Grigor Kligan - biography, actors and roles, height and weight, without a helmet


Character History

Grigor Krigan, the faithful vassal of the house of Lannister, from the young age glorified his own name, carrying death and destruction on the expanses of seven kingdoms. With the identity of the knight, many rumors and speculations are connected, which the prudent surroundings of the King of the Iron throne does not pronounce in full voice. Murders, betrayal, violence - not a complete list of entertainment of a brown-like man.

History of creation

Grigor Kligan is a secondary character introduced by the writer George Martin in the novel "Song of Ice and Flame", written in 1996. The knight, in contrast to the majority of fantasy heroes, does not have a prototype. The image is entered into the story to add a plot of gloomy and a bed, which, according to the author, is peculiar to seven kingdoms.

George Martin

An excellent warrior, a cruel commander and a merciless killer appears before the fans of the drama and in the books, and in the series. The producers decided not to change the character of the hero and even found for the role of the Mount of the actor, which would correspond to the ideas of readers fantasy about the character involved in the novel.

"Game of Thrones"

Bloody Biography of Grigor begins in the birthlock of the cligan family castle. The child from the young age was distinguished by a cruel temper. The younger sister of the boy died in mysterious circumstances, and the Castle's servants whispered that the tragedy did not cost without the participation of Grigor. Sandor Kligan suffered from Brutality Brother (later a man will take the name of the dog). The boy took the older brother's toy, for which Grigor dismissed the face of Sandora

Sandor Kligan.

As the first descendant of ancient kind, after the mysterious death of the father, the young man received title and castles belonging to the famous surname. At 16, the young man left his relatives and went to the service for Targarien. The mad king found a common tongue with a cruel grig, and soon the culigan produced in the knights.

However, warm relationships with the Lord of seven kingdoms did not prevent a man to participate in the overthrow of Targaryen. Moreover, Grigor personally killed the grandson of the king and increased over the monarch's daughter-in-law.

Grigor Krigan

Like the previous owner, Robert Barateon rated the power and fearless knights. With the new King of the Career of Grigor, whom the mountain nicknamed the mountain, was moving at no less.

In addition to outstanding physical features and unbridled cruelty, Kligan was distinguished by cunning and pragmatic. Pretty soon Mountain realized that Lannisterians possess the actual power, and not sitting on the throne baraton. Proving its own dedication, Grigor becomes the bodyguard Serne.

Eddard Stark

The next unjustified act of cruelty was marked by the knightly tournament dedicated to Ned Stark - the new King's desk. During the fight, the mountain quickly straightens with a little-known knight, and losing the second battle Loras Tirello with one movement kills his own horse, guilty of losing.

The beginning of hostilities in the territory of seven kingdoms has become the best time for the clip. Lannisters sent a faithful warrior to parse with the rebels, and the mountain did not hold back at the time of stripping. The cruelty of the man came out for the permitted framework, so Ned Stark gave an order to kill the swirl of Grigor. Alas, Drain's death began to do not fulfill orders, and the cruel killer remained at freedom.

Obserin Martell

Return to the royal harbor has become a fatal solution for the mountain. SERSEY, who trusted the kolyan more than the rest of the knights, sent the mountain to the battle against Obserina Martell, who defended the honor of Tyrion Lannerner.

Confident in our own power, a mountain without fear goes to battle, which will end with the death of a cruel warrior. Grigor Krigan did not take into account that Martell has long been studying poisons. Therefore, even killing the enemy, Mountain is seriously ill, getting an injury to the poisoned spear.

Frame from the series

To save the faithful bodyguard, Sressey gives a semi-sick mountain to the former scientist Kwiren. After prolonged manipulations of Necromancer Grigor resurrect. From that moment on, the cruel and bloodthirsty mountain ceases to be a man. Now there is a soulless car next to the Sernea, which sees the purpose of his life in the protection of Mrs..

The mountain that has not yet thought about the consequences is now completely deprived of any moral landmarks. Calmless servant everywhere accompanies the queen, ready to confuse anyone who, at least in the word, offend the Lady.


Conan Stevens

During the casting in the series "The Game of Thrones" before the producers stood the task of finding an actor suitable for the image of Grigor of the Cleaning. As a result, the choice fell on the Conan of Stevens - Australian Bodybuilder, the growth of which is 213 cm, and the weight is 145 kg. The man was surrounded on samples when Conan played the scene in the image of Khala Drow.

In the second season, Stevens replaced the actor and basketball player Ian White. Changes in the acting composition of the audience practically did not notice - in the first season the mountain is shown only in the scenes associated with the tournament, and most of the airtime does not appear in the frame without a helmet. Otherwise, the actors have similar physical characteristics.

Haftor Bjernson

By the fourth season, the role of Grigor Cragan again moved to Bodybuilder. This time the image of the mountain embodied the Irish athlete Haftor Björnson. However, bodybuilder became more famous, lifting 650 kg in a log, than a secondary role in the cult series.

Interesting Facts

  • The full nickname of the culigan is a gouring mountain.
  • The growth of the warrior is 243 cm (or 8 feet).
  • In the books about seven kingdoms after the resurrection, the Mountain took a new name - Sir Robert Strong.
  • The theme of the cligan's personal life is not affected by the series. However, the man was twice married and both turned out to be a widow.
  • Cruelty in Grigor was supported not only by psychological problems, but also by drugs. Due to severe headaches, a man used poppy milk.

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