Spiderman - biography, appearance and character, actress, image


Character History

Green-eyed brunette, whose face is hidden under the half mask, with an incredible dexterity detects violators of the law. Beauty, known as a spiderman, no matter who is in front of her: superhero, aliens or a simple man. The failed professional killer chose the path of good. It's nice when the bright side defend the heroines in the hundreds of the most sexy heroines of comics.

History of creation

The idea of ​​creating a character, similar to the characteristics with Peter Parker, belonged to Stan Lee. Editor "Marvel" suggested colleagues to create a picture of a pachecheki girl to consolidate the copyrights of the heroine. Lee did not want to repeat the story with a wonderful man, whose name managed to book "DC Comics".

Stan Lie

The development of the image was entrusted by Maria Severin and Archie Goodwin. The authors "Marvel" decided that the connection with Peter Parker would be too anticipated by turning, so the acquaintance of a person-spider-friendly with a girlfriend according to the abilities was not initially provided.

The first appearance of the beauty took place in Marvel Spotlight in February 1977. The resulting character quickly won the love of fans, and soon the female spider acquired his own history.

Spiderman and Spider Man

The Spider-Woman series did not beat the top comic ratings, but kept the interest of fans for several years. By 2009, the first spider woman acquired rudents with a similar pseudonym, as well as joined the ranks of "New Avengers". Such a turn of the biography presented a restart character, for writing whose writer Brian Michael Bendis took.


Jessica Drew was born in the family of scientists who were constantly moving into different points of the globe. Father and mother of the future Woman Spider were engaged in research in the field of genetic abnormalities and after the birth of the hear of the villagers in a small town, not far from the uranium repository.

Woman spiderman

This neighborhood was noticeably affected on a little Jessica. The girl seriously fell ill, and to save the life of his daughter, his father introduced heroine serum based on the blood of spider-shaped. Alas, it did not solve the problem. Jessica fell into someone and spent decades without consciousness. The heroine woke up by an adult girl deprived of any memories of the past.

The orphaned beauty is arranged to work in the local dining room, finds himself a house and meets a reliable guy. Everything collapsing when, without coping with suddenly awakened abilities, Jessica kills her beloved.

The heroine has to run and hide a long time, while the Gydra organization does not come to the trail. Confident that I got to good guys, Jessica learns to cope with those who opened talents under the guidance of new acquaintances.

Woman's suit

The girl moves faster than wind, balances on the fingers, is able to take any poses and easily raises gravity up to 7 tons. No less impressive beauty moves along the sheer walls, seduces men by emitted pheromones and is not exposed to poisons.

Despite the appreciation of "Hydra", Jessica did not agree to kill in the name of evil ideology and after several battles with former comrades moved to Los Angeles. The first thing that did beauty was, took control of Pheromones, who prevented the girl to become invisible in the big city.

And after meeting with Peter Parker, known as Spiderman, Jessica binds fate with head hunters. Taking the pseudonym "Woman Spider", Miss Drew begins a private detective career. The work became for Jessica to bewitch, because the personal life of the heroine is full of contradictions. Girls novels quickly begin and quickly end.


Permanent confrontation with superholes and magicians reduced a woman-spider woman with Wolverine and people of X, but a secret of victories over the villains interrupted the news - other figures are hiding under the heroic pseudonym of Jessica.

Beautiful woman meets Charlotte Whitter, endowed with the abilities of spider-sifted against the will, and later Matty Franklin, which also has talents moving along the walls. During the acquaintance with the new girlfriends, Jessica was deprived of his own forces several times, which did not cool the desire of the girl to fight the villains.

The return of the abilities of a spiderman is obliged already familiar "Hydra". Having trapped, the girl had to agree to spy for the organization and report to the Nazis on the actions of the organization "Sh.I.T.", with which Jessica collaborated. From the delicate situation, the beauty quickly got out - the heroine became a double agent, merging the "hydra" false facts.

Spiderman - biography, appearance and character, actress, image 1289_6

Soon from the spy games heroine distracted a new threat. A woman kidnapped by aliens of the scrull race. Villains created an accurate clone of beauty, and the real Jessica was immersed in deep sleep. Later, superheroes drew a hoax, but up to this point the fake female spider managed to create a lot of problems.

Having lost confidence of colleagues and friends who returned a spiderman leaves the US and returns to England. Before heroine, it is almost impossible to find and destroy the scrules that pretend to superhero. The hunt for the enemy takes a lot of time and effort. But the girl will not stop until it sails the earth from the alien infection.


The film "Marvel" has not yet been replenished with a film or a series dedicated to a spider woman. But Jessica Drew is a frequent cartoon character.

Woman Spiderman in Cartoon

In 1979, the first episode of the animation series "Woman Spider" was published. The plot is noticeably different from comics. In the cartoon Jessica Drew bites a poisonous spider, and to escape from death a girl helps only an antidote designed by the Father. Becoming older, the beauty is arranged to work in criminal news, from where he learns about the crimes that independently reveals. Joins the heroine Joan Wang Ark.

In 2009, in parallel with the Restarting Comic, the animated series "Woman Spiderman: Agent V.O. AND". The cartoon tells about the life of Jessica after the abduction of the scruples and the further struggle with aliens. The voice superheroine gave Jolinn Carpenter.

Interesting Facts

  • In the alternative reality "Marvel" Woman Spiderman - Clone Peter Parker. The girl carries the name Gwen Stacy.
  • The image of a woman-spider can be found in mythology. In ancient Greece, Arachne was given a similar role - a woman who dared to challenge Athena.
  • Classic women-spider suit - red-yellow. Other girls hiding under the same name appear in comics in black and white suits. And the granddaughter of man-spider-man Ashley Barton hides the person under the red-blue dress.
  • Jessica Drew became the first pregnant heroine of comic, which Marvel Publishers were placed on the cover. A room with a rounded woman-spider came out in June 2015.

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