Vianna Stubble - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Teta-Hiling 2021



The name of the American Wiana Wihanna is gaining popularity among people who believe in healing.

Wianna Stubble

This woman is considered the founder of the Teta-Haling technique and has today followers in different countries of the world. The history of her life is not simple, and the path to creating its own "recipe" from complex diseases was long.

Childhood and youth

Wianne was born on January 12, 1963. Nothing is known about her childhood and youth. As the woman itself says, she does not want to tell about the past life, not because he wants to hide some facts from followers. Just Stabus considers personal details insignificant, only those who have discovered in adult age are important.

Founder of Technician TETA-Khaling Wianne Stubble

In an interview, the woman admitted that he also noticed a tendency to clairvoyance and had a developed intuition, but did not give it importance, but lived, like other peers.


Although aware of the presence of Dara Stabble began in childhood, to use it for the appointment, the woman learned only in adulthood. Having got a job on the energy enterprise, Wianne understood that she would not bring satisfaction that she was counting on. At the same time, he felt that over time her life would change, and was not mistaken.

At work, Wianne had to interact with people. Already then, she began to spend the first, intuitive readings from employees of the enterprise, identify the disease, thus developing their gift.

Wianna Stabble worked in the energy company

In 1994, the package had health problems. By that time, the woman passed courses in naturopathy (treatment of folk remedies), and also opened its own massage room. At about the same period, the healer was decisive for her biography of a clairvoyant.

The man appreciated the ability of Wianne and advised paid paid techniques for the intuitive diagnosis of the body. And the girlfriend helped with the search for the first customers. Soon the first patient appears in her office, and later Wianne realizes that the creator itself sends it to work, helps to read information about their diseases with people. So among other desires, the goal appears the goal of developing similar abilities in other people.

Vianne Stabyb diagnosed bone cancer

In 1995, women's health worsened, after medical examination, Wianne was diagnosed with "bone cancer" (in the leg). The pictures and analyzes have confirmed the presence of a tumor, as a radical treatment method, it even offered to amputate limbs.

However, the package does not agree, decides to continue the examination and find other treatments. And although doctors predicted a woman no more than 2 months of life, for the sake of the detention of children, she was forced to work. From the energy enterprise, the healer was then left and only took the client's office to diagnose diseases.

Wianna Stabble healed independently

By that time, the ability of Wiannes intensified. As the healer assures, she did not cease to communicate with the creator, who directed it along the right path and later helped to find a way of his own healing. She believed in his recovery and began to try different techniques, including body cleansing, visualization, oil and vitamins.

At the same time, "communicating" with the Creator, a woman noticed how her leg returns to a normal state, and the tumor disappears. Theta healing itself became the basis for creating a viana of this technique. At the same time, the stylist promised God that he would teach this and other people.

Wianna Stabl assures that

Wianne kept his previous promise. When her health recovered, Stabble began to develop courses for the practice of Teta-Khaling, and also prepared lectures for learning instructors with their technique. In addition, it developed both their own meditations, which, in combination with its other methods, help to achieve mental and psychological tranquility, as well as learn to control their consciousness.

However, the stubble does not stop only on conducting courses and trainings, but sets a new goal in writing books that should help people master its techniques. A series of editions called "Theta Healing" includes books "7 existence plans", "a unique method of activation of vital energy", "how to find a relative soul" and others.

Wianne Stubble and her followers

Although today the pack has a huge number of followers, there are those who relate to her action to esoteric. However, Wianne itself explains that he learns to heal through communication with the creator and focuses on the fact that a person who does it must believe in the Lord.

Personal life

Wianne first married Blake McDaniela, still being young. The couple had three children, all - girls. However, in 1990, she divorced her husband. Daughters stayed with her, so the woman began to experience financial difficulties. And to feed the family, Wianne is arranged in the energy company. Then the government just discovered vacancies there for women, so the Stabus passes training and starts working.

Wianne Stabus with Herman husband

The second satellite in the personal life of the healer was the man named Guy. There is no information on it on the Internet, it is only known that he was near during her fight against cancer, helped with the visit of doctors. In the future, the spouses together were engaged in the development of the Wianne technique, which the writer told about the book on the wings of love. The history of the creation of theta-healing method. "

Wianna Stabycl now

Now a woman claims that with the help of her technique hundreds of people healed from terrible diseases. Although, according to her own recognition, not to all she helped. To get a 100 percent result, a person must first believe in it.

Wianne Stabyb - author of the books of Teta-Khaling technique

Since the healer technique is gaining popularity, in the near future, a woman plans to visit Mexico, Australia, Spain, Japan and drive around the United States. She wants to hold seminars for practitioners, instructors and masters, as well as optional courses. The trip to Russia is scheduled for March 2019, this information is posted on the official website of Wianne.

Wianne Stabble (photo from Instagram 2019)

Despite the permanent employment and tight schedule of work, the Stabble has time to communicate and with its subscribers in "Instagram", where regularly posts new photos with family and from working meetings. She is still happy in marriage, her daughters have already matured, so Wianne free time spends calmly for the development of healing abilities and learning other people.


  • 2011 - "Theta healing. A unique method of activation of vital energy "
  • 2012 - "Teta healing. Diseases and disorders from A to Z "
  • 2012 - "Teta healing. Advanced level"
  • 2015 - "Rhythm of theta healing. To create a strong and beautiful body and achieving the perfect weight "
  • 2016 - "Seven existence plans. Philosophy of theta healing "
  • 2017 - "Theta healing. How to find a delicate soul "
  • 2017 - "On the wings of love. The history of the creation of the method of theta healing "

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