Iron fist - biography, appearance, strength and ability, quotes


Character History

Fast, deft and incredibly strong man on the nicknamed Iron fist devoted most of the life to study the basics of hand-to-hand combat. The young man who is not endowed with the primers of superhuman strength, managed to become a superhero, to achieve the heights of skill and make friends with Lyuk Cage, Jessica Jones and even a spiderman. How many talents were hiding in a guy who does not look like a reckless wrestler with evil at all!

History of creation

The great master of martial arts first appeared on the pages of the comic in 1974. Character authors - Writers and artists "Marvel" Roy Thomas and Gil Kane. The appearance of the hero had to attend world hobbies with hand-to-hand martial arts. Roy Thomas argued that John Aman is a superhero designed by Bill Everett served as inspiration for creating an image.

Iron fist

Even the character's name was attributed to martial arts. Thomas and Kane saw the combat reception of the Iron Fist Ceremony in the movie about Kung Fu. This served as a starting point for creating a fashionable plot at that time. Stan Lee appreciated the innovative solutions of employees, and soon the Iron fist was involved in Marvel Premiere No. 15-25.

In November 1975, the superhero acquired a personal series of comic book, which went on sale until September 1977. Noticing that the popularity of the image began to fall, the publishers "Marvel" created a tandem of two superheroes, in which no character reliated increased attention. However, it did not save the iron fist from forgotten.

Iron Fist - Art

In 1991, interest in the popular image came back. The iron fist replenished the ranks of superheroes and even received two nominal mini series: "Iron Fist (Vol. 2)" and "Iron Fist (Vol. 3)". Until 2010, the hero regularly appeared as a minor character in stories dedicated to other Defenders of the Earth (including Wolverine, Spider Man and Other).

In 2014, the iron fist had the opportunity to recall itself again. Iron Fist: The Living Weapon comics were on sale, which tell fans about the strength and unusual abilities of the martial arts master.


Daniel Rand was born in the family of businessmen. Parents of a boy - advertising agents - a lot of time spent on business trips and often took the Son with them. True, not always traveling through the world was associated with the business. Father Danny, who once lived in the magical country K'un-Moon, was looking for many years a way to get into familiar places.

Daniel Rand and Spiderman

During the next expedition to Tibet, the boy's parents died. Senior Rand crashed in the mountains, and Danny's mother sacrificed himself, defending his son from the flock of wolves. The teenager remained alone among unfamiliar area. Saved a child from cold and hungry death Residents of K'un-Moon, who were not far from the place of the tragedy.

The boy was in the country that his father was looking for so long. The magic city opened the new opportunities in front of Danny, the teenager staged a student to the Great Mattle Arts Master. By the age of 16, after many years of training, Daniel Rand got the crown fu-ХСИ - award of recognized masters.

However, the hero did not stop on the achieved. Having learned that the Great Warriors K'un-Moon were honored with the title "Iron Kulak", Danny threw all his strength to conquer new heights. In 19 years, a bold young man spoke out against the Shu Lao of the immortal - the fire-hazing snipe-like monster. After having won the battle, the young man plunged his hands into the roar, which was guarded by snakes. Now Danny possessed an incredible force of impact and rightly wore a new title.

Iron Fist against Shu Lao Immortal

It would seem that the vertices are conquered. But the story of Daniel Randa, like the biographies of most superheroes, did not cost without a plan to take revenge on the offenders. Confident that the Father was killed by the fault of a business partner, Danny returns to the United States to kill the traitor.

By the time of the meeting with the enemy, superhero finds out that the man hated himself became disabled. Iron fist forgives the killer of his father. Soon another offended hero kills the villain. Now Danny has to prove his own innocence to clear the name in the eyes of a long-standing girlfriend Joy Mixam and find a place in this unfamiliar world.

As the heir to the advertising empire, Danny could not worry about finance. The hero, who, during the investigation of the killing of the Father's business partner, met a lot of superhumans, organizes agency called "Heroes by hiring."

Misty Knight

People who possess superpowers helped simple mortals to solve problems and deal with crime. A man started a love relationship with Misti Knight and spent a lot of time in the squabbles with a partner on the agency Lyuo Cage on nicknamed Solda.

However, soon the work stopped bringing joy to an iron fist. The villains in the world did not become less, and the permanent scandals took the balanced master of martial arts from themselves. Saving a child from radiation irradiation, the iron fist fell ill with cancer. It became the collapse of "hiring heroes".

Luke Cage

Father from the deadly disease Danny helped meditation. Captured in captive X'yltry - the enemies of the city of K'un-Moon, a man spent a lot of time unconscious, restoring his own body and waiting for help from friends. However, the latter did not hurry to save the hero. The beloved iron fist and the nearest environment were confident that everything was in order with Danny. X'yltry was sent to the Earth of the Double Rand.

The deception revealed after the sudden death of the twin of the iron fist. Then Wolverine, Dr. Strøndj and other superheroes found a comrade and defeated the race, planning the seizure of the Earth.


The iron fist healed from the mental torment again returns to the ranks of superheroes engaged in the salvation of the world. But more often Danny helps unusual people who have fallen into difficult situations. For example, the iron fist deftly performs the role of the Sorvigolov to convince the public that Matt Matt's ordinary person is sitting in prison, and not a superhero.

Those who wanted to train human skits who acquired in the magic city, the iron fist enters into battle with steel snake, representatives of "Hydra" and other villains who wish to conquer the mysterious city and destroy the legacy that many centuries guard the masters of martial arts.


Before entering the screens, the iron fist often performed the secondary hero of cartoons. The character appeared in the cartoon tapes "Iron fist against Hulka", "The Super Hero Squad Show" (voice - Mike Kelly), "Avengers: the mighty heroes of the Earth" (Lauren Leicester) and the "Great Spider Man" (Greg Kaipes).

Finn Jones in the image of an iron fist

In 2000, Marvel announced the creation of the film "Iron Kulak". The actor Raymond Park was invited to the main role, the director of the picture was to speak Kirg Wong. But the shooting of the blockbuster did not start. Transferred and coordination continued until 2012, and in 2013, the film company stated that the film was suspended.

In March 2017, the premiere of the television series "Iron fist" took place. The plot of the multi-sized film is based on the canonical story of the hero. The role of Martial Arts Master got the actor Finn Jones, although in initially film studio was looking for an artist of Asian origin.


"I am not an ordinary fighter ... I am an iron fist, and I never lose." "If I can call my qi, I can focus my energy on my hand, creating a powerful weapon." "Do not let the enemy choose a battle place. Always act from the position of power. And do not let the enemy make you trap. "" The person cannot lead until he knew himself. "

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