Rebecca Hall - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Actress, Scarlett Johansson, Roles 2021



Tychny kinomans, familiar with the work of the director of Christopher Nolan, Woody Allen and Ben Affleck, probably remember a high smiling British with Swan's neck and good eyes - Rebecca Hall. This artist bribes the audience with its sincerity, intelligence and bright individuality.

Childhood and youth

Native British Rebecca Maria Hall was born on May 3, 1982 in the creative family of the English director and founder of the Royal Shakespeare Company of Peter Hall and the American Opera Singer of Maria Ying in London. She combined the appearance and temper of different nations: her father is an Englishman, and the mother has American, Dutch, Scottish and African American origin.

Although the girl's parents divorced when she was 5 years old, Rebecca Hall supported the family tradition, finding himself in art, like other children Peter Hall. Among them, theatrical director Edward, writer and artist Jennifer Caron, TV producer Christopher, theater designer Lucy and actress Emma. Hall and now supports warm relationships with both parents, brothers and sisters.

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From 9 to 13 years old Rebecca attended school for girls Cumnor House in East Sussex. Feeding high hopes in young age, she became an old-fashioned at the ROEDEAN school before entering the college of Holy Catharina in Cambridge to study English literature.

Hall did not finish her studies by throwing it before the fake, but it was here that she completely plunged into the acting game and understood for himself that this was exactly what she would like to do all her life.

During his stay in Cambridge, the girl actively participated in student life, was a member of the Society of Marlou - the University of the Theater Club of the University of Cambridge, played with the neighbor Dan Stevens in several productions.


The acting debt Rebecca took place not without the help of her father: Being the director of the mini-series based on the novel by Mary Wesley "Romashkaya Polyana", he chose to fulfill the role of the baby Sophie's 10-year-old daughter. The stage career of a young actress began only 10 years later - in 2002, when Peter Hall invited her to participate in the play "Profession Mrs. Warren", received enthusiastic reviews and theater award Yana Charles.

The full start of the creative biography of the actress fell to 2006 - she played her thesis Rebecca Epstein in a romantic comedy "get into the top ten". Together with her, such religious British hearts, like James McEvoy and Benedict Cumberbatch, as well as Beauty Alice Yves took part in the picture. The film about the love triangle and the growing was approved by critics and received a prime sympathy at the Austin Film Festival.

An important turn in the filmography of Hall was to participate in the fantastic thriller director Christopher Nolan "Prestige" 2006. And again the artist was lucky enough to work on one set with such Hollywood celebrities as Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Michael Kane and Scarlett Johansson. The audience appeared in the same tape found similar, despite the different hair color and origin.

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In this picture, the girl first followed the image of an aristocratic, sophisticated, but progressive lady of the beginning of the 20th century, which she subsequently repeated in other works. The role of Sarah brought actresses in nationwide awareness and invitations from directors to their projects.

I did not resist the charm of the British and the famous American Woody Allen, who took her in his burning melodrama "Vicki Kristina Barcelona" in 2008. Having received a ticket to the dream factory, Hall conquered Hollywood and showed herself as a multifaceted and promising actress. The partners on the set were all the same Scarlett Johansson and Spanish beauty Penelope Cruz. The film received the Golden Globe in the nomination "The best film (comedy or musical)" and "Oscar" for the best female role of the second plan.

Next year, Rebecca starred in the next film design of the cult novel writer Oscar Wilde "Dorian Gray". Hall played not existing in the book of the character Emily Watton. Be that as it may, the presence of her heroine in the plot canvas opened a new identity of Gray and gave a breath of fresh air known to all history.

2010 brought the actress chance to try himself in a new genre: she starred in the criminal drama "City of Thieves", telling about the robbers of four professionals. The director, the screenwriter and the main character performed Ben Affleck. He approved the Hall on a central female role without official samples, based only on one short meeting.

In an interview dedicated to the lifting of thriller, he said that Rebecca flew to one day from London to New York to discuss the project. He wanted the actress to do not argue with him every minute, which was successful and implemented.

Speaking of the Hall career, it is impossible not to mention the participation in the Marvel Project "Iron Man - 3" 2013. She played a secondary role to a scientist Maya Hansen. Robert Downey Jr. and Gwyneth Paltrow became partners. A funny fact is that for many years of work in the cinema Rebecke was able to cooperate with many actors from the Universe "Marvel" and so far only once to take part in it.

The main character of the actress performed in the Dram "Promise", director and the screenwriter of which Patrice Lekontt. Alan Rickman, who fulfilled one of his recent roles in the picture, became partner of the Hall.

When Stephen Spielberg was looking for an actress to create the image of the Queen's maid in the fairy tale "Big and Good Giant," he did not doubt the one to invite. It was necessary to type the British to the bone's brain and at the same time aristocratic and intelligent. The legendary director told Rebecca:

"This is a small, but important role, and I really want to play it that you are."

From such a sincere and flattering proposal it was impossible to refuse.

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The prototype of the heroine actresses in the biographical tape "Professor Martone and Wonder Women" was Elizabeth Martiston - a psychologist and a lawyer, a spouse of the author of comics about a wonderful woman. Casting the film added Luke Evans and Bella Hitchot.

In 2019, the American comedy Woody Allen "Rainy Day in New York" with a high hope of young actors Timothy Shalam and El Fanning starved around the world, except the United States. The production of the picture coincided with the beginning of the #Me Too movement, causing a new wave of interest in charges of sexual harassment, nominated against the director in 1992.

Like other stars employed in the project, Rebecca announced in social networks, which regrets participation in the film and will not cooperate with Allen in the future. She sacrificed the fee of a charitable organization that protects victims of violence - Time's Up.

Personal life

Rebecca Hall does not like to spread about his personal life. It is known that from 2003 to 2004, it consisted in relations with the British actor Freddie Stevenson, and in the fall of 2011 it met with the director Sam Mehdes.

However, another person became her husband: In September 2015, the actress married the American actor Morgan spectrum after a 2-year acquaintance, held on Broadway during their joint participation in the "Mechanical" play.

In January 2018, Rebecca laid out a photo with a rounded tummy in the "instagram", giving understanding subscribers, which is waiting for the firstborn. The child actress gave birth immediately after the death of his father. The memorial service of the Honored Director, held in Westminster Abbey, visited very recognizable Persons: Judy Dench, Kenneth Brahn and Raif Fayns.

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The actress is the owner of an accurate figure and model growth that it proudly demonstrates on photo shoots in a swimsuit and underwear (its weight is 57 kg with 178 cm height). With bright appearance in free from shooting time, the celebrity is without makeup.

Rebecca Hall now

Briton actively continues his acting path. Projects in which it takes part is painted several years ahead.

In March 2021, the premiere of the fantastic militant "Godzilla vs. Kong" took place, the remake of the first color Japanese film director Isiro Honda, who saw the light in 1962.

The hall in the picture got the secondary role of the Cauderman of the Nature Reserve Ilen Andrews. To the question why the celebrity chose this project, in an interview with Rebecca replied that after a 6-month break, because of the birth of a child, she wanted to return to work, but was not ready to spend a lot of physical strength on shooting.


  • 2006 - "Prestige"
  • 2008 - "Vicky Kristina Barcelona"
  • 2009 - "Dorian Gray"
  • 2010 - "City of Thieves"
  • 2011 - "Psychic"
  • 2013 - "Iron Man 3"
  • 2014 - "Superiority"
  • 2014 - "Big and Good Giant"
  • 2017 - "Professor Martone and Wonder Women"
  • 2019 - "Rainy Day in New York"
  • 2020 - "Night House"
  • 2020 - "Loop stories"
  • 2021 - "Godzilla vs. Kong"

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