Set McFarlane - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Seth MacFarlene - American, who fulfilled a children's dream to become an artist, director, screenwriter and actor. His animated series "Griffins" and "American dad" became the cult works, over which the whole world laughs over decades. MacFarlene's contribution to the cinema is marked by a number of awards and premiums, including prizes for the director, script and voice of cartoon characters.

Childhood and youth

Seth Woudbury McFarlene was born on October 26, 1973 in the city of Kent American State Connecticut. His parents Ronald Milton MacFarlene and Ann Perry Sage, who were the descendants of the first American settlers, got married in 1970 in Boston and after the move became employees of a local college. The mother worked in the Directorate and the Admissions Commission, and the Father served as a teacher.

Set McFarlane

Set from early childhood was interested in illustrations, drawing Flintstone and Woody Woodpecker cartoon characters. In 5 years, a talented child decided that he wanted to become an animator artist and with the help of parents began to create a flip-book, and then took up the publishing of a weekly comic book called Walter Cruton in the Kent Good Times Dispatch newspaper.

Seth MacFarlane in youth

In 1991, MacFarlene received a diploma on the end of the Central School of Kent and an 8-mm chamber, which became the right companion of the gifted young man for several years.

I studied at the design school, the Seth intended to settle in Walt Disney film company, but fate brought him to the studio Hanna-Barbera after the release of the Graduation film "Larry Life", which became the basis for the cartoon series "Griffins".

Films and animation

The atmosphere at the studio Hanna-Barbera resembled a multifunction conveyor, where employees must perform a variety of operations. Seth began a script career, creating episodes for the Animation show The What A Cartoon Show, and then performed the duties of the artist and director of the project.

Animator Set McFarley

Other works of the young man were the series "Cow and Cockerel", "Dexter Laboratory" and "I - Ermine". As part of the team of the show called "Johnny Bravo" McFarlene honed the mastery of the writer and met the actors of Adam West and Jack Sherton, later playing an important role in his creative biography.

In parallel, the Seth created the plots for the animation projects of the Walt Disney film studio called "Ace Ventura" and "Young Jungle" and received the most most valuable experience in writing the storyline of the narration and development of characters characters.

Set McFarlane

In 1996, Hanna-Barbera released a short film "Larry and Steve", based on the life of heroes from the graduation work, which became so popular that the film company wondered over the creation of a full-fledged series with the participation of funny cartoons.

Without the possibility of providing better airtime, Employers MacFarlene introduced him to the heads of the Alternative Comedy of Fox Study Fox, which allocated $ 50 thousand on the creation of a pilot of the future animation show. After 6 months, Seth presented a humorous masterpiece called "Griffins" and received an order for the first season of the comedy and the place of the executive producer on the television channel.

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In the premiere series, MacFarlene acted as director, a screenwriter, composer and artist, in addition, the main male characters spoke to the voice of their creator. The history of the Griffin family immediately conquered the heart of the public, and in 2008 the studio extended a contract with the author, offering him a fee of $ 100 million. Continuing work on the show, Seth received many television premiums, including the Emmy Prime Time and Teen Prize and Teen Chaise Award.

Another "American dad" was the "American Dad", a multi-sieuled cartoon for adults, who tells about the life of the family of the officer of the CIA Stan Smith and his wife Francin. Working on the plot, Seth used elements of gross political satire and sparkling household humor, who made the show popular with the audience.

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In 2009, Makfarleyne developed a project called "Cleveland's show", which became the Spin-Off series "Griffins", and also created the "Cavalcade of the Cartoon Comedy of Set McFarlene", which was ether from 2008 to 2010. In August 2011, Fox film company ordered a 13-serial film on the scientific discoveries "Space: space and time", the premiere of which was held in March 2014.

In a full-length movie, the debut work of MacFarlene-Director and the actor became the romantic comedy "Third Emless" with Mark Wahlberg and Mile Cunis in high roles. The film received a favorable reviews and had a commercial success, paid for production costs in the first weekend of rolled. In 2015, the story of Teddy's teddy bear received development in Sicvel called "Third Overtime 2".

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In 2014, the filmography of Seta was replenished with a picture "Million ways to lose his head", where the creator acted as the artist leading role, and the fantastic series of Orville, released on screens in 2017.

Personal life

MacFarlene is a short-lying bachelor located in the search for the perfect girlfriend. He does not avoid a female society, but it is not going to associate himself to bind himself.

Seth MacFarlane and Emilia Clark

In 2012, the set had a short novel with Emily Clark, the actress of the series "The Game of Thrones", and after the 85th Oscar Award Ceremony, Paparazzi spoke about the relationship of the director with Hollywood Beauty Charlize Theron and published a photo of a couple on a joint walk.

Seth MacFarlane and Charlize Theron

In an interview with MacFarlene journalists, somehow confessed that he is very similar to the hero of the series Brian Griffin, who is trying to arrange a personal life and find a real devotee from which you can create a family and make children.

Set McFarlane now

The director's talent of Makfarlena provided it with a decade for ahead. Continuing work on the series "Griffin", "American Dad" and "Robotzype", SET is now one of the highest paid and demanded authors in the American film industry.

In addition, the acting career, started in the film "Third End", was developed, and in 2019 the audience will see McFarlene in the most loud voice in the room "and" Star Wars: Owl Ways ".



  • 1995-2009 - "Mad Television"
  • 2002-2003 - Gilmore Girls
  • 2004-2005 - "Star Way: Enterprise"
  • 2004-2005 - "Real DiKari"
  • 2005-2007 - "War in the House"
  • 2009 - "Remember what will be"
  • 2014 - "Million ways to lose your head"
  • 2017 - "Loogan's luck"
  • 2017-2019 - "Orville"


  • 1999-2019 - "Griffins"
  • 2005-2019 - "American Dad"
  • 2005 - "Stewi Griffin: Unpainted History"
  • 2005-2019 - "Robotsype"
  • 2007 - "Robotsype: Star Wars"
  • 2008 - "Hellboy II: Golden Army"
  • 2012 - "Third Extra"
  • 2015 - "Third Extra 2"
  • 2016 - "Beast"

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