Svetlana Belogurova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Alexander Golovin 2021



From love to hatred, as they say, one step. And with confidence you can add that and polesha, if we are talking about the angry emotions of an abandoned woman with a child in your arms, and its chosen one is a famous actor. Alexander Golovina's fleeting novel and DJ and Mostazhist Svetlana Belogurova ended with the news of the pregnancy of the latter. Next, there was a loud clarification of the relationship, which received the bitter status of the first scandal of 2019.

Childhood and youth

Exhaustive facts and information on such sections of the biography, as a childhood and youth of the ex-beloved star of Russian television, the Internet does not beat. It is only known that Svetlana Sergeyevna Belogurov was born on April 14, 1987 in Krasnodar.

Svetlana Belogurova in childhood with mom

Mother, physician by education, on the personal page in the social network "Instagram" girl does not forget to congratulate on the holidays, and also thank for

"Proper upbringing, taste, the ability to see beautiful, for rigor and cool teeth that never bleached."

In the same source Svetlana shared information that she had a cousin Elena, published touching joint children's photos with huge bows on small heads. Snapshots added recording memories that in earlier years there was a whole event of a cactus flowering and that the world itself was blonde until 5 years.

Svetlana Belogurova as a child with his sister

A special place in the personal profile (and the heart) of the girl is occupied by a grandmother, in honor of which she got her "bright" name. Svetlana Konstantinovna was for her the main defense and support, and for all - the school teacher of the Russian language and literature, director and temptation. According to Beloguro, it was this woman who managed to stand in difficult postwar years, taught her to work and appreciate his work. The granddaughter followed the wise advice and the first profession mastered in 14 years.

"You were my example of durability and greed to live and love. You learned to rejoice in the trifles, taught to believe and go to the end, without turning out of the way. You taught to create dreams and most importantly, reach them, no matter what. You helped me always. And you were my closest friend who knew everything, "the girl did not bother with the words of gratitude to his beloved person.
Svetlana Belogurova was engaged in dancing

From 5 years and before maternity leave, Svetlana was tightly engaged in choreography, even listed the dancer of the show-ballet Alla of the Spirit "Todes", but never methyl in the artist. Therefore, the Higher Education received the economic, in the Plekhanov Institute. However, he did not go to work in the specialty, but mastered several creative professions.


In one of the publications in Svetlana's social network, in order to refute the accusations of their own tunestry, presented a detailed list of crafts owned by. The first was the DJ - a 9-year-old passion and drug Beloguro. The burning brunette confidently declares that it plans to return for the favorite turntables and to the indescribable atmosphere of the nightclubs.

DJ Svetlana Belogurova

At various times, the Light worked as an art director in entertainment facilities and restaurants, a consultant in Ile De Beauté, a customer service manager at the Krasnodar administration. In 19 years old graduated from the courses of the makeup artists. At first, I made a beautiful female and male population of my native city, then I went to conquer Moscow and settled on TV channels "Russia", TNT, "Cinema TV".

There is no limit to perfection. And therefore, in 2017, a young woman received a diploma with honors in Simushka Academy, testifying that the graduate was trendy is now the Barber profession.

Svetlana Belogurova and Vlad Lisovec

Prior to the leave for the care of newborn light, perhaps all comedians, humorists and mentors on TNT - Ruslan White, Miguel, Anton Shastun, Olga Kartunkov, Maria Kravchenko and many other celebrities staying on the entertainment TV channel. Plus - their star guests.

Personal life

As for personal life, then before the arrival of Belogurone, the program on the first "let them say" nothing was heard about it. But thanks to the Efira, a unpleasant gift for the 30th anniversary of the star "Yeralsha", "Cadet" and "Yolok", January 9, 2019, loyal viewers learned that the actor receives "not on the concepts". Or rather, refuses to recognize the paternity of the extramarital daughter of Olivia, born on April 26, 2018.

Svetlana Belogurova and Alexander Golovin

It all started classically. Caring was turned into a 2-week service affair at the shooting of the comedy "Women against Men: Crimean Vacations," where Alexander Golovin played one of the main roles, and Svetlana was listed by the makeup. The guy declared that she loves children, but as soon as his beloved reported that he was in a position, the opinion was changed dramatically. And they sounded the fatal words about abortion.

According to the testimony, after that, the young man stopped responding to her messages and calls, responding only once that first requires confirmation of the father's DNA test.

Svetlana Belogurova with daughter

Belogurur itself insists on communicating a biological father with a child and providing material support. The transfer final, however, it turned out that the leading actor "bastards" is not against helping the ex-beloved and a newborn baby.

A single mother of Ryano supported Ekaterina Gordon, stubbornly recommended to seek justice through the court that Belogurov later did. It is noteworthy that in the submitted statement, she pointed out that the heads and the choice of the maternity hospital and the name for the girl participated, and did not remove material responsibility.

Svetlana Belogurov now

They did not want to be silent and colleagues of Sasha on the acting shop. In the last days of the years of the year 2018, the media led the information that the star "Instagram" Nastasya Samburskaya exhibited Belogurov from his own apartment, where he allowed to live for free for half a year and supplied finances in the amount of 30 thousand rubles. monthly.

Svetlana Belogurova in 2019

In addition - children's things and everything necessary after delivery. After publicity and outlines, the name of Alexander Samburstskaya pointed to the former girlfriend on the door.

"I gave her a rod to she become independent and with the profession. What makes light? He rushes to Gordon, without notifying me! Asks, why did I take care of her peace of calm and calm the child? She yells, which is not mercantile, but at the same time turned to the scandalous lawyer himself and it seems to have sold its presence to all possible shows. Do not listen to what they have been started with Gordon, "the later remote entry in the social network actresses later.

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