Peter II - Portrait, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Board



Among the representatives of the imperial house of Romanov, there is hardly someone less noticeable and more inglorious than Peter Alekseevich - the grandson of Peter I and the third Russian emperor. He joined the throne with a child and graduated from life, not having time to grow up. So it is not necessary to talk about great acts and weighty state solutions.


Peter II was born in St. Petersburg on October 12, 1715 and was the fruit of a dynastic marriage between Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich and the Kronprintzess Charlotte Braunschweig-Wolfencery. The marriage was designed to strengthen the diplomatic links between Russia, Germany and Austria, so Peter I categorically insisted on it.

Peter II Parents

He did not go about heart ties between speech spouses, rather, mutual discontent was present, but two children were born in the family in the family. Natalia's sister was older than Peter. Children early orphaned: Mother died for the tenth day after the births of Tsarevich, his father survived her for 3 years. Alexey Petrovich was accused of an attempt to the coup, and in 1718 he died in the Petropavlovsk fortress, waiting for the fulfillment of the death sentence.

Peter Alekseevich's goddares of Peter I and his sister Natalia. The upbringing of the future of the emperor was beaten on a sidewall during his father's life. Drunk nannies were engaged in the child who had fallen in wine to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Scene of the birth of Tsarevich Peter II

The teaching of the diploma and manners did not fit into the daily schedule of the youngest monarch. Until a certain time, Peter II was not even considered as a candidate for the throne, since Peter I at that time a direct heir was born, and all the aspirations were associated with him.

However, the death of both sons (Opt Alexey in 1718 and the juvenile Peter in 1719) forced Peter the Great to pay attention to the grandson. The emperor ordered Menshikov to engage in the Grand Duke, and he attached to the boys of educators: Dyctery Seeds Maurine and Hungary Ivan Zeikana. The fruits of their work only accepted the king, because after a time he discovered the grandson with a complete ignorant, which did not read the books, he barely said in Russian, but he was repeated in Tatar.

Peter II in childhood with sister Natalia

Peter II received a more serious mentor already in step of the reign: a diplomat Andrei Ivanovich Osterman was raised to teach Tsarevich's mind. But he decided to alternate the doctrine with entertainment. As a result, the third Emperor of Russia is described by historians as a nearby and wrought-one young man who does not differ in mind and special talents.

Hardworking and perseverances monarch did not show, and bad inclinations like addiction to alcohol and idle passions were pretty easily. Contemporaries added such features such as cardioves, trick and even cruelty to the portrait of the emperor.

Elevate on the throne

Peter I died in 1925, without appointing the successor, but having time to take a decree on which the transfer of the throne was canceled only by direct heirs on the male line. Using a new right, Prince Alexander Menshikov actually immediately sat down on the throne of his wife who had written emperor - Catherine I.

However, influential know narrows the circles around the young Peter, assuming that his rule is not far from around the corner. Noble surnames compete with each other for the right to be the favorites of the boy, and the first time in this struggle leads the prince of Menshikov.

An experimental connoisseur saw the extinction of the Empress and planned to become a trustee and a mentor with a young Peter II, when he rushes to the throne. The prince put all the efforts so that the dying Ekaterina I signed a decree on the transfer of the throne Peter II, sweating in the rights of his own daughters. In the opposition, Menshikov stood that to know who signed the death sentence by Father Peter II, Alexey Petrovich. Velmazby feared the revenge of the future emperor.

Alexander Danilovich Menshikov

On May 6, 1727, the sovereign died, and 11-year-old Peter II became the new ruler. The juvenile emperor was unlikely to be considered a full-fledged autocrat due to age. In fact, the ruling body was the Supreme Secret Council, and the regent under Peter Alekseyevich was the first time the influential Menshikov, referred to as the bright prince.

On February 25, 1728, the solemn ceremony of Coronation Peter II occurred. It was in Moscow, where the emperor moved to his yard.

Governing body

Peter II was in power for less than 3 years. In fact, the country's management occurred by inertia. To continue the line of Peter the Great was obtained only in words, in fact prevailed the treasures, intrigues and struggle for influence over the young ruler.

Emperor Peter II.

Menshikov long lasted in favorites, although he managed to appoint himself to the commander-in-chief and generalissimus of the Russian Empire. The dissatisfaction with his undivided power was accumulated, and the Palace to know was looking for ways to get rid of influential prince.

The key to the young sovereign was picked up the princes of Dolgorukov: those even before climbing the throne convinced the boy that the reign is worthy only he. Dolgorukov encouraged the passion of the king to entertainment, which he did not oppose, preferring hunting and fist fights by state concerns.

Portrait of Peter II.

And if at Menshikov, a number of popular reforms in the field of domestic policy were adopted, then after his opals, state affairs went at all for samonek. The visitors foreigners described that the country reigns full chaos and nonsense, when no one cares about anything, and everything is only pulled to themselves.

In the "Menshikovsky Period" of Petro II, decrees were signed, forgiving the long-term debts of serf and giving the amnesty to persons serving the time for non-payment of taxes. Softened the "Clause of punishments": more dismanded bodies of criminals were not shown for general intimidation.

Peter II and Elizabeth Petrovna on the hunt

Foreign policy reforms focused on trading relationships: a number of goods were reduced and partially abolished in order to increase the trade turnover with other countries and, therefore, the profit of the state treasury.

With the coming to the power of the Dolgoruky about the reforms and I had to forget at all. During this period, the problems reigned everywhere: the army and the fleet were literally collapsed, crisis was crisis in the church, robbery, discouraged, and even natural disasters. The only truly glorious event that occurred during the reign of Peter II was the opening of Bering Strait in 1730.

Personal life

The personal life of the future of the emperor was trying to arrange from the most young years.

The question of the Swarotia made troubled and shared influential to know at hostile camps. To reconcile all parties, Vice-Chancellor Osterman even offered to get the Tsarevich Peter with Elizabeth Petrovna. He was not embarrassed by the fact that the Father Elizabeth had a boy with his native aunt. Fortunately, church canons did not allow such a step.

Maria Menshikova, the first bride of Peter II

Alexander Menshikov did not have canonical obstacles in order to marry a young Peter on his daughter. Therefore, after a couple of weeks after the boys's glance at the throne, the prince settled him at home and in June 1727 he gained Mary with his daughter.

Mary was older than his narrowed for almost 5 years and referred to him contemptuously. And the 11-year-old emperor and looked at all in his voice, not wanting to marry. However, the wedding did not take place: generic and serve to know united against Menshikov, who had after Peter I actually unlimited power and influence.

Ekaterina Dolgorukova, the second Bride of Peter II

The opposition group, where the princes of Dolgorukov, Osterman and the future Empress Elizabeth were able to set up a young sovereign against the favorite, and in the fall of 1727 Menshikov with his family was exiled to Siberia, having lost their property, ranks and privileges. Accordingly, the engagement with Maria lost strength.

Another attempt to marry the emperor was taken close to him princes of dolvory. In December 1729, they have gained Peter II with one of their daughters, Prince Catherine. The wedding was appointed at the end of January 1730, but the young man did not live to a denominated date literally ten days.


Emperor Peter II passed away on January 19, 1730, without living and 15 years. The cause of death turned out to be an aggravation of smallpox.

Departure of Emperor Peter II on a falcon hunt

The day before, on the feast of the baptism, the parade and rank of water department on the Moscow River. The day was extremely frosty, and the young monarch was cold. He began a strong fever and even nonsense, during which Peter rustled to go to his beloved sister, and by that time was no longer alive.

The death of the ruler was accompanied by intrigues. Prince Ivan Dolgorukov, copying the handwriting of Peter, wrote the will, according to which the Russian throne inherited his sister Catherine. It was with her shortly before death the emperor was engaged. The Secret Council was not difficult to expose falsification.

Peter II tombstones

The young man died in late at night at the Lefortovo Palace of Moscow. Peter II is buried in the royal necropolis of the Arkhangelsk Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

For Russia, the 16-18 centuries was characterized by fashion for impostors. Particularly described the biographies of the brightest persons who died at an early age. This tendency and Peter II did not go around. The false designer appeared 20 years after the death of the emperor, but was quickly exposed and did not have time to become a significant figure.

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