, does not say.

Personal life

A little about the personal life of Medvedev is known: in an interview and conversations with the press, he prefers to talk about himself, but about history and work. The photo of the scientist is not in the setting of conversations with journalists - also rarity for the network.

With his wife Galina Roy Alexandrovich lives for over 50 years. By the profession of the spouse of the scientist, the doctor, but for many years he is sick and almost does not get up. Son Alexander Roeevich Medvedev by education Engineer.

Roy Medvedev and his brother Zhores

Family - Galina, Alexander's wife, Svetlana, and 2 granddaughters Medvedev - lives in the house designed by him in the suburbs. The scientist himself, however, prefers to a comfortable new home old winter cottage, located in the depths of the site - there is more convenient and calmly to work.

Contrary to the established opinion, Roy Medvedev is not a professional historian. The scientist himself considers this "title" of the media stamp and emphasizes that the doctoral title has in the field of pedagogical sciences.

Roy Medvedev now

On November 15, 2018, tragic changes were made in the life of Roy Alexandrovich - his twin brother Jorees Medvedev died in London.

Roy Medvedev in 2018

In 2014, Medvedev issued another book about the President of the Russian Federation - "Putin's Time". However, working as a scientist, according to his recognition, it is becoming increasingly harder - it bothers the age, and part of their developments, he gradually rents in the state archive.


  • 1974 - "To the court of history: the genesis and the consequences of Stalinism"
  • 1986 - "Khrushchev. Political biography"
  • 1990 - "On Stalin and Stalinism"
  • 1990 - "They surrounded Stalin"
  • 1991 - "Personality and era. Political portrait of L. I. Brezhnev"
  • 1993 - "Secretary General with Lubyanka"
  • 1997 - "Chubais and Voucher"
  • 1999 - "Unknown Andropov"
  • 2004 - "Solzhenitsyn and Sakharov. Two Prophet"
  • 2007 - "Split Ukraine"
  • 2007 - "Vladimir Putin"
  • 2011 - "Boris Yeltsin. People and power in Russia at the end of the XX century"
  • 2011 - "" Quiet Don. "Riddles and the opening of the Great Roman"
  • 2014 - "Time Putin"

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