King at night - biography of the character "Games of Thrones", actor, Bran Stark, photo


Character History

The silent and unhurried leader of the White Walkers army delivered a lot of problems in the residents of seven kingdoms. No one understood that he was moving with a cold-blooded conqueror, what is the ultimate goal of the king of the night. According to Brana Stark, the king walked behind him, because only the younger Stark is able to see the past and keep the memory of him.

A man whose piercing look full of calm and decisiveness, struck the wall separating the dead from the living. And Westeros was waiting for the battle, in which it is almost impossible to defeat. Almost impossible...

History of creation

George Martin

In the initial plot of the fantastic epic, the king of the night did not constitute the main antagonist. The character developed by George Martin was another of the ancient legends:

"As for the king of the night, then in the books he is the same hero of legends as Lann smart or Brandon builder, and had no more chance to live to real days than they."

But the scenarios of the series dedicated to the struggle for the iron throne were noticeably changed by the fate of the hero. For the first time, the king of the night fully appears in the fourth season and personifies the invincible evil, with whom the main heroes of the epic will fight.

Actor Richard Break

The role of a gloomy antagonist got the actor Richard Break, but Vladimir Furdik replaced the shooting 6 seasons. Changes in the cast noticed not all viewers were noticed - the complex makeup of the Night king makes actors unrecognizable.

"Game of Thrones"

On the territory of the seven kingdoms there are two versions, where the king of the night came from. Legends say that this name belonged to the Lord Commander who lived in the hardest night, more famous as a night watch castle.

King of Night

One evening, a man noticed a beautiful stranger near the house. The girl with bright blue eyes and ice skin did not want to get acquainted with Lord and disappeared into the forest. The impressed man rushed into the chase and, having overtaking his beauty, mastered it right on Earth. At that moment, when a living person merged in a love act with an inanimate girl, he gave her soul.

The Lord Commander returned home, proclaimed himself as the king of the night, and his own mistress - Queen. Having discovering new abilities, the man set hard orders and began to supply human sacrifices to white walkers regularly.

Bran Stark

Thirteen Years lived under the unpretentious control of the king of the night. In the daytime, the Lord Commander looked as an ordinary person, and with the arrival of darkness was transformed into a monster. Having gathered with the forces, the heads of the two noble houses overthrew Tirana and banned even to pronounce the name of the usurper.

But the acquaintance of Brana Stark with a leaflet (representative of the Children of the Forest, who inhabited Westeros) opens another version of the events. Before the extensive territory was named seven kingdoms, the forest inhabited a good-natured race of creatures. Forest children did not try to conquer other people's territories, but stubbornly defended their right to life.

White Wallowes

Humanity rudely invaded the land of Westeros, so the children of the forest created white walkers to protect themselves from extinction. After catching a man, the leaf pierce the chest of a stranger man with a blade from dragon glass. At this moment, the victim's eyes cried, and the skin became colder than ice. The first white walker received the title King of the night.

But the children of the forests did not realize how strong the monster was given rise. Soon the king of the night created his own army, which destroyed everything alive. To defend against the threat, people and children of the forest built a wall, bought Westeros residents from evil. A similar measure saved humanity for a while, but soon the king of the night scored a strong army enough to try to grab the power.

King of the night on horse

The commander of the army of nonhumands stands out against the background of its own subordinates. The king of the night is closed in a black suit, which completely covers the body of the monster. The leader's head decorate the processes resembling the crown and horns at the same time.

As the first representative of the species, a man is endowed with stronger magical abilities. Touching the hand King of the night turns the ordinary child in white walker, and if the Lord is wishes, the lord resurrects any creature and subjugates the will of the deceased.

Night King on Dragon

The enemy of mankind is sensitive to manifestations of any magic. For example, the king of the night felt the mental presence of Brana Stark and even grabbed the boy by hand, putting his own stamp on a teenager. This allowed Tyran to penetrate the guarded cave and destroy the children of the forests that could withstand the army of the dead.

By eliminating all the obstacles on your way, the king of the night directs the army of the wall. John Snow, blocking the road, is aware that it is not able to cope with such magic. The kings of the night boldly demonstrates the enemy's own strength: the man's handchief makes many dead wilds in their own army soldiers.

Also easily the first white walker is painted with fire-haired creatures. During the next battle, the king of the night pierces the neck of the Dragon with a spear, and after the death of the pet, Daeneris resurrects the animal. The Dragon of the night king pierces the wall, destroys the walking of the watch and opens creatures that bear pain and destruction, the path in seven kingdoms.

Who is the king of the night?

Table fans and curious spectators of the "Games of Thrones" are obsessed with the desire to find out who in fact is the main antagonist of a multi-sized film. There are a lot of theories, who is hiding under the name of the king of the night.

Bran Stark and the King of the night

The common option states that the king of the night is a Bran Stark. A young man who can move into different time segments and in different consciousness, was simply stuck in a man whom the forests of the forest were turned into the first living dead man.

In favor of this version of the fans of the series, several facts lead:

  • When Bran Stark was present at the birth of the king of the night, he himself felt the pain of the injured man.
  • With the intersection of the wall with white walkers, the army of undead forms a family coat of arms of the young man.
  • Do not forget about the connection of heroes, which allows them to feel each other even on the mental level.

By the end of the seventh season, the theory was continued. Fans are confident that the main task of the king of the night is not to capture Westeros and destroy people, but only kill the younger stark. Allegedly, the leader of the dead dreams of death, but he can kill himself, only destroying Bran. In favor of this version, the fact that white walkers, like their leader, kill only those people who interfere with the plans of the dead.

But, apparently, Sagi fans forget about the prophecy dedicated to Azor Ahai. After all, the hero, who once won the undead, should be resurrected to fight the enemy.

Rayigear Targarien

And you should not be attached to one only to the representative of the Starks House. The generic emblem can hint on the long-stolen child of the king of the North or a close relative of the famous family.

After watching the scene, where the king of the night lived a dragon, a new theory appeared on the world. Perhaps an ambiguous character - Reyegear Targaryen. Confirms such a version of the quote from the first book of George Martin:

"One soaked Boltun even announced that Rayegear Targaryen rose from the dead and marching the huge troops of the ancient heroes from a dragon stone to declare the rights to the throne of the Father."
Robert Barateon

A man killed during the battle with Robert Barateon, was resurrected to return to himself an iron throne belonging to Targarei rightfully. In favor of the theory, there are several arguments: Targarien was not buried, the man's body was not found. And Jame Lanner, and Daeneris Rayegear Targaryen came in visions in which Vitally reminded the appearance of the king of the night. And the fact that the leader of white walkers with ease subjudils the dragon serves as weighty proof of the theory.

The author of "Songs of Ice and Flame" said that the king of the night is not a typical negative character. And if we abstract from the thought that white walkers are evil, it is easy to find new explanations to the behavior of the leader of the rebel the dead.

King of the night and John Snow

For example, the king of the night - the hero promised by the Red Priests, already mentioned Azor Ahai. After all, in predictions it is said that the revived man will win evil. And the behavior of people living in seven kingdoms is not a sample of respectfulness.

Probably, at the last moment the plot of the series, as often happened, will shift focus. And evil, which has long become a human genus, will be defeated by the master of the dead.

The option is less reasoned, in which the queen of the night is recognized by Rome Bolton. The behavior of a man does not correlate with generally accepted: the character does not age, has an unusual blue eye color and does not care about the continuation of the kind. The only one who worries Bolton is their own Bastard Ramsi.

Ruse Bolton

Fans are confident that Ruse, as well as legends, is reincarnated in the king of the night with the onset of darkness. In order not to cause suspicions, Bolton uses the methods of faceless - throws the skin with people and puts on someone else's lichnaya.

Before you take the name "Ruse Bolton", the man served as the first commandant of the night watch. This is evidenced by the brooch, similar to the crow, which decorates the suit of the leader of white walkers. And in the plans, Ruse - re-change the name. A man intends to get rid of Ramsi and take the place of his own descendant.

Frame from the series

No matter how incredible the theory seemed to exclude such a development of the plot did not cost.

The 3 series of the 8th season of the series, which became the longest and tense, was devoted to the largest and epic battle of ice and flame, living and dead. The king of the night reached Westeros, destroyed almost all the army of the alive, got to Brana Stark, but unexpectedly fell from Aria's hand. Girl, having received a sign from Melisandra, finally understood his purpose and saved his brother. But on this secret of the king of the night is difficult to consider revealed. Fans disappointed in the scenario of the series are waiting for the release of the latest books Martin.

Quotes about the king of the night

"You saw the army of the dead. You saw the king of the night. He goes for us. For all of us. " (Bran Stark) "The true enemy will not survive the blizzard, he carries the blizzard." (John Snow) "We will destroy the king of the night. Together. I give the floor. " (Daenerys Targaryen).

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