Elena Kondakova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Cosmonaut 2021



The conquerors of the universe just do not become so. When sending to outer space, not only high indicators of physical health, but also moral. Plus, personal qualities of character helping to make important decisions not only in orbit, but also on Earth. The example of this example is the hero of Russia Elena Kondakova - the first woman who made a long flight and managed to abandon the political post when she considered it necessary.

Childhood and youth

March is a month when people come to this world who are destined to look at our planet through the porthole: Yuri Gagarin - 9th, Valentina Tereshkova - 6th. This glorious list complements And Elena Kondakov, who was born under the curtain, the 30th, in 1957 in Mytishchi (according to other data - in the neighboring Naukograd Queen).

Cosmonaut Elena Kondakova

As a child, she was different from the peers and preferred time not as all the girls - for dolls, and in the garage of Father Vladimir Andreevich, grew active and interested in everything. However, absolutely no girls hobbies left Elena and as they grow up.

At the end of the decade No. 16 in Queen, he entered the famous "Baumanka" (at that time a school) - to know the secrets of the creation of aircraft, which later graduated with honors. The choice of this institution is not accidental: the daughter confidently went in the footsteps of the parents - they worked in the RKK "Energia", the eldest brother Mikhail also devoted his life to the study of space.

Elena Kondakova

The future cosmonaut Kondakov also hit the "energy" to the Olympic 1980s, where the most important tasks were legally on the shoulders of a young and promising employee - the planning of long-term flights; Studying staff and behavior in situations when "something went wrong", and introducing it into operation after breaks. Plus, the girl was engaged in experimenting and implementing scientific projects.


Before going to space, Elena first was one of those who participated and followed the flight of the sixth and seventh "Salutes", in parallel with the ideological problem arising in the way to the galaxy expanses by receiving the second higher education at the Institute of Marxism-Leninism. The Russian Academy of Foreign Ministry has also succumbed to studying.

Elena Kondakova in preparation for space flight

In 1985, he began to independently study the "Union TM", and after 4 years, despite the opposite opinion of the cosmonaut's spouse about the weak field in orbit, Kondakov unexpectedly and easily passed all the necessary medical missions and became a context for a long flight, held in 4- Day of October 1994, under the call sign "Vityaz-2". The third Soviet woman-astronaut in space was invariably sent by the husband, by the time the head of the CaO, and Valentina Tereshkova.

"At every session of communication, even if I did not hear the voices of my husband, I felt that he was in the press, keeps the situation under control. But when landing is scary. At the site of the landing, I met my husband every time. Kazakhstan bought all roses that were in the city. And said Briefly: "Hi!", "The record holder shared valuable memories.
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According to its own memories, it did not feel any special overloads during almost a semi-annual absence on Earth than and wished to prove that the outer space does not adversely affect human health. The only thing that was given hard is the lack of opportunity to stay with relatives for the new year and hug them, and even a husband and her daughter have always documented every night.

Repeated flight happened at Kondakova already on American Space Shuttle Atlantis 3 years after the debut. A bold woman was preparing to the third, but he succumbed to persuasion of a beloved man, tired of worrying for his life companion, not to do so. The spouse suggested to accept the offer to try his strength in politics.

Politician Elena Kondakova

The hardness of the spirit, the persistence of character and the inherent peculiar absence of fear "before the earth" was especially manifested in the summer of 2011. Without having accepted the results of the voting for "United Russia", whose deputy was, Elena Vladimirovna "folded" a party card, uttered unshakable:

"Primary" United Russia "is an economically inappropriate game in democracy. I realize that my application means the end of my political career ... ".

However, it did not manage to go from politics - in a year she took up Russia's foreign trade issues in Switzerland.

Personal life

"I did not meet a person of greater kindness and responsiveness than Ryumin. Absolute honesty, sincerity, decency is my husband, and friends know about it. Thanks to the fate that brought with such a person. This is the most correct solution in my life. You can only dream of such men. Behind him, as a wall, like in the fortress. He will never betray, make everything for you, which is possible and impossible. When with you Ryumin, you can safely go ahead. "
Elena Kondakov in a family circle

Elena Vladimirovna did not bother to good words to her husband. And easily missed the ears of echidial remarks, which, they say, in space she fell "according to Blatu" and thanks to the deft of the working life.

At the time of dating and cooperation, Valery Viktorovich was married, but the broken feelings were so strong that the service novel was tied, the culmination of which was an invitation to the cafe after a successful resolution of the emergency with a scaffold from one of his colleagues. The man announced that he left the family, and made an offer, from surprise and Shoka Elena received him only a year later.

Elena Kondakova with daughter

Later, the pair was born the only daughter of Eugene (1986). The child drove into kindergarten and school, fed and raised Valery at the time while his wife was in space. In the footsteps of the parents, the girl did not go, and finished the Financial Academy.

"Character has become better. Lena is an impulsive man, but after the flight she became more judicious and calm. "

So reservedly responded to his "star" chief of the former cosmonaut and twice the Hero of the USSR.

Elena Kondakova now

Elena Kondakova and now willingly take invitations of journalists to talk to the whole country about the mounted outer space, as well as to become an invited guest of all sorts of events. For example, at the end of 2018, she expressed her own clear "point of view" on "Pravda. RU ", and in the fall visited the youth" Cosmofest East "in Blagoveshchensk.

Elena Kondakova in 2019

In 2019, Kondakov's test pilot took congratulations on the 25th anniversary of his record flight. Do not forget about memorable dates with its participation and Roscosmos, publishing rare photos, excerpts from the biography and warm words on the official website, as well as in Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Awards and titles

  • 1995 - Cosmonaut pilot of the Russian Federation
  • April 10, 1995 - Medal "Golden Star" Hero of the Russian Federation
  • 1995 - Cosmonaut of the 2nd class
  • 1997 - Cosmonaut of the 1st Class
  • April 12, 2011 - Medal "For merits in the development of space" - for great merits in the field of research, development and use of outer space, many years of conscientious work, active social activities
  • Medal NASA "For Space Flight" (NASA Space Flight Medal)

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