Andrey Email - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



If there was a desire to look into the future of the Earth or go as part of a star landing for a distant planet, then welcome to the world of heroes of the science fiction writer Andrei Earth. Most works are written in the genre of cosmopes whose action takes place in limitless space. He experiments in other genres.

Writer Andrey Zemvarovna

Images of heroes writer writes from real people. Andrei Zemvarov believes that in each work there should be reliable information, in which the fantastic world events did not occur. The reader must receive emotion from the read and see an understandable picture of the unfolded narration.

Childhood and youth

The future writer was born on July 17, 1964. This happened in Donetsk in the family of a writer and a journalist of the Earth Boris Yakovlevich and director of the Karimovna Reni Kamaevna. The creative atmosphere in the house was reflected in Andrei's writing skills. Feather samples began when he studied at school, in the 6th grade.

Andrei Email in youth

The development of creativity also affected the passion for reading books of Russian and foreign classics. Like many Soviet boys, fond of hand-to-hand fighting and fantastics. The family makes the decision to move to the Mother of the Writer's mother, to Kazan. Andrei serves high school and enters the Kazan State University of Culture and Arts.

It is served in the ranks of the USSR Armed Forces, it works in law enforcement agencies. The young earth is looking for himself in different directions. Works by the Head of Security Service, head of the forensic laboratory. Was installer, the whole, tries himself in commerce. It goes into teaching activities in KSU and VLGU, where teaches students the basics of life safety and computer graphics.

Andrey Zemstnaya on vacation

Working in different professions, Andrei does not disregard and the main passion of life - reading and classes with hand-to-hand fight. Close to the writing of the earthenware approached in 1982, when he began working on the series "Wanderer". Published in newspapers, the experience in which the desire to engage in creativity has strengthened. Right literature is seriously solved in 2002, after registering on the Samizdat website.


The first book of the Earth "Project" The Werewolf "" is published in 2008 in the publishing house "Lenzdat" - the first part of the 5 series "Wanderer". She talks about the adventures of the hero - Major Gro, a special forces with a combat nickname snake. During the operation in Africa, the intelligence officer finds a strange ring, which reveals its unlimited possibilities that can withstand the villains from parallel and alien worlds.

Andrei Zemvarovaya

The "Wanderer" series, in which the fantasy and fiction genres and fiction mixed up, immediately attracted the attention of readers who marked the talent and skill of the author. In this series, Andrei Earthov also published books "Hurry up to rainbow", "Dragon Day", "House, what we defend", "Academician".

After a successful debut, Andrei Borisovich continues creativity in the selected direction in tight cooperation with the "Leningrad Publishing". Several dozen writer books are published, which are produced by individual novels and series. Among them is "one per million", "Pentagram of War", "Dragons of Sarda", "Aggression" and others.

Books of Andrei Earthman

The author cooperates with the Moscow writer Boris Orlov, who also works in the genre of fiction. Fantastic militants have been released together - "step by the horizon", "officer", "Pet of the Gods", "scumbags", "casting", "blood wars" and others.

The writer continues to work on books from the series. In 2016, readers were able to get acquainted with the new work of the "Honor of Sarda" from the Dragon Sarda cycle. In 2018, another new book of the author "Alvari" is published. In the same year, work on the "double horizon" was completed, which became a continuation of the book "Blood Rüric". The work of readers did the work at the beginning of 2019.

Writer Andrey Zemvarovna

The main characters of works are strong people who value their homeland, love parents and families. Work for the benefit of the debris, protecting against enemies. In an interview with Site "Orthodoxy.Fm", Andrei Borisovich stressed:

"The family is the most important thing that there is a person, after the homeland and honor. And patriotic education helps to understand this truth as early as possible. "

Patriotism is permeated and novels of the earthy, and from this interest in them only increases. The writer lays out its works in free access to the Samizdat website.

Personal life

In his biography, there is little information about the personal life of the writer. It is known that Andrei Borisovich is happy in marriage. Together, the wife of Natalia and children live in Kazan.

Andrey Zemlyanny and his wife and son

Talking about yourself, a man in a military short:

"I'm interested in all that I wonder. According to the monarchist convictions. Previously, actively engaged in sports, mostly hand-to-hand fight. I really love to travel. I love Russia and do not like those who do not like it. I do not like fools and gams yet. Especially - if they are with power. Do not tolerate betrayal. "
Andrey Email with children

Favorite quotation Andrei Borisovich:

"Nothing is given to a person so cheaply and is not appreciated by him as expensive as their own life."

Andrei Earbar now

The writer continues to engage in creativity. On a personal page in Vkontakte, a screenshot of photography was laid out, perhaps from the cover of a new novel called "Expert on Survival", in the signature to which shared with the subscribers written by the number of signs.

Andrey Email in 2019

In his spare time it works in the workshop. Continues to read a lot and listen to music. The second profession of the writer is industrial mountaineering. This is also indicated in personal information. The science fiction writer is ready to communicate with subscribers and add to friends. But it does this not for the sake of rating:

"If you want to make friends through the social network, I, in principle, do not mind. But then I have to understand who I write down as a friend. Tell us about yourself. Prove that you are an interesting person. After all, this is what happens in real life. We will not violate the tradition. "

Now the author cooperates with the Publishing House "AST".


  • 2008 - "Project" Werewolf "
  • 2009 - "Academician"
  • 2009 - "one per million"
  • 2010 - "Dragons of Sarda"
  • 2011 - "Blood Wars. Climb
  • 2012 - "Sarda Warriors"
  • 2013 - "Tree and Steel"
  • 2014 - "Identification"
  • 2016 - "Rockling"
  • 2016 - "Strateg"
  • 2017 - "Depth"
  • 2017 - "Blood Rüric"
  • 2017 - "Grinding: Other way"
  • 2018 - "Alvari"
  • 2019 - "Double Horizon"

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