Evgenia Khanaeva - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, movies



Evgenia Khanaeva entered the history of Soviet cinema as an unsurpassed performer of the roles of the second plan and episodic images. And although there are dozens of works in her filmography, the viewer especially remembered the actress on the paintings "Raffle", "on family circumstances", "Moscow does not believe in tears." In the last Khanaev embodied the images of loving, but powerful mothers. Talent Evgenia Nikandrovna is marked by the honorary titles of the Honored and People's Artist of the RSFSR. The title of People's Artist of the USSR has already received posthumously in 1987.

Childhood and youth

Evgenia Khanaeva was born on January 2, 1921 in the city of Bogorodsk (now Noginsk) of the Moscow region. Iraida Ilyinichna Rodvkin - Housewife, originally from Bogorodsk. Father Nikandra Sergeevich Khanayev - Opera singer, soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, arrived in Moscow from the Ryazan region.

Evgenia Khanaev in childhood

The name of Khanaeva was considered to be Tatar. But direct confirmation that the actress belonged to this nationality is not. Although she was not deeply believer, but attended the church.

A year, when the only daughter of Zhenya was born, his father went to study in a conservatory, although he had already worked in the Bolshoi Theater (the guy was taken due to a unique vocal talent), and soon made a brilliant singing career, becoming a folk artist of the USSR.

Evgenia Khanaev in youth

Childhood and adolescence Girls were held in a luxurious 5-room apartment in Bryusov Lane, where Hanayev moved. Nikandra Sergeyevich was the favorite of Joseph Stalin himself, received three Stalinist premiums. In the house of Hanayev there were not only the most famous artists, but also the first persons of that time. Marshal Zhukov could come to the cottage. And the tenor itself was often the leader in the country.

Zhenya lived in sufficient, moved on a car with a driver. But with all this was modest, did not protrude the good at the bottom. From an early age I was engaged in music, possessed good vocal data and passionately dreamed of the scene, which was not pleased with the parents.

Evgenia Khanaev in youth

Therefore, at first, in 1938-1939, Eugene was a student of the law faculty of Moscow State University. But finally disappointed in such a choice, leaves the university and enters the theater school named after Schepkin, and then to the Moscow City Theater School.

In 1947, the girl was among the first graduates of the Moscow Art Studio graduates (he studied at the great "founders" of Mkat - Moskvin, Kachachakov, bookper-Czech) and became the actress of this glorified scene.


Another when Zhenya played the student Mkatov players, the teachers warned her that with such an unfavoraxious appearance she should not wait for the roles of the main characters. And as if they fumble. Directors stubbornly did not want to notice the talent of Hanaeva. In the theater she was bastville, she was given minor, young roles. Evgeny also did not send her photos in the film studio too - why, if she does not have a bright image.

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In the 50s, she played Mrs. Frapsins in the play of Ch. Dickens Peckens Plivik Club, Justine in the "noble nest" I. Turgenev, Paulina in the "Winter Fairy Tale" W. Shakespeare. The roles did not fall as out of the horns of abundance, had to wait long pauses, but each new work was happy as a child.

In 1962, Hanayev was put on the replacement of the fallen actress, and she played the Queen Elizabeth in the play in the play "Maria Stewart" on Schiller's play. Such ovations did not hear the hall for a long time, and criticism predicted a new star with a mad success. However, instead of him again followed the years of downtime: the backstage traditions and intrigues in the theater were too strong.

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Khanaeva did not enter conflicts, she patiently waited for its o'clock - and he came in 1970, when Mkhat's management took over Oleg Efremov. He saw Harizmu and Talent in the artist, began to develop them, giving it new roles and images that were missed in his youth. Khanaeva played Anna Romanovna in the play on the play M. Roshchina "Old New Year", Zinaida Lebedev in Chekhovsky "Ivanovo" and others.


In the same period, Evgenia Nicandrovna, who had noticed the half a century anniversary, became more and more to be filmed into the movies. Her debut took place in 1966 in the painting "Man without a passport", but remained unnoticed. And only in 1972, a wide viewer saw the artist in the drama Ilya Averbach "Monologue". After another 2 years, Khanaeva starred in the painting "Strange Adults".

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And in 1976 her first triumph was held - Evgenia Nicandrovna played in the film Vladimir Menshov "Raffle". Her heroine Maria Vasilyevna Devyatova is a school teacher who felt ninth-graders.

It comes out of the current situation with incredible wisdom, sowing to preserve the main thing - human warmth in adolescent hearts. After such a convincing embodiment of the teacher's image in the address of Khanayeva, letters from parents of adolescents, asking children to raise children, have long come from parents.

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The next bright work in the filmography of the artist was the comedy Alexey Korenev "For Family Circumstances" (1977). In it, the actress played Tikhonovna Isolde, Evgeny Evstigneev overly guarding his appearance and preventing him from establishing a new family life with the heroine of Galina Polish. The picture had enormous success and once again confirmed the incredible talent and high acting status of Hanaeva.

In 1979, the cinematic skills of Evgenia Nikandrovna, Vladimir Menshov, invited her to the role of Mother Rodion Rachkov in a melodraman "Moscow does not believe in tears." This work brought actress with a mad success of not only the All-Union, but also international importance, because the tape was awarded the Oscar Award as the "best film in a foreign language".

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After this role, the roles of power, sharp, eccentric woman fixed behind the Khanayeva. A similar image of the actress embodied in the Drama "Old New Year", playing Anna Romanovna. This picture also sounds the real vocals of the artist: directors appreciated its excellent singing data.

Evgenia Nikandrovna gave a movie 15 years of his creative biography. She actively starred until the end of the 80s, many roles played in children's films ("4: 0 in favor of Tanechka", "Sparrow on the ice", "Vitya Glushakov - friend apucha"). One of the last works of Khanayeva was the role in the film "Blonde around the corner" (1984). The actress played the mother of Nikolai (Andrei Mironova), Tatiana Vasilyevna.

Personal life

Personal life Actress has become her trouble and joy at the same time: For many years, watching how this talented actress plays volitional, strong and in something hard women, the audience did not realize what passions would be in the soul of Evgenia Khanayeva.

Evgenia Khanaeva and Konstantin Gradopolov

During the years of study at the Studio School, MHAT Zhenya met Konstantin Gradopolov. A handsome athlete and a novice actor conquered the heart of the girl, the couple had a long novel. But before the wedding, it did not come. According to some information, jealousy from Eugene intervened. But the son of Hanaeva, Vladimir, in an interview with the magazine "Caravan's stories" suggested that the mother lost his spiritual interest in the chosen one.

Anatoly Uspensky is the son of Mkatovsky Glavbuch. The guy at the invitation of his father spent the New Year's Eve in the theater and met Zhenya there. She was 4 years older than Anatolia and, according to representatives of her close surroundings, took the situation in their hands.

Evgenia Khanayeva, Anatoly Uspensky and their son Vladimir

Soon the couple declared parents about the desire to get married. This news both parties met with hostility. Hanayevs were outraged that the guy did not yet, Assumption also stated that they would like to see another daughter-in-law. Anyway, Eugene has already waited for a child, and the couple played a wedding. After the birth of the son of Volodya, Khanayeva's parents exchanged their big apartment, and the young moved to a new one - on the area of ​​the uprising.

Lev Ivanov and Evgenia Khanaeva

It would seem that the family life of the actress was strong and measured, but in the fate of Evgenia Nicandrovna had a late love. A new actor came to MHAT - 47-year-old handsome Lev Ivanov, who became the last enthusiasm to Hanaeva. The man was also married, but could not leave a mentally sick, a wife chained to bed. But the actress showed character and left her husband, leaving his son-nine-grader.

Mother and son did not communicate 17 years. The woman called Vladimir and established relations with him only on the eve of his operation, after which he had no longer came to himself.


In the mid-80s, Evgenia Nikandrovna - a passionate lover of driving and fast driving - got into a small accident: He strongly slowed down to red, why the head jerked sharply back. After this accident, the actress began to torment wild headaches. It turned out that the damaged vertebral crashed into the base of the skull, this was the cause of the development of the brain tumor.

The grave Evgenia Khanaevaeva

In October 1987, Khanaev decided on the most difficult operation. Neurosurgeon Eduard Candel immediately warned the patient that a fatal outcome is possible. But the artist was sure that everything would pass safely. After spending a few days in a coma, Evgenia Khanayeva died, not coming into consciousness. Death has arrived on November 8, 1987.

The actress never learned that she was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR. The grave of the actress is located on the introduced Cemetery of Moscow.


  • 1970 - "Experiment"
  • 1972 - "Monologue"
  • 1974 - "Strange Adults"
  • 1976 - "Raffle"
  • 1977 - "According to family circumstances"
  • 1979 - "Moscow does not believe in tears"
  • 1980 - "Old New Year"
  • 1981 - "Where did Fomenko disappear?"
  • 1982 - "Odnolyuba"
  • 1982 - "Take care of men!"
  • 1983 - "Sparrow on Ice"
  • 1983 - "Mad Yard of Engineer Barkasova"
  • 1984 - "Blonde around the corner"
  • 1987 - "So we defeat!"

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