Julie Dreyfus - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



This French actress became famous first in Japan, where he went to study the language and became a television. Then the fate led her to Hollywood, and the whole world recognized Julie Dreifus Thanks to the roles in the pictures of Quentin Tarantino: "Kill Bill" dilogy and military drama "Inchlastic bastards." And in Japan, which for many years has become for the actress of the second birthplace, it is called "Gaijin Tarento" - "Foreign Talant".

Childhood and youth

Julie Dreifus was born on January 24, 1966 in Paris. Mother Girls - Famous French actress Pascal Odra, actively shot in the 50s and 1960s. Father Francis Dreyfus is a musical producer, founder of the record company "Dreyfus Records", who opened the audience such a star as Jean-Michel Zharmar.

Julie Dreifus

The bright beauty of the girl went to her from the mother. Discussing an attractive and unusual appearance of the actress, fans are guessing who she is by nationality. It turns out that in addition to French, Dreyfus has Jewish, Alsas and Romanian roots in their pedigree. Also, the actress is proud of famous relatives and ancestors.

Uncle Juli on the maternal line - the legendary singer and the author of the South of the Offside, known as the "French Bob Dylan". The ancestor of the paternal line is Alfred Dreyfus - French captain, accused of espionage in favor of Germany in 1894, but subsequently justified and rehabilitated. Dreifus caused a serious resonance in the French Society of the XIX century.

Julie Dreifus in youth

The girl was 7 years old when her parents divorced. Julie stayed with her mother in France, and spent the summer holidays in the UK. As a teenager, she was fascinated by Japanese culture and architecture, oriental style in the interior design. In 1985, the girl began to learn Japanese at the Institute of Oriental Languages ​​and Civilizations at the University of Paris.

Then he left for Japan to pass 6-month intensive japanese courses at Osquity University. Julie plans to improve the language and find the work of the interior designer. But fate prepared her another biography.


At first, everything went according to plan - after the end of the courses, Dreyfus moved to Tokyo, found a job in the designer studio, continuing to learn a complex language now in private. Soon she succeeded in his knowledge that in 1988 she was invited to television - to teach the Japanese to the French language in the literal air.

Actress Juli Dreyfus

On television, a bright brunette was noticed, and one of the serial producers took off a beautiful girl in one of the episodes to enhance the declining ratings. It worked, and soon Julie began to invite into different television and film projects, giving small roles. Her early television series is "strange discoveries", "Bar Ryui", "meaning and nonsense" - opened up a wide viewer of the face of her dramatic talent. For them followed work in the projects "Do not steal my heart" and "towards you."

In 1992, Julie received a role in the full-length film "Toki Rakujitsu", and after 2 years later, Ramparo Maidzumi "Radio" Ramparo Maidzumi was taken out in the famous biographical drama. Her English-speaking debut took place in the Family Comedy "Full Picture" of the same year. And soon Dreyfus, perfectly knowing Japanese, French and English, takes a course on international projects, hoping to become a well-known and outside of Japan.

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The first role, which brought her international recognition, was the work in the series "Crow: Staircase in the sky" (1998) with Mark Dakascos in the lead role. After her, Draifus starred in the historic Batori tape, describing the bloody acts of the Hungarian Countess Elizabeth Batimi, who killed hundreds of young girls. Julie got one of the main roles - Lady of Katharina.

The actress is removed in different cities and countries. In addition to Japan, Julie is often in the United States. In 2001, it appeared in the pilot version of the tape "Malkolland Drive" David Lynch for the ABC TV channel. Subsequently, this version will withdraw a cult film of the American film director who won a number of prestigious international awards. Also drift is removed in Europe. In 2002, she played in the historic French tape "Jean Moulin", devoted to the life view of one of the leaders of the resistance movement.

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At the same time, Julie acquaintances at the Film Festival in Japan with Quentin Tarantino. The cult director was already impressed with her beauty, seeing the photo Dreyfus on billboards across Tokyo. The acquaintance was to cooperate on the set of the film "Kill Bill", in which Julie played Sophie Fatal - the faithful assistant of the head of the Japanese mafia O-Ren Issi (Lucy Lew).

"When the scene was filmed in a Japanese cafe, in which a fight took place between Beatrix and the warriors of O-Ren, everything was covered with" bodies "and flooded" blood. " It was very surreal, "then recalled the actress.

After the loud success, "kill Bill" glory did not hit the actress, as it was possible to expect. And the next work on the big screen appeared only in 2008. Jules played in the grotesque comedy "Tokyo!", Presented in the special program of the Cannes Film Festival. And also made his debut in the horror genre in the picture "Soul".

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In 2009, another tape of Tarantino "Inglorious bastards" appears in the filmography Dreifus. Moreover, the role in this military drama Oscar-axis director wrote specifically for Dreyfus. She appeared in the image of Franni Mondino - Translator and Lovers of the German Reichs Minister Josef Goebbels. The film was nominated for a number of prestigious film results (including Oscar) and won the nomination "Best Men's Role of the Second Plan" (Christoph Waltz).

In 2010, the actress began to be filmed in the French TV series "Interpol".

Personal life

Looking at the dazzling appearance of the actress, her slim figure (height 170 cm), it is not easy to believe that she is alone. However, for all the time of his fame, Juli Dreifus persistently insists on this, arguing that the main thing in her life was work.

Julie Dreifus and Quentin Tarantino

Even in his youth, the star did not frank the topic of his personal life, did not compromise himself with frivolous photographs (including swimsuits). Sources write that the actress is not married and does not have children. The tabloids have repeatedly wrote about her romantic connection with Quentin Tarantino, but there is no direct confirmation of this.

Julie Dreyfus now

Now the actress rarely appears on the big screen and still does not advertise privacy, as evidenced by its absence in social networks.

Julie Dreifus

Fans of uncommon talent celebrities hope that 2019 will bring Dreyfus a new star role.


  • 1998 - "Raven: Staircase in the sky"
  • 2000 - "Batori"
  • 2002 - "Jean Moulin"
  • 2003 - "Kill Bill"
  • 2008 - "Soul"
  • 2008 - "Tokyo!"
  • 2009 - "Inchlastic bastards"
  • 2010 - Interpol

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