Camille Pissarro - Portrait, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Pictures



Camille Pissarro is a famous artist, ancestor and an adherent of impressionism, was one of the creators of the Paris Society of "rejected" painters. Being at the same time a student and teacher, the master adopted the experience of the predecessors and passed the descendants gained skills.

Artist Camille Pisserrro

Becoming a creative "father" of George sulfur, the fields of Cezanne, Vincent Van Gogh and the Gauga fields, a landscape officer preached new art. In the eyes of colleagues and comrades, the talented Frenchman was the subject of admiration, and critics and the public seemed a primitive amateur. Time passed everything in places, and Most of the connoisseurs of this art recognized the greatness of Pisserro.

Childhood and youth

Jacob Abraham Camille Pissarro was born on one of the islands in West Indies on July 10, 1830. Father Abram Pisserroo was a Portuguese Jew with French citizenship, and his mother, a native Dominican Republic, called Rachel Mansano. Until 1842, a family with four children lived on Saint Thomas Island, belonging to Denmark, and then moved to France and settled nearby from the capital.

Camille Pisserro

Camille studied at the boarding school, at the end of which he entered the Academy of Savari. The young man early began to appreciate the art and in his student years took the lessons of drawing and painting from teachers of the educational institution. At the age of 17, Pissarro enthusiastically wrote from nature, and his father who did not take creativity for his profession, forced her son to work at a family enterprise.

In 1951, Camille left the parental house and moved to Venezuela, where she worked as an artist artist for some time. Collecting a portfolio, a young man painted everything that saw, including village landscapes and household scenes, and after 2 years, returning to France, settled an assistant to the workshop of the Danish painter Anton Melbe.

Self-portrait Kamil Pisssarro

In Paris, Pissarro visited private lessons and courses of masters of the Osusch Academy, more than other preferring occupations of Jean-Batista Coro. His debut works became multiple landscapes of St. Thomas, as well as portraits of its inhabitants: "Bay at St. Thomas", "Bundoras on the banks of the river", "Landscape with figures at the river" and others.


During the early creation of Pissarro, the accuracy of the transfer of the pristine beauty of nature was valued. The artist left the stuffy city streets, went out to work on rural expanses and painted landscapes for one sit. Without taking the requirements of the salons, the Camille found like-minded people in the face of Claude Monet, Arman Giomena and Cezanne fields and began to write simple works that were not perceived by the public and did not exhibit in gallery.

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The first demonstration of the paintings of this period was the exposure placed in the room for "rejected" masters in 1863. Moving to England in the 1870s has favorably influenced the biography of the artist. Pissarro revised a negative attitude to work in the studio, and his paintings began to acquire a spontaneous appearance.

In 1870-1871, the artist wrote 12 works by oil, the most famous of which became the "church of all saints in Norwood" and "Crystal Palace in London". The painter until the end of the life remained under the influence of British landscapes and was repeatedly returned to the foggy Albion, to reinfeit their favorite places on the canvas.

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Upon returning to France, Pissarro learned with horror that out of 1.5 thousand paintings left in Paris, they survived only 42, and the rest of the canvas were spoiled or destroyed by soldiers. It is assumed that the author's lost work wrote in the manner of the emerging impressionism, documenting the first steps of this unique creative phenomenon.

Camille experienced the tragedy and, having moved to the village, wrote a series of lyrical works, one of whom was the sketch of "entering the Vouisen village". In 1873, he played a major role in creating an artistic society, united Masters-Roguez, collecting together the fields of Cezanna, Claude Monet, Edward Mana, Pierre Auguste Renuara and Edgar Degas.

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Soon the group organized the first exhibition of the creativity of impressionists, shocked critics capable of understanding only religious, historical and mythological cloths. The pictures of the new society were considered vulgar and ordinary, and the style of painting was called too schematic compared to the traditional artistic manner.

The use of bright and expressive smears Along with the shadows from the ghost objects, the brothers in the craft was considered amateur and mockery over the respected profession of the artist.

In the early 1980s, Pissarro was tired of impressionism and began to explore new techniques and methods of painting. The artist wanted to discover the public eyes on some simple things, drawing people behind the familiar daily activities. Such a picture was the "Portrait of Madame Pissarro for embroidery in front of the window", written in 1879.

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After 5 years, the master was carried away by neo-simpressionism and a scientific approach to painting, implied to the use of crispy spots of clean flowers, mixed when shading and contemporary from afar.

Until 1888, the Camille practiced this painstaking and labor method of the letter and created a number of works that appeared in a special section at the exhibition of Impressionists in 1886, among which "blooming apple tree in Euras", "Vytal", "Flock of Sheep" and "Il Lacro Rouen Fog effect. "

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In the late 1980s, Pissarro returned to the early style, stating that the point system was too unnatural. The artist again took up the favorite rural types and scenes from the life of a simple person and wrote about 100 landscapes, portraits and household sketches: "Bridge of the Seas", "Apple collectors", "Park in Kew", "Bird Market", etc.

In old age, the painter began to suffer from chronic eye infection, which excluded stay and work on the street. Looking in the mirror, Pissarro drew a number of self-portraits and created a series of paintings on the topic of the village.

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At sunset of life, Camille wrote an unsurpassed cycle of species of Paris streets, boulevards and squares, consisting of 30 works. From the windows of the upper floors, the artist watched the life of the city and reproduced seen on the canvas. "Montmartre Boulevard in Paris", "Opera travel in Paris. Effect of snow. Morning "and" Epsier Street, Rouen (Sunlight Effect) "became the greatest creations of the Impressionist and fell into the collection of the best museums in the world.

Contemporaries did not appreciate the mastery of the painter and did not burn with the desire to buy his paintings. Glory and commercial success came to Pissarro after many years after the untimely death of the artist, whose works began to be estimated at millions of dollars and exhibited in the famous halls and galleries of Russia, Europe and the USA.

Personal life

Contrary to the will of the parents in 1871, the Camille took his wife's maid named Julie Velley, who was the daughter of the vineyard and gave birth to an artist 8 children. The family lived outside of Paris, where Pisserrro could enjoy rustic landscapes and calmly work.

Camille Pissarro and his wife Julie

Deficious inheritance because of love for common woman, the painter barely reduced the ends with the ends, the financial situation was slightly improved only at the end of life, when in one of the galleries they conducted an exhibition-retrospect of his paintings. After the start of the Franco-Prussian war, not having the opportunity to enter into the army due to the lack of French citizenship, Pissarro transported relatives to England, and in 2 years he returned to Paris submissions.

Camille Pissarro with his wife and children

Sons spent a lot of time in the workshop of the Father and gradually joined the creative process. The most talented successor of the artist's traditions was Lucien Pissarro, who devoted himself to painting, xylography and graphics.

Georges Henri, the former Julie and Camille, who was a gifted child. By choosing the profession of the artist, he, unlike his father and his brother, was carried away by modernism and created the canvas under the influence of Hojn's creativity.


Details and causes of death of Camille Pissarro are unknown. Locked to 73 years old, on November 12, 1903 the artist died in a hotel room in Paris.

The grave of Camille Pisserrro

The impressionist was buried at the famous Cemetery of Per Leshes, located in the eastern part of the French capital.


  • 1864 - "Wagon with trees"
  • 1869 - Landscape in Luvuresen
  • 1871 - "Nizhny Norwood"
  • 1874 - "Street in the eritiation Pontoazier"
  • 1877 - "Fields"
  • 1883 - "Cowgirl"
  • 1887 - "Apple tree in Euras"
  • 1889 - "Stacks"
  • 1891 - Kosari on vacation "
  • 1893 - "Street Saint Lazar"
  • 1897 - "Montmartre Boulevard Morning Light and Fog"
  • 1899 - "Portrait of the Emil Field"
  • 1902 - "Bridge Nes in Fog"
  • 1903 - "Avtopratret"

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