Tom Hollander - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The bright characteristic British actor Tom Hollander became famous in the stage of the English theatrical scene. The movies and television came in the early 90s and became a brilliant performer of the roles of the second plan, first in his homeland, and then in Hollywood, withdrawn from such cash projects, as films from the Pirates of the Caribbean Sea. Hollander's talent has not been marked with prestigious film nominations. In 2017, the Briton received the BAFTA award as "Best Actor of the Second Plan."

Childhood and youth

Thomas Anthony Hollander was born on August 25, 1967 in Bristol in an intelligent family. Parents of the actor, Anthony Hollander and Claire Hill - teachers. Mother is an Englishwoman, and his father has a Jewish origin. Spouses raised two children: the artist has an older sister of Julia.

Actor Tom Hollander

The boy rose in Oxford. His first school was "Dragon School", where Thomas first met the acting craft. Andrew Roberts boy teacher entrusted him in the formulation of Oliver.

Then Thomas continued his studies in the Abingdon School. Here, young Hollander became a soloist of school choir, and then a member of the Children's Music Theater and the National Youth Theater. In 1981, at the age of 14, Tom was approved on a major role in the TV series BBC "John Daimond".

Tom Hollander in youth

After school, Thomas studied at Celvin College, in Cambridge, where the creative abilities also continued to develop: he participated in the Student Theater "Fires Ramp", was the President of the Marlow Society (theatrical club of Cambridge students). The well-known British director Sam Mehdes, who put several performances with Hollander, including the Sirano de Bergerac play, where Tom played a major role.

After graduating from a college, the guy hoped to go to the theater school, but could not do this because of a number of circumstances. This, however, did not affect his successful artist career.

Theater and films

Tom began a creative biography from theatrical roles. In 1992, the actor was awarded the Yana Charlson award for the role of Willowa in the Comedy of William Congrian "so come in the world." 2 years later, he appeared in the image of Macshit in the musical of Bertold Brecht "Trigroshova Opera". In 1996, Tom brilliantly performed the main roles in the intense classics - the "Tartiuf" of Moliere and Gogol "Auditor".

Tom Hollander in the theater

At the same time, the film driver starts. His debut on the big screen was a small role in the political drama "Sons" (1996), dedicated to events in Northern Ireland. After a number of minor images, Hollander appeared in a secondary role in the romantic comedy "Something about March" (1998). Continuing the work in this genre, the actor plays in the film "Bedrooms and Hallway" (1998), where he got the role of a non-traditional guy - Darren.

Removing the cinema, Hollander does not leave the service in the theater and in the 1998th debuts on the Broadway scene in the play of David Heira "Kiss Juda". The next year brings roles in the historical tealols "Wife and Daughter" and "Secret Marriage".

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2001 issued a very eventful for the actor - 4 projects with his participation immediately come out. Among them, the Military Detective "Enigma", in which Hollander played the leader of the team of British decinteers, as well as the detective drama of Robert Ooltenman "Gosford Park".

Tomas Hero, Anthony Meredith is a ruined entrepreneur who is among the guests of the rich Aristocrat Sir Willma McColdla in the "Gosford Park" estate. After the mysterious murder of the host, Meredith is one of the suspects. This work brought Hollander international success, since a number of prestigious film crises was noted, including Oscar for the "Best Scenario".

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The first award is the British Independent Cinema Prize for the best role of the second plan - Tom Hollander received in 2004 for the workshop embodied the image of George Etherja playwright in the historic drama "Libele" with Johnny Depp.

Next year brought the actor another recognition - the award of the Association of London film critics for the role of Mr. Collins in the screening of Roman Jane Austin "Pride and Prejudice". The painting was also nominated for Oscar and received the prestigious BAFTA Award.

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In 2006, the actor removed from the Matra British filmmorezhissura Ridley Scott in the picture "Good Year". The hero of Toma - Charlie Willie, a friend of the main character of Max Skinner, played by actor Russell Crow.

In the same year, Toma is waiting for an invitation to Hollywood and shooting in the adventure epic "Pirates of the Caribbean Sea: Dead Man's Chest." Hollander appeared in this and subsequent parts of the cycle ("Pirates of the Caribbean: on the edge of the world", 2007), playing a small but memorable role of Lord Beckett.

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New Hollywood project in the filmography of the actor - Military drama "Operation" Valkyrie "(2008), in which Thomas plays the German Colonel Heinz Brandt. Whether on its own choice, or by the decision of the directors, but Hollander, despite its low growth (165 cm), often appears in the form of state husbands.

Thus, in the series "Lost Prince" (2003), King Georg V played, in the TV series "John Adams" (2008) - King George III, in the comedy "in the loop" (2009) - Simon Foster, Minister of International Development, in the blockbuster " Mission is impossible: the Rogue Tribe "(2015) - Prime Minister of Great Britain.

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In 2016-2017, Thomas actively removed in the British TV series. In the project "Night Administrator" about the confrontation of the British and American intelligence, the actor is working with Hugh Laurie and Tom Hiddleston, playing Corcaran, Assistant Merchant Weapon. For this role, the man received the BAFTA award in the nomination "Best Actor of the Second Plan".

In 2017, the "taboo" series, the narrative of the events of the beginning of the XIX century on the beginning of the XIX century, is coming to small screens: A young adventure seeker James Kezayia Dewini (Tom Hardy) returned from Africa with diamonds and builds his own trading empire. Hollander in the series got a secondary role of a George Cholmondali Academic and Chemist.

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Among the fresh work of the artist - the role in Bayopic dedicated to the personality of the outstanding musician Freddie Mercury "Bohemian Rhapsody", as well as in the postpocalyptic horror "Bird".

Personal life

Thomas Hollander does not like conversations about his personal life. It is known that the actor is not married and lives secluded in his London house in the Notting Hill area. Also, the star does not start accounts in social networks.

Tom Hollander

In Twitter and Instagram, you can find only fan pages with photos from the shooting sites. The actor actively participates in charitable activities and leads a healthy lifestyle.

Tom Hollander now

In late 2018 - early 2019, the film "Holy Lands" comes to large screens, in which Tom has the main role.

Also in the spring of 2018, the publication reported that the actor was preparing to play a quasimodo in the new television screening of the ITV channel on the novel by Viktor Hugo "Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God." The project release date has not yet been appointed. Some sources suggest that now Tom may be busy preparing for this role.


  • 1996 - "Sons"
  • 1998 - "Something about March"
  • 1999 - "Wives and Daughters"
  • 2001 - "Enigma"
  • 2001 - "Gosford Park"
  • 2004 - "Libele"
  • 2005 - "Pride and Prejudice"
  • 2006 - "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man Chest"
  • 2008 - "Operation" Valkyrie "
  • 2011 - "Hannah. Perfect weapon "
  • 2015 - "Mission Impossible: Rogue Tribe"
  • 2017 - Taba
  • 2018 - "Bird box"

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