Louis Si Kay (Luis Sexy) - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Standap 2021



Louis Si Kay is american comedian, director, actor and producer, famous predominantly thanks to the performances in the west of the genre of Standap. In addition to success at the comedy field, since 2017, Louis acquired and scandalous glory - the artist was evident in repeated sexual harassment, which was negatively affected by a kay's career.

Childhood and youth

Luis Sexy (so truly name comic) was born on September 12, 1967 in the capital of the United States, Washington. His parents Marie Louise Davis and Luis Sexy met at Harvard University, where the mother of the future artist ended his studies at the Summer School. Married four children: Louis and 3 of his sisters.

Louis Si Kay

Si Kay multinational roots. Mother Louis is an American of irish origin. Grandfather, His Surgeon, Schweiger, was a Jew, a native of Hungary, whose family immigrated to Mexico. There, Geza met his spouse, Mexican by nationality, and the family of the Louis himself moved there, when the boy was fulfilled a year, so Spanish became the first language of the artist. With English Si Kay began to get acquainted only at 7 years old when the family returned to the United States.

Louis Si Kay in youth

When Louis turned 10 years old, the parents divorced, and the children remained with her mother. Despite the fact that the Father did not break the relationship with them, communication was rare. Later, Luis Sexy Sr. Sr. was married for the second time on an orthodox jew and returned to the religion of ancestors, while the mother he himself and his sisters brought up in Catholic traditions.

In 1985, Louis finished school and set up a car mechanic to the Boston TV channel. In addition, in the youth of Si Kei, I had a chance to work and a cook, and a staff member. However, it was working on television that helped him get the knowledge necessary for further implementation in this area.


About working on television comedian thought back in childhood: the little Louis grieved the fact that the mother, returning from work, looks at the "bad" transmission, because she simply has no choice. The first creative work in the field of cinema for Louis was the short film "TRASH DAY". After that, the talented young men became interested in the school of arts Tish New York University, but Si Kay decided to try himself in the stand.

Comedian Louis Si Kay

The first performance of the artist in this genre took place in 1985 in one of the comedy clubs of Boston - at that time the stand was, as they say, "on the wave". The attempt was unsuccessful: the young artist was given 5 minutes, and the material was enough for only 2. Negative experience led to the fact that 2 years after that, Louis did not risen.

Having recovered after failure, the artist returned to the microphone and as the growth of the genre began to punch the path to glory. From Club Standapov, he gradually moved to paid concerts, began working on heating from popular comedians, then began performing speeches in comedy clubs.

Standaper Louis Si Kay

By 1989, Louis moved to Manhattan, where he expanded the creative biography of speeches on television. By 1995, he declared himself and as a director - his short "ice cream", shot 2 years before, was demonstrated at the Festival of Short Cinema in Aspen.

The Louis did not succeed in the popular show "Saturday in the evening live" Louis, but in the early 90s he worked for the gear "Late night with Conan O'Brien" and "Evening Show with David Letterman." In 1996, Si Kay received the position of the chief screenwriter for the "show Dane Carvi", however, the transfer was extended only 7 issues. 2 years old, from 1997 to 1999, Louis was the author in the "Show of Chris Roca".

Director Louis Si Kay

The period from 1998 to 2004 passed for SI Keia under the sign of cinema and television. In 1998, Louis created a full-length black and white film "Tomorrow's Night", in which he and directed by the director, and producer, and the author of the script. In 2001, another picture of His authorship was published, "Teng Ways" - processing one of the sketches for the "Show Rock". The fate of the tape turned out to be dual: film critics defeated the film, but over the years he became a cult cinema in his genre.

In addition, the artist participated in the voice acting of the animated series "Home Video", performed as a scenario for the TV series "Cedric 'Entertainer" presents "and created a parody" The Filthy Stupid Talent Show ".

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In August 2005, Louis starred in a half-hour special release of the ONE NIGHT STAND STANDAP show, and a year later, made a screenwriter and the executor of the leading role in Sitkom "Lucky Louis." The comedy series about the life of a stupid mechanic, his wife and a little daughter deserved mixed reviews of critics, but was highly appreciated by the public: on the popular IMDB.com website "Lucky Louis" still retains a high rating.

However, on the air, Sitka lasted the entire season, the HBO TV channel closed the show on cumulative reasons: both the economic and relating resonance about the ethiquidity of the series.

In the fall of 2008, the premiere of the concert film Louis Si Keia "Drained" was held on the show "ShowTime", which was later nominated to the Prime-Time Award "Emmy". The next similar product was shot in April 2009 and released only in 2011, the film "Just", which comedian took off independently, performing as a director.

In addition, in the early 2010 Louis appeared in the successful TV series "Parks and recreation areas", and also starred in a fantastic comedy "invention of lies" - a ribbon telling about a person who is the only world in the world knows how to speak failure that radically changes life Around him.

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Another successful project of this period was the series "Louis", broadcast from 2010 to 2015 on the FX TV channel. Sitkom, the style of which was to the black comedy, told about the life of the stand-comic comedian Louis - a meal and not too successful man who tries to somehow deal with his life.

When creating a series of SI KEI partially relied on his own life and professional experience, but the project is not autobiographical.

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In 2016, Si Kay spoke in an unexpected role: released the web series "Horace and Pete", in which comedic elements are mixed with truly tragic and dark. The history of the bar, which has existed throughout the century, Louis introduced together with Steve Bushhemi, who fulfilled the second major role.

The series, warmly met critics, in 2016 was awarded the Pibody award. Also this year, the artist participated in the creation of a product for children - he voiced the main character of the cartoon "Secret life of pets".

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Standap Louis did not leave - in 2017, Netflix released a video of his performances in Washington. The next serious work of the comedian was the film "I love you, daddy", shot on a black and white film.

In the picture with a difficult and sad plot about the father, trying to protect the young daughter from mistakes, except Si Kay, starred the stars of the first magnitude: Chloe Market and John Malkovic. However, the fate of the film after the show at the International Film Festival in Toronto turned out to be difficult because of the bundled scandal associated with the accusations of the Keia in numerous sexual harassment.

Personal life

With the first wife, artist Alix Bailey, the artist met at the age of 18 at the New Year's party in Boston. Louis was very drunk and made a girl a sentence after 5 minutes after dating. The next time they met only 15 years later, and in 1995 they really got married. In this marriage, Louis born 2 daughters. After the divorce in 2008, the spouses made a joint custody of children, and Si Kay continues to participate in the life of girls.

Louis Si Kay and his ex-wife Alix Bailey

In 2017, 5 women who accused comic in sexual harassment occurred from 1990 to 2005 appeared on the "New York Times" pages. It should be noted that the rumors about the impotence of Louis went to this - in the comedian environment, information regularly appeared about the fact that SI KEI forces female colleagues to observe how he was engaged in self-satisfaction.

The artist first refuted the accusations, but then he recognized his guilt and repented in his behavior. Louis reported that he thought that he did normally, as he had never done such actions, without asking the consent of the woman initially. But, according to Si Kay, he did not give himself aware that the woman-comical woman with his weight is difficult to answer "no" to a similar question from a person with his weight in the artistic environment. "It will be afraid of possible harm for your career.

Louis Si Kay

The result, in addition to public resonance, has become problems with the realization of the film "I love you, daddy." The Orchard refused to spread the picture, and the Marine and Charlie Day starred in Ribe refused to participate in its promotion.

Also, the Comic was broken up by the "FX Networks", "Netflix" and "HBO", and the artist refused to participate in the voice of the Sicvel's "secret life of pets" in the right to participate in the voice of the sequel. In addition, the character voiced by SI KEE, the Disney channel removed from repeats when demonstrating the animated series "Graviti Falls".

Louis Si Kay now

In the fall of 2018, Louis, after a semi-annual silence, returned to the scene, performing in the Manhattan Club and even joking on the topic of the sexy scandal. Many artist colleagues on the workshop were shocked so fast returning the Si Kay to the system, but now there are problems with finding sites for speeches at the comic basis. For example, in January 2019, the owner of the Comedy Works Danward Club refused Louis in the right to perform on his scene.

Louis Si Kay and Blanche Gardin

In November 2018, Si Kay declared changes in his personal life, confessing, which is in relations with the French comedic actress Blanche Gardin.

The artist leads a blog in Twitter, which regularly publishes new records that are mainly the format of short jokes. The account in the "Instagram" at Louis is not, therefore most of the photo of the Keia, located on the Internet, is made during his speeches or conversations with correspondents.

Despite the scandalous reputation of the author, the jokes of Louis retain popularity, and it is still considered one of the outstanding figures of American stand. In the network, including in its Russian-speaking segment, you can easily find quotes from the most striking speeches of the SI Keya.

Louis Si Kay in 2019

The artist has never shy to speak even to the most acute and painful social topics - from political events to racial and social inequality. For example, the situation with the position of black in the USA, he was aptly described by mentioning the time machine:

"That I am white, there is a huge plus. I can get into the time car and go at any time, I will be cool everywhere! And if the black sees the time car, then say: "drove, but there is no one earlier than the 80s". "


  • 1993 - "Ice Cream"
  • 1998 - "Tom Tomorrow"
  • 2004 - "Saint Louis"
  • 2006 - "Lucky Louis"
  • 2006 - "Searches for Nixon"
  • 2008 - "In one ear flew out
  • 2008 - "Adult surprise"
  • 2009 - "Parks and Recreation Areas"
  • 2013 - "Jasmine"
  • 2015 - "Like happiness"
  • 2015 - "Trmbo"
  • 2016 - "Horace and Pete"
  • 2017 - "I love you, daddy"

TV project

  • 1994 - "Late night with Conan O'Brien"
  • 1995 - "Evening Show with David Letterman"
  • 1996 - "Show Dan Carvey"
  • 1996 - "HBO Comedy Half-Hour"
  • 1997 - Chris Rock Show
  • 1997 - "Saturday night in the literal"
  • 2001 - "Standap from Comedy Central"
  • 2008 - "Luis S. K.: Shabby"
  • 2010 - "Louis S. K.: Jelly"
  • 2013 - "Luis S. K.: My bower"
  • 2015 - "Louis S. K.: Vyful to Comedy Store"

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