Vivita - character biography, actors, origin, appearance


Character History

The Universe "Marvel" offers comic fans and film dating superhero, alien creatures and unknown world creatures. Creatures that appeared as a result of technical progress are a separate cohort of characters. It belongs to the robot android named Vivita.

History of creation

Hero "Marvel" in the image of a robot is a special creature. There are no similar comics in the universe. The image of the Android was used by Marvel yet before the development of the superhero project. In the 1940s, Vivita was presented to the public as a policeman with another planet. He wore the name Aarkus and had to fight crime on earth, speaking and against the Nazis. Android possessed the abilities that today demonstrates Vivita.

Roy Thomas

The second character appearance occurred in 1968. He came up with Roy Thomas and introduced the hero in 57 release dedicated to the Avengers. Birth of Vizhen became a breakthrough for superzlodes. According to the story, the robot was the brainchild of the villain of Altron. Genius gathered it from the details of Android, which possessed superpower. In order to control your creation, Altron gave a virgin the enslave particles. He planned to send the power of android against the "Avengers".

The robot was on the side of superheroes after a brief communication with those and Altron's plans collapsed. Vivita took the position of positive heroes. The character of Vizhen is created by the brain waves of the wonder-person, so its motivation is predictable.



Android was the lady of the heart. His beloved, a sharp witch, married a robot, and the heroes had offspring. Logical incorrect in the form of a lack of gender signs The project creators decided by allowing Wante to change reality. The children of Vizhen and the witch's scarlet were fragments of the Government of Mephisto, so after some time the demon took them away, restoring the soul and collecting it into a one.

The robot has happened more than once in harsh contractions and after one of the battles was seriously damaged. A miracle man refused to help and provide for copying his waves, and emotions and feelings became visible. So the touching novel ended with the scarlet witch.

Alay witch

Android often had problems with self-control due to crystals built into Altron. "Avengers" had to pacify the anger of the robot, which was under the influence of its creator. Once, the war was influenced by the idea of ​​creating the Golden Epoch, in which computers would submit to him. Superhero teams had to take a swirling team member.

After some time, the virgin again gained emotions, and, although the novel with Wanda was not destined to resume, he tried to build relations with Miss Marvel, and with a mantile. But the love relationship of the robot did not develop.

Forces and abilities

The main feature of Vizhen is that it is a hybrid consisting of a specific material that is characteristic of organic and inorganic derivatives. The synthetic components of the Vibranium, from which its body produced, provide a character with a lot of curious features. The Mind Stone enhances the characteristics of the hero.

Viviten has super supervisors

Invulnerability is the first and main ability. Regardless of the strength of attack directed against Vizhen, his body remains invulnerable and does not receive damage. The Mind Stone allows the hero to control its own density, so that it regulates the durability of the body cover and gains weightlessness in space.

The hero has a large physical force exceeding human abilities of several tens of times. Altron's drones flew into a pinch from the shocks of Vizhen in the battle of juice.

Android is able to levitate and pass through the items of any density. This becomes possible due to the ability to regulate body density. The owner of a specific organism is subject to speed. The robot accelerates and slows down as needed at a particular moment on Earth and in the air.


The endless stone made Vigen winner of a large amount of energy accumulating in a kind of beam. Created from Vibranium Robot in the power to apply a serious blow to Altron. The infinity stone gives the hero resources in order to regenerate the material from which his body is created. Using this, the robot independently made a suit and cloak. It is unlikely that Android will die from someone else's impact or other impact option.

Technogenic creature, Vivita is getting with electronics. He is able to deceive Altron's software and stop connecting to the Internet. Although this force is not enough to complete Altron's discredit.


By 2018, Android Vivita became the acting person of one full-length picture. In the film "Avengers: Era Altron" played by the actor Paul Bettany played. The role was small, and the virgin in the picture was a character of a second plan, interacting with the main characters for the sake of a common goal.

Paul Bettany

In the tape "Avengers: the war of infinity" the character enters the cohort of superheroes, united to fight evil and save the Earth about destruction.

Like other famous heroes of Marvel comic, the virgin often appears on the screen as a character of cartoons and cartoon serials. In 2008, the audience observed him in the project "New Avengers: Heroes of tomorrow". In 1994, the robot represented the interests of fighters for good and justice in the draft "Fantastic Four." In 1999-2000, he appeared in the animated series "Avengers: always together." The hero was involved in the draft 2010-2012 "Avengers: the greatest heroes of the Earth."

Paul Bettany in the role of Vizhen

The hero has an unlimited potential as a minor character, but the creators of "Marvel" are unlikely to take a full-length film to dating the audience with the character's biography.

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