Dmitry Meshiev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The surname Meshiev in the Russian cinema is one of the sonors and weighty. Dmitry Meshiev is the youngest of the famous creative family, in which the work for parents remained in the first place. It is not surprising that he continued the dynasty and achieved high results as a director and producer of films. In his biographies, complete victories and ranks, there are also scandalous pages. Mesocheyev is not hesitated to accept mistakes and speaks about it directly and openly.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Meshiev-Jr. was born on October 31, 1963 in Leningrad. His parents are famous in cinematic circles operator Dmitry Meshiev and director Natalia Troškchko.

Dmitry Meshiev

According to Meshieva, the youngest, the family relations between the father and the mother were complex. A creative profession and complete workload in work affected. But the parents managed to preserve the family and cared for the only child. Mother and father wanted her son to choose the profession of the operator, but Dmitry preferred to go to the world of cinema in its own way.

In the adolescence, Dmitry began to show character, and the behavior had deteriorated. In an interview with the Empress Newspaper publishing, Dmitry Dmitrievich confirmed that he was a difficult teenager, and the parents were afraid that the case could end in prison. Therefore, when Meshiev-younger turned 17 years old, he is sent to a semi-annual film spedition. There he visited the camps for minor criminals, looked at his eyes to life and life in the zone.

Dmitry Meshiev in youth

I had enough impressions, Dmitry is taken for the mind and immersed in the work. Since 1981, it is listed on the "Lenfilm" mechanic of the film crew. Remembering the period of becoming, Meshiev, Jr. says:

"I do not consider an intelligent, but thanks to the work has become a civilized person."

After 2 years, in 1983, Dmitry goes to Moscow, where he comes to VGIK to the directorial course of Marlene Huziyev. The master knew Meshieva's father, both Georgian nationality, besides, men communicated well among themselves.

"My dad was friends with Marlale Huziev, and I was taken to VGIK. Not that according to Blat, but it played the role, "says Meshiev, Jr. - I do not hide, and what is terrible? Why we believed that the working dynasty was good, and the cinematic - bad? ".


The directorial debut in Dmitry Dmitrievich took place in 1990 in the painting "Gambrinus" based on the name of Alexander Kurin's named story. Valery Todorovsky worked on the scenario part. Nina Ruslanova, Irina Rosanova, Victor Pavlov, Lion Borisov and other actors were shot in the film.

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After a year, Mesocheyev starts shooting the pictures of "Cynic" on the novel by Anatoly Mariengof. In 1993, the drama "over dark water" appears, which the audience was remembered on the bright game of Alexander Abdulov, Ksenia Kachalin and Yuri Kuznetsov. In 1997, Dmitry tries to experiment. The director removes the erotic film "Bomb". The following year, it starts shooting Mysteric film "American" on the story of Yuri Korotkov.

Meshiev-Jrhev did not give him a single year to relax. Every year, strong films are filmed with a strong plot, punching soul and attracting the attention of the audience. In his filmography "Women's property", "Diary Kamikadze", "Mechanical Suite", the series "Breathe with me" and "Lines of Fate".

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In 2004, the film "Own" comes to the screens. Brilliant cast - Konstantin Khabensky, Bogdan Mortar, Sergey Garmash, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Mikhail Evlanov and others - created an emotional story about despair and betrayal, about the struggle for life and faith in good. In the same year, "their own" won the main prize of the Moscow International Film Festival, becoming winners in 5 nominations. On the score of the film also award "Nika", "Golden Eagle" and "Golden Aries".

Separately, it is possible to designate the film "Battalion", the premiere of which took place in the Russian box office in 2015. Movie stars like Marat Basharov, Maria Aronov, Irina Rakhmanova and others played the main roles.

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The film tells the dramatic history of the female detachment established in 1917 by the temporary government to raise the Spirit in the Russian army. Women came volunteers and belonged to different class estates: from the peasants to Princess. Half battalion dies in the first battle.

Dmitriev Meshiev admits that the work on the film was obliged by the order and the cast was approved by the producer of the project Igor Galnikov. "Battalion" turned out to be ambiguous. A lot of criticism sounded to the creators, and at the same time the tape won more than 30 Russian and foreign awards.

The creative failure was called Meshiyev-Junior work on the series "Wall", whose screenwriter was made by the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky. According to the director, the desired result did not work out due to the complexity of the script.

"Let's say, just did not cope with the literature of Medina, with its 600-page work," Mesocheyev explained.
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In October 2018, the premiere of the film "Two Ticket Home" took place. Dmitry Meshiev spoke out in this film, not only as a director and producer, but also as a screenwriter. This is a joint work with Sergey Garmash, whom Meshiev believes his relatives and close man.

The film tells about the relationships of parents and children, refers to the genre of melodrama. Maria Soscaratova, Sergey Garmash, Irina Rakhmanova, Irina Rozanova and others are starred.

Personal life

Dmitry Meshiev does not hide what the proposal of his hand and hearts several times. The first wife was the daughter of director Ilya Averbach Maria.

Dmitry Meshiev and his first wife Maria Averbach

In his youth, during the filming of the film "Gambrinus", the director became interested in actress by Irina Rozanovoy, but the couple could not live together because of disagreements. Meets with Nastya Kolmanovich, who also broke up.

In 2005, the director's wife becomes the actress Lensove Lamaura Pickelaururi. Her he takes off in the film "Princess and Beggar". According to Laura, she was the initiator of the break of relationship.

Laura Pickelaururi

An unpleasant fact of personal life in marriage with actress Kristina Kuzmin became public. After a divorce, many photos and information about the quarrels and the division of property between the former spouses, as well as the confrontation between the daughter of Agrippine-Agraphen, resulted in the yellow press. The fact of the director's assignment was recorded, but the spouses managed to find a compromise. The girl lives with Mom, Dmitry took over all financial commitments for the child.

Dmitry Meshiev and Christina Kuzmin

The director from all marriages four children. Ilya continues the creative dynasty Meshiyev - works by the cameraman. Paul lives in the USA, where he studied at the University of Art in Philadelphia. Now successfully engaged in real estate. Kristina works by producer in the company, and the youngest Agrippine is still a schoolgirl. Dmitry Dmitrievich has the granddaughter of Alice, who was born in the family of the Elder Son of Ilya.

Dmitry Meshiev now

According to Meshieva, now, together with his wife Ilona, ​​he lives under St. Petersburg, in Komarovo. This is the sixth marriage of the director. In detail about his wife Dmitry Dmitrievich is in no hurry, saying that Ilona is a self-sufficient person and is engaged in business.

Dmitry Meshiev in 2018

It misses the restaurants that had to close, as the food business requires great return. The director dreams of removing anti-terrorist cinema, believing that there are many tragic episodes in the country's history, which need to tell generations.

Since 2015, Meshiev is the leader of the Theater and Concert Directorate of the Pskov Region. According to the director, the theaters in Russia must be regulated to remove the difference between the vital activity of the provincial and metropolitan teams. In the year of the Russian Theater announced by the Government of the country in 2019, Mesocheyev plans to solve the problems of theatrical colleagues at a high level.


  • 1990 - "Gambrinus"
  • 1993 - "Over Dark Water"
  • 1997 - "Bomb"
  • 1998 - "American"
  • 1999 - "Women's property"
  • 2001 - "Mechanical Suite"
  • 2002 - "Diary Kamikadze"
  • 2003 - "Features of the National Policy"
  • 2004 - "His"
  • 2005 - "Princess and Beggar"
  • 2007 - "Seven Cabins"
  • 2010 - "Stepan Razin"
  • 2014 - "Battalion"
  • 2016 - "Wall"
  • 2018 - "Two tickets home"

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