Poison "Novice": how to act, consequences, traces, symptoms, creator than dangerous, victims


Thanks to the Western neighbors, the word "newcomer", which invented an ominous color in recent years, known to everyone. But for frightening statements accusing Russia to allegedly using poisoning substances (s) in relation to uncomfortable characters, it is difficult to see the truth. The fact that the famous poison "Novice" actually represents what is dangerous and who actually poisoned them in fact - in the material 24cm.

History of creation

In order to understand what is the "popular" neuro-paralytic poison, it is worth starting with a generalized acquaintance, that is, with the history of creation.

It is worth noting that the poison "Novice" is not a single poisoning substance, but the general name of an extensive group of hazardous chemicals, which includes more than 60 drugs. Separate Western publications, such as Deutsche Welle, communicate at all about hundreds of poisons with a distinguished formula, the consequences of a "close acquaintance" with which for a person is individual as symptoms and ways of removing from the body.

According to the open access of information, the work on the creation of a family, under the general name "Novice", started in the Soviet Union back in the 70s of the last century. Often in the media it is mentioned that this weapon was developed in the framework of the series "Foliant".

The strangest diseases

The strangest diseases

Documentary evidence of the latter is not represented. Although Villa Mirzayanov, a former employee of Goshernihakt, emigre in 1995 in the United States and a par with Peter Kirpichev, Vladimir Carlory and Leonid Rynkom, in 1995, and insist. Actually, the information on the current time relative to the "novice" in the West is taken from documents published in the 90s Mirzayanov.

Immediately you should pay attention to the remarkable thing. After the emigrant scholar shared by Soviet developments with the reading world, the nucleus "Novice" (any of the family, including those considered the most dangerous varieties) it became possible to synthesize the entire developed state and even at the required level of the equipped pharmacological laboratory.

The fact is that Mirzianians in the publication placed not only generalized information on combat si among the newcomers, but also formulas. And it was separately noted by his ex-colleagues - carv and rink, which, however, did not embarrass Western propaganda, which continued to write in all cases with the allegedly fixed application of the "Novice" to the guilt of Russia.

If you return to the "Foliant", then the research program itself is aimed at studying chemical weapons, mainly foreign, starting with the Zarina and up to the gases of the neuro-paralytic effects of the V-group, it seems excessively extensive to associate exclusively with those that received so "Inexperienced" name.

By the way, if I still trust the words of Vila Mirzayanov on why the battle OB is so called, the story with the name of the poison will be allegedly uncomplicated. Alleged scientists decided so, since the newest material under study gave stunning prospects for further study and creating substances with incredible affecting properties.

Symptoms and danger

After distraunting the history of the creation of the OE, much more curious will be to get acquainted with the exposure that is capable of producing the victims of the "Novice" poison.

The combat poisoning substance under consideration refers to the category of neuro-paralytic - "Attack is conducted" to the receptors of the nervous system. As a result of the poisoning of similar poisons, there is a violation of the transmission of impulses through synapses, which leads to the manifestation of characteristic symptoms:

  • difficulty breathing;
  • reinforced salivation;
  • convulsive muscle contractions;
  • Musculatory paralysis.

Simply speaking, after the "Novice" poison fell into the human body, the latter has an uncontrolled reduction in skeletal muscles, as a result, leading to failures in the work of the heart and lungs. Moreover, if you believe Mirzayanov, the process occurs extremely rapidly due to the high toxicity of the OS belonging to the family under consideration.

Even if the effects of neuro-paralytic poisons (not only related to the group "beginners", but also others) did not end up with a fatal outcome, it does not mean that the victim will be able to avoid the negative effects of poisoning. In contrast, such substances are characterized by a strong toxic "blowing" on the liver, which ultimately leads to the destruction of the cells of the latter. Also, the affected immunity is also observed, which can subsequently lead to the development of all sorts of pathological conditions.

Even in cases where the victims of poisoning, the required medical care is provided on time, the risk of all sorts of complications, including those leading to disabilities, is extremely large, and the healing process is heavy and long. In the absence of treatment, the death is inevitable.

It should also be noted that, given the speed of the impact of modern OB, to which the neuro-paralytic poisons of the "Newbies" family also include (and according to the above-mentioned Vila Mirzayanov, the latter speed and efficiency of exposure are several times higher than the similar indicators of foreign analogues), have time To provide medical assistance to victims of poisoning with similar damaging means is actually unrealistic.

Victims "Novik"

According to the disseminated media of information, among the victims affected by the exposure of poisoning substances from the Newcomers group, the following personalities are:

  • Andrei Zheleznyakov - The worker of the Laboratory of Gosniaokht, probably poisoned from the family "Newbies" in 1987 during the study due to the drawing fault. Despite the insignificant dose of the poison that fell into the respiratory tract, poisoning provoked toxic hepatitis, which is later transformed into liver cirrhrosis, as well as epilepsy and disorders of the functional of the musculoskeletal system. In 1995, the victim died from a stroke.
  • Ivan Kelielidi is a Russian businessman who died in 1995 due to the poisoning of some poison, applied to the phone. Among possible instruments of murder, taking into account the traces found, also mentioned the nucleus "Novice" - the representatives of the Western media insisted in this version, which claimed that the death of the entrepreneur will be the first in the chain of the murders organized by the intelligence services of the Russian Federation. Together with Kelielidi, Secretary Zara Ismailov died. More than 10 people suffered.
  • Emelyan Gebrez - Bulgarian entrepreneur who specially specialized in the arms trade, which was poisoned by an unknown substance in 2015, as a result of which he fell into the hospital, but survived. Also, the son of a businessman Hristo and partner Valentin Tahchiev suffered from the effect of poison. The traces found during laboratory study in the body of victims allowed in 2019, based on the experience of Salisbury, suggest that the tool of the assassination served "Novice".
  • Sergey Skripal - a former employee of Gru, who also worked for exploration in Great Britain, for which he was subsequently convicted of the state impression, and then pardoned and during the exchange was transferred to a foreign employer. In March 2018, in Salisbury, he fell into the hospital together with the arrival of her daughter, after the poisoning of the substance, in which, after laboratory analysis, the British side identified alleged poison "Novice".
  • Don Starzes and Charles Rowley - British couple from the town of Eymsbury, located next to Salisbury, in June-July 2018, affected by poisoning poison, which was subsequently identified by British researchers as a "novice". Don Sturges died due to the consequences of the exposure of the poisoning substance, in which the representatives of the UK, as in the case of the violinities, hurried to accuse the Russian side.

At the end of August, a Russian opposition blogger Alexey Navalny replenished with the "newcomer". The latter was bad during the airfare from Tomsk to Moscow, as a result of which the oppositionist lost consciousness and got into the toxicorean separation of the Omsk Hospital No. 1. From where it was then redirected to the Berlin clinic "Sharite".

The German authorities declared the German authorities that Navalny was poisoned by the "newcomer" and withdraw him from the artificial coma, in which the opposition leader was introduced in Omsk, it is not possible without consequences for his health. The words of official Berlin caused an international resonance and caused a new wave of accusations against Russia.

It is curious that in all cases of poisoning "newcomer" there are no confirmed data. In the case of Kelielidi, the results of the analysis did not indicate the presence of a fluorine in the traces, which is uncharacteristic for the "Russian poison". When Russia demanded in ultimate form to provide information on Bulgarian Gebreva, in Sofia reported that the samples were disappeared from the Finnish laboratory, and the exact formula was never installed.

Cases in Salisbury and Amesbury are notable for the top ten kilometers from them, the Laboratory "Praton-Down" is located, specializing in the study of the chemical building. Yes, and in the blood of Yulia, the violinist discovered the indecompired traces of the Himagent, which indicates the likelihood that the newcomers appeared in the blood of the bole. The reasons for the assassination attempt on the ex-spy, mentioned in the press, also seem to be dubious.

The story about the navalny and poison "Novice" is also full of oddities. When after the statement of the German Chancellor, with the accusations towards Russia from the German ambassador, they demanded to submit evidence, the opposition was out of the artificial coma, in which it was stayed before that, and went on amendment. On September 11, it became known that the OPCW received the analyzes of Navalny for further research.

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