Cedric Diggori - biography, appearance, quotes, actor and how died


Character History

Character of the Romanov series about Harry Potter of the English writer Joan Rowling, as well as a series of films filmed by these books. Youth Wizard, student of the faculty of Puffenduy School Hogwarts, originally from a purebred family of wizards. Captain of the Faculty Team by Quiddich, Catcher. Tragically died during the tournament of three wizards.

History of creation

Writer Joan Rowling

The etymology of the name "Cedric" is excreted from Staroangali, where this word means "pleasant", "kind" and "benevolent". The similar name exists in Welsh, where it is translated as a "sample of generosity". It brightly characterizes the temper of Cedric Diggori.

It is also possible that Joan Rowling gave a hero is a name in honor of the character of the novel Walter Scott - Cedric Saks, who had a father Knight Avengo, the main character of the novel of the same name. There is also a surname Diggori - so the name of the priest.

Harry Potter

Joan Rowling is considered a fan of books of the "Chronicles of Narnia" series, and there appears the character named Digori Kerk, there is a chance that Cedric got a name in honor of him. The name "Diggori" comes from the English words of Dignity - "nobility" and Digger - "gold detector".

"Harry Potter"

Cedric Father, Amos Diggori, is working in the Ministry of Magic, in the Department for Control and Regulating Magical Beings. Sedrik himself held his childhood in the vicinity of a small English village next door to the house of the Weasley family, and on the last time he was credited with a student in Hogwarts.

Sedrig Diggori.

Joan Rowling Sedrig Diggori is described as a "terribly attractive" young man with a honest and bold character, "strong, but quiet." Cedric older Harry Potter for three years. Cedric cartridge - foxes.

In the third book, Cedric and Harry - catchers of opposing teams - collided on a quiddic field. The Puffenduy team won in this match thanks to Sedrik, who caught a snout. Harry at this time just lost consciousness due to the presence of demenoters, who declared the match. The noble Cedric suggested to replay the match, but the victory of the hero was recognized as "clean" by everyone, including the captain of the Gryffindor team.

In the fourth book of the Cedric Diggori series participates in the tournament of three wizards. The names of possible participants of the tournament are thrown into the Fire Cup, and this magic subject itself chooses participants. The cup chose Cedric as a tournament participant from the Hogwarts school. In addition to Cedric, in the tournament adopted the participate of the students of two more schools of magic - Durmstranga and Sharmobaton.

Frame from the film

The fourth participant of the tournament was unexpectedly for everyone, another student of Hogwarts - Harry Potter, who did not suit the age and should not have come across according to the rules of the tournament, in accordance with which one person participates from each school. Harry was considered a deceiver who somehow deceived the Cup, but Potter still took part in the tournament.

At the Harry tournament he helped Sedrik during the first round, when he learned that the test awaiting participants was associated with dragons. Harry told Sedrik about it, and the hero was able to prepare in a timely manner, for which Harry was very grateful later. To repay Harry service for the service, Cedric helps that during testing with a golden egg.

Zhou Chang.

In the same book, Cedric turns relations with Zhou Chang, a student who is not indifferent to Harry Potter. Girls find Cedric attractive. Hermione Granger also argued that the Frenchwoman Fleur Delakur from School Scharmbath tried to charm the hero with a certain ancient spell. Cedric leads Zhou on the Holy Ball, and it causes Harry Jealousy. Cedric at the same time remains a noble and pleasant young man, and Harry will eventually put up with him.

The biography of the hero is tragic. Cedric died during the last round of the tournament of three wizards. The hero in fact won the tournament, but was killed as an unnecessary witness by Peter Pettigru, the France of the Dark Lord of Wolan de Mort. Subsequently, Cedric appears in nightmares, which are shot by Harry, in memories and conversations of other characters.

Volan de Mort

In the book, Joan Rowling "Harry Potter and Diggle Child" there is a father of Cedric Diggori, Amos, who wants to return to the past and save the son with the help of the flywheel. However, Harry Potter refuses Amos in this, fearing the consequences that such an action will cause in the present.

Young siblings Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy, cooperating, steal the flywheel and go to the past to save Cedric. Young heroes make several raids in the past, but all attempts somehow affect the course of history do not lead to a better result. Cedric Diggori as a result of their actions becomes a minion of Voldemort, then the dies still.


The role of Cedric Diggori in the cinema fulfilled the British actor Robert Pattinson, well-known fans of the Twilight series, where Robert played the main role - Vampire Edward Callen. In the role of Cedric Diggori, the actor appeared in the films "Harry Potter and the Fire Cup" and "Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix".

Robert Pattison

Shooting in Harry Potter became the second work of Robert in the movies. Subsequently, a young actor said that he liked to play Cedric Diggori more than working in "Twilight".

The death of Cedric in the film is less logical and more ridiculous than in the book. Rowling Cedric dies due to the fact that he does not have time to raise his wand in time and defend himself when Peter Pettigrew attacks her hero with a fatal spell "Avad Kedaur". In the film, Cedric raises a wand, but for some reason it does not utter any defensive spells, and shouting the phrase meaningless in the circumstances, after which Pettigrew and kills the hero.


"If the time comes to make a choice between easy and correct, remember what happened to honest, kind, bold boy just because he accidentally rose on the way of Lord Volan de Mort. Remember Cedric Diggori. (Albus Dumbledore) "Cedric: - I just realized that I did not thank you properly for the warning about those dragons. Harry: - Forget. I am sure that you would have done the same thing for me. "

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