Mahmoud II - portrait, biography, personal life, cause of death, Ottoman Sultan



Ottoman Sultan Mahmoud II distinguished himself during his reign of several progressive reforms, and also contributed to the exacerbation of relations between the Ottoman Empire and Egypt, whose policies were carried out independently of the Sultan government.

Portrait of Mahmoud II.

Not much known about the child's child's ruler. The boy was born in the summer of 1785 in the Sultansky Palace of Topkan in Istanbul. As the younger son of Abdulha Hamid I - the 27th Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, Makhmud was brought up surrounded by other children, numerous brothers and sisters.

His mother was the seventh wife of Sultan - a native of the Caribbean Islands. Somehow the girl traveled around the sea, African pirates were captured. It was brought to the Ottoman Empire as a living product and sold on the Algerian market.

Governing body

When Mahmoud was a child, he led the country to his father, he lived in pinnedness and was aside from public affairs. A man survived the war with the Russian Empire, but 4 months after the conquest, Russians died of a stroke. And his place was taken by Selim III, the son of Mustafa III, which planned to reorganize the Ottoman state and modernize the army. The impetus to his fall was excitement in Serbia and Valahia, they have not previously showed the weaknesses of the power of Sultan.

Sultan Mahmoud II.

In 1807, Selima replaces Mustafa IV, with it, supporters of the reforms of the past ruler sentenced to the death penalty. War continued with Russia. A year later, a new rebellion began, as a result of numerous bloodshed over the orders of Mahmoud II, Mustafa was killed, and he became the 30th Ottoman Sultan. So at 23 in the biography of a man there is a history of his many years of government.

The weakness of the Ottoman Empire was in its political and military parties, which, in the opinion of the new ruler, demanded reforming on a European model, which could become the only salvation of the state. Mahmoud decides to support the politics of Selim.

The first thing Mahmoud does - conducts military reform and reorganizes the Yanychar's Corps, which at that time was the basis of the imperial troops. And since they showed their inconsistency during several wars, Sultan simply destroyed their corps, and in return created the "victorious army of Mohammed."

Mahmoud II to reform in clothes

As many then believed, he did not take it on time, since the new army did not have the necessary experience and discipline for the end of the war with Russia and Greece. And then the ruler is forced to enjoy the troops with the necessary weapons and his learning, for this he invited good European instructors.

Historians celebrate the contribution of Sultan into the domestic policy of the state. The man sought to contemporize the Ottoman Empire, with it, the objects of the furniture and the situation began to include the local population, the first newspaper of Ottoman Turkey began to be produced. To obtain Western Education, youth sent to learn abroad, the force of the law in the appearance of people gradually introduced the European appearance.

Mahmoud personally chose uniforms for the emergence of people in public places during the Muslim holiday Ramadan, introduced the costumes of the European cut and for states of the state. And if, before it came to power, the joint feast of men and women could not pass, then after the adoption of new laws, this rule was excluded.

Mahmoud II after reform

Changes occurred not only in the appearance of the country. Mahmoud also took up the problems of secular education. It is with him that general education, military and professional educational institutions began to appear in the Ottoman Empire.

At the same time, attempts were made to create a system of Turkish media and develop a typography industry. In addition, the transformation was aimed at strengthening the central authorities, as well as to combat the qualities of the provinces and the exclusion of bribery from the authorities. The general and criminal legislation also suffered positive changes.

In addition, we have weakened the bans on the import of alcoholic beverages and their sale. All these reforms and innovations often cause negative responses from all social layers, which were periodically poured into the uprising. And it is not surprising, because they often went against the moral values ​​and the familiar skill of the life of the Ottoman people. Despite the efforts of Sultan, the country continued to tolerate defeats in hostilities.

Portrait of Mahmoud II.

Gradually lost the Ottoman Empire and former independence in foreign policy issues. In political and economic terms, the country was collapsed due to military defeats. The treasury decreased, the land fund was reduced, this resulted in strengthening the tax oppression.

In addition, Makhmud's reign is filled with battles and loss of territory important to the country. In Ottoman-Saudi war, he opposed the Wahhabi dynasty, Muhammed Ali Egyptian, who was a commander of Sultan, returned the warring side under the power of Ottomans. The Russian-Turkish war of 1806-1812 ended for Sultan is not so good.

Map of the Ottoman Empire during Mahmud II

Upon its completion, the Bucharest Mirny Agreement was compiled, as a result of which the Turks were taken away by Moldova and Bessarabia. And the Adrianopol world finished the next war of Russian and Ottomans in 1829, but again contained unprofitable conditions for the latter.

In the years of the reign of Sultan, after the Greek war for independence, they lost both Greece, which many of the powers of Europe were helped. In addition, independence acquired Egypt and no longer had a relationship to Istanbul. From the subordination of Mahmud, the governor Muhammed Ali came out, he wanted to create his empire, and then helped the Ottoman Empire only Russian troops.

Personal life

As with the other Sultans of the Ottoman Empire, the personal life of Mahmoud was rich. Among women and concubines, a man had 18 women who, in the aggregate, gave birth to Him 39 children (19 sons and 20 daughters). Many of them died in childhood and youth, only 2 sons and 5 daughters lived to adult. One of them, Mikhrimakh-Sultan, married in 24 years, and in 1838 she gave birth to his wife's wife. However, immediately after childbirth, a woman, like her newborn, died.

Mahmoud II.

If we talk about the appearance of the Sultan, it is worth noting its small growth and mediocrity in the facial features, which often in those years was reflected in his portraits. At the same time, the man was distinguished by a strong will and high intelligence. He was secretive, had patience, tried to fulfill the goals. At the same time, the Sultan was interested in the European way of life, and he did not feed passion to religion.


Over the years, Mahmud has been addicted to the abuse of alcoholic beverages. Over time, it began to destroy the health of men and lower its performance, increasingly becoming the cause of internal rebellions and foreign policy lesions. And the last 2-3 years of the ruler's life was noticeable of its complete inaction as the head of the empire.

Mausoleum Mahmoud II.

Against the background of disastrous addictions, sultans began to develop diseases with which the doctors no longer cope. A man died in 1893, the cause of death was the tuberculosis of lungs and cirrhosis of the liver. After the death of Mahmud II, his place in power took one of the sons - Abdul-Medzhid I.


In 2019, on Russian television, the show of the series "Sultan of my heart" directed by Kerema Chakiroglu started. Against the background of Istanbul, the beginning of the XIX century unfolds the story of love, which meets many difficulties and problems on its way. The daughter of the Russian ambassador Anna, working at the Embassy of the Russian Empire, makes acquaintance with Sultan Mahmoud II.

Being the initiator of the introduction of educational reforms into the regime of his country, the man is impressed with the mind and knowledge of a pretty girl, so invites her to work as a teacher for his children. At first, the daughter of the official refuses, but under the pressure of other people still agrees.

Mahmoud II - portrait, biography, personal life, cause of death, Ottoman Sultan 12820_9

Having stayed for some time in the Sultansky Palace, a young girl understands what falls in love with Mahmoud. However, on its path, Anna meets many problems. Numerous harem inhabitants perceive the girl as a rival, and the Children of Sultan refuse to obey the teacher from another country.

The plot presented in the film is fictional, because among the concubines and wives Sultan never had representatives of the Russian Empire. The role of the main character, Sultan, fulfilled the Turkish actor Ali Erssan Duru, the role of the girl Anna went to Ukrainian Alexander Nikiforova.

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