Brand Song - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Machalya Kalkin, "Instagram", gave birth, child 2021



Brand Song - in the past popular children's model and television channel "Disney". She spent his youth with benefit, acquiring invaluable experience, which was useful for the conquest of Hollywood and mastering the profession of producer.

Childhood and youth

Brand Song was born on March 27, 1988 in Karmaikle, California. Her father is a school teacher, belongs to the rare Asian nationality of Hmong. Mom - housewife, originally from Thailand. The actress has two younger brothers - Timmy and Nathan.

The girl from early childhood showed interest in dancing, dreamed of playing ballet, and the younger brother - Taekwondo. And since the parents had no money to teach children in different circles, both were given to the Taekwondo section. The little brand cried from annoyance, but now she is pleased with the fact that he owns a black belt in this form of martial arts.

Brand Song - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Machalya Kalkin,

However, at the age of 6, the girl persuaded her mother to take her to Los Angeles to touch the world of cinema. Suddenly, she joined the industries of children's advertising, and the mother was forced to stay here for 2 years. And then a father and his brothers arrived to them.

Because of the big employment on the shooting of the brand was on home training and at the age of 16, passing the exams, received a certificate. After the preparatory courses, she entered the University of California in Berkeley, who graduated in 2009 with a specialty "Business Psychology".


Career brands Song began when a casting agent noted her in the shopping center. The charming baby was approved for filming in the Little Caesars pizzeria network, and then became in need of inviting other stamps.

In 1995, the girl gave a tiny role in the short filler "Requiem". On the set, she demonstrated such confidence in front of the cameras that she applauded the whole team. She then appeared on television in two episodes of the popular series "Thunder Alley", after which it was approved for a permanent role in the FAJ project.

Song starred in 7-8 film and telepostects, becoming quite recognizable. In 2000, the brand received its first award "Young Artist" for the role of Samantha Kwan in the television film "The best gift for Christmas." And in 2002, after the roles in the "show of Bernie Poppy" and "100 Poddi McDauda" with a young artist, a contract was concluded by the TV channel "Disney", and the star chapter began in her biography.

Disney Debut Song took place in the adventure picture of "Children Spies", in which she appeared in the lead role (Jennifer) together with another star of Children's Cinema Lindsay Lohan.

The actress confessed in an interview that Disney opened her the opportunities that she could no longer receive anymore, having an Asian appearance. Already then the studio showed more tolerance than others. However, such experience has existed another side - the risk of getting stuck in one amplua.

The next project was the Sitter "All Type-Top, or the Life Zack and Cody". The teenage series tells about the life and funny adventures of mirror twins Zack and Cody (they played Cole and Dylan spraus brothers).

Character Branding - London Type-Top - Glamorous and Eccentric Girl, Capricious, But Good. It is believed that her image is a parody of the secular lionitsa Paris Hilton. The series had a huge success, he looked at 4 million viewers, and the brand became a real television. For the role of London Actress received Young Hollywood Awards in 2006 and the 19th Annual Crown Awards Award in 2009, at the end of the TV show.

Brand Song - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Machalya Kalkin,

The heroine - London - the actress will return in the series "Suite-Life on the deck" and in the film "Two on the Road". These projects were removed based on the Show about the life of Zack and Cody.

In a large adult, the actress finally made his debut, starring at David Fincher himself in the film "Social Network" - a biographical drama about the history of the creation of a social network "Facebook". Heroine brands - Christie Lee - a friend of Harvard students, the founders of one of the first popular social networks in the world. The picture became the leader of the American rental and gathered record cash charges around the world, bringing fame to all played actors.

The actress once again confirmed its dramatic talent, playing in the short film "First Kiss" with Joseph Martzzello. The film was shown at numerous film festivals in the United States, winning two prestigious premiums.

The main role of Veronica Song performed in the TV series "Dad". The actress chose this project due to comedy format, which expands the prospects for creative role. The celebrity believes that if a person is not able to joke on himself, he is not able to joke at all.

At the site of the psychological thriller Peter Sullivan "The Mystery Obsession" brand had to take each other. Part of the filming took place at night, in gloomy deserted places. But the cooperation with the performer of the Male Party Mike Fogel, according to the actress, a talented professional, brought her pleasure and inspiration.

The star really wanted to get a role in the "insanely rich Asians" John Chu, because she always embodied the "European" images, but she was not allowed to listen for the possession of "not enough Asian appearance". For that the director personally brought the star of apologies in social networks.

Participation in the series "Pupa", started in 2019, the actress called the work of the dream, because the life path of the heroine was similar to her own. Another project of the "Disney" studio has become the cartoon "Amphibian", where Song voiced the Thai girl Ann Bunchui. The actress is proud to introduce the audience through the series with a specific national culture.

Personal life

A celebrity with a bright appearance attracts a lot of attention on the screen and in his personal life. In 2011, the girl began to meet with the musician Treis Cyrus, who under her for a year. The tabloids even distributed a message about pregnancy Song, but he was refuted by the mother brands.

Apparently, the couple had complex relationships, young people broke up twice: in 2012 and 2014, for the second time - finally.

The new novel from the star began in 2017, and the famous chosen actress became the famous actor Macales Kalkin. The relationships of the couple were distinguished by care and mutual understanding. Calkin has repeatedly stated in an interview that she wants a child and "works" over this together with his beloved. In April 2021, the brand gave birth to a son, which was named Dakota. The unusual name got a boy in honor of the sisters of the actor in the accident in 2008.

The celebrity pleases the fans in the "Instagram" profile of personal photos, including images of a miniature actress (growth - 157 cm) in a swimsuit and luxurious evening toilets.

Brand Song now

A great experience rich in professional skills, the actress acquired in a fairly young age, and now he brings fruit.

The brand participated in the animated series "Earth - Ned". Interestingly, the project has no scenario, in each episode, the direction sets a certain topic, the rest is the improvisation of actors.

Together with the legendary Sher Song was occupied in the voicing of the American cartoon Bobbleheads: The Movie, in Russia known as "Dolls".

2021 brought a star new cooperation with director Peter Sullivan in the melodrama Love Accidentally, the main role in which she divided with Aaron O'Connell.


  • 1996 - Santa Santa Claus
  • 1999-2002 - "100 Edi Macdaud Penctions"
  • 2002 - "Spy Children"
  • 2002 - "Like Mike"
  • 2004-2005 - "Phil from the Future"
  • 2008 - "Papin daughter"
  • 2005-2008 - "All type-top, or the life of Zack and Cody"
  • 2008-2011 - "All type-top, or life on deck"
  • 2010 - "Social Network"
  • 2011 - "Two on the road"
  • 2013 - "new"
  • 2013-2014 - "Dock"
  • 2016-2017 - "True Genius"
  • 2018-2020 - "Fire Piece 19"
  • 2019 - "Mystery Obsession"
  • 2019 - "Case"

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