Annie Leibovitz - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News 2021



Goose, wrapped around the neck of a young, not yet Oscarone Leonardo di Caprio. Woke Goldberg in the bath, whose naked figure hides milk - except for hands, legs and heads. Salma Hayek, transformed into the Mexican surrealist Frido Calo. Jude Low in a boat near the river with a dog, as if a Russian teenager on her grandmother's vacation.

Ingenious Annie Leibovitz

All these and many other talented celebrities (politicians, musicians, athletes) through their photos with an unusual side reveals the brilliant Annie Leibovitz.

Childhood and youth

In the second October Day of 1949 in Waterbury, Marilyn and Sam Leibowitz born the third child - the girl was decided to name Anna Lou. Later, three more children appeared in the family. Father - Lieutenant Colonel of the Air Force - on debt of the service had to move from place to place, and in this it was invariably accompanied by homemade. It would seem that the case is troublesome, but the observation of the world through the car window, according to their relatives, pushed Anna to art that glorified her to the whole world.

Annie Leibovitz in youth

Feel, understand and create a beautiful is Annie from the mother who was a teacher of dance. In his youth, or rather in high-class Northwood High School, the girl tried herself in music, even tried to compose his own works, as well as in painting. However, everything changed the War in Vietnam, who led the family of Leibovitz to the Philippines. It is here that Anna-Lu awakened a passion for the shooting.

As for higher education, later the choice fell on the Institute of Arts in San Francisco, at the end of which a student planned to become a drawing teacher. But once in the university passed a master class in photography, after him, Anna, inspired by the works of Robert Frank and Henri Cartier Bresson, changed the specialty.

Annie Leibovitz

Studying on the 2nd course, threw her studies and left with his family to Japan, where he acquired his first chamber Minolta SR-T 101. Upon his return, the girl was discovered for evening classes. To develop creative abilities on a new field, she even went to Israel, where I tried my hand in various professions.

Photo art

Returning to the United States, Leibovitz went to the founder of the Rolling Stone cult gloss, which was so impressed by the portfolio presented, which immediately instructed the employee responsible task - to make a portrait picture of John Lennon. The work received is an unfair musician, piercing through the thick glasses of glasses - has become the decoration of the magazine cover of January 12, 1971.

Photographer-portraitist Annie Leibovitz

When the transition of editions to color shooting happened, Annie had to independently study new technologies that, perhaps, allowed her to find his own unique style. In 1975, she was an official photographer legendary "Rolling" in their American tour.

On the eighth day of December 1980, John Lennon and his spouse Yoko was planned a photo session with Annie Leibovitz.

"They were for me as gods. I remember what the impression on me was made by a kiss on the cover of Double Fantasy. The 80s were not the romantic era, and the kiss was so delightful, "she said later in an interview.
John Lennon and Yoko it in the photo shoot Annie Leibovitz

Before starting Lennon, stolen a girlfriend - without her knowledge, he suddenly decided to trim, explaining the decision by the fact that wearing long hair since the beatles. Then she was struck by the decision of the couple to pose together - the editors were only interested in John's individual photograph. Annie, not wanting to undermine the trust of friends, gave way, offering them to undress and hug.

The man took off his clothes with himself lightning, but for some reason his wife knew. I didn't want to completely shook Yoko, offered to remove the top, but the author decided to leave the shirt. The final frame turned to the final, where the famous "ex-bitle", like a human embryo, pressed against his beloved. A few hours later, John Lennon killed an obsessed fan. After 29 years, their only son Sean decided to repeat the experiment of the parents.

Leonardo di Caprio and Demi Moore in the photo Annie Leibovitz

Later in the book of Yoko, it's "Memory of John", where the memories of him were indulging in colleagues (Bono, Ray Charles, Mick Jagger), friends and fans were included, previously unpublished works were included. First of all, they include the complete photo shoot of Annie Leibovitz.

From Rolling Stone, Annie went to the Vanity Fair, where the author's lens were completely naked Demi Moore at the end of the pregnancy period; Miley Cyrus, which caused the ambiguous response of the public; Group portraits of the West family (Kanye, his wife Kim Kardashian and their daughters North). Labovitz works were printed in many popular editions - Vogue (for example, the image of Natalia Vodyanova), Esquire, New Yorker, Time, etc.

Natalia Vodyanova in Annie Labovitz lens for Vogue

In 2006, the documentary film "Life seen through the lens" is dedicated in the 2006th of the biography and creativity of the brilliant artist.

Personal life

Acquaintance with the writer Susan umbrella occurred in 1998, since then two talented women did not part up to the death of Sue in 2004. In public, the ladies were not recognized in the nature of their own relationships and did not apply on personal life, but Leibovitz did not hide that they experienced serious feelings to each other.

Beloved Annie Leibovitz Susan umbrella
"We were two people who helped each other in our lives. The closest word is still "friend." But you can call us lovers. I like this word - it sounds so romantic. I want to be completely sincere - I love Susan, "the photographer commented on.

Annie has three children, and all the girls: Sarah Cameron (2001) and born by Surrogate Mother Susan and Samuel (2005).

Annie Leibovits now

From October 18, 2018 to January 21, 2019, the Petersburg "Hermitage" presented the opportunity to Russians to get acquainted personally with the cultures of Labovitz. Here the attention of visitors is provided with a temporary exhibition of pictures presented by the titled author.

Exhibition Annie Leibovitz in the State Hermitage in 2018-2019

In January Vogue-2019 published the shooting of the breeding of Chopra with her beloved before the wedding celebration, made by Leibowice.

As for social networks, Annie has personal pages in Facebook and Twitter, which she, however, is unprecedented. In "Instagram", the thousands of fans are following the favorite through the fan profile.

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