Nikolay Tolstoy - Portrait, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Father Lion Tolstoy



One of the representatives of the Great Noble Count Count Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy - the father of an outstanding Russian writer Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy. The image of the parent writer perpetuated in such works of his works as "War and Peace" (Rostov), ​​"Childhood", "Defense" (Father Nicholya). In his youth, he made a successful military career, after married to Mary, thesis and far-relative of the famous wife of the Decembrist Maria Volkonsky, who inherited the estate "Clear Polyana", which from now on belonged to the genus of Tolstoy.

Childhood and youth

Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy was born on June 26, 1794. The place of birth of the graph is unknown. Perhaps he was born in the estate of Nikolsky-Vyazemsky, belonging to his mother Princess Pelagae Gorchakova.

Count Ilya Andreevich Tolstoy and Pelageya Nikolaevna, Parents of Nicholas Tolstoy

Father Count Ilya Andreevich Tolstoy left military service in the rank of Brigadier after marriage in a rich heir, but trafficking all the state, won the place of the governor in Kazan. In this position, he was accused of embezzlement of public funds and died shortly after his removal, leaving behind many debts. In this marriage, 4 children were born - the firstborn of Nicholya, then Alexander, Ilya and Pelagia.

After the death of Little Ilya (at the age of 7), Nikolai became the only son of the graph, and his father came to his future career. Tolstoy identified a 5-year-old son in civil service in the rank of the provincial registrar in the expedition of the Kremlin structure. After 10 years, the young man served as a college registrar, then moved to the status of the provincial secretary.

Family tree of the genus of fat

Nikolai Ilyich grew in the family, although with patriarchal construction, but in conditions of very free. Children in the house were adored and did not keep in rigor. Parents lived for a long time in Polyany, then in Nikolsky-Vyazemsky, in which the feasts and spectacles were arranged at the order of the Father.

When Nicholas Ilyich was 15 years old, his mother's sister gave him His yard Afanasii Petrov - a fact that talks about raising the heyday of serfdom.

Career and Military Service

The Patriotic War of 1812 prompted the young man to move from civil service to the military, despite the desperate resistance of relatives. On June 11, 1812, Nikolai was credited with a cornet in the 3rd Ukrainian Cossack Regiment.

Portrait of Nicholas Tolstoy

With the same summer, he translated into the Moscow Gusar Regiment and soon, after a number of transformations of the latter, began to serve in the Irkutsk Gusar shelf. The war was a big shock for an inexperienced young man who flew out of his native nest for the first time.

"I saw all that war is terrible; I saw the places, the verst on the ten on the bodies, "he wrote in his news relatives.

Graph Tolstoy participated in the key battles of the war of 1812, and also distinguished itself in the battles for the liberation of other territories held in the framework of the persecution and destruction of the Napoleonic army. He was awarded the Order of Lieutenant and the Order of St. Vladimir IV degree with a bow for the difference in battles under Dresden and when crossing the Elbe. For a manifested courage under the general battle near Leipzig was awarded rank china-rothmistra.

Patriotic War of 1812

In October 1813, when delivering to the General Devech in St. Petersburg, Nikolai Ilyich was captured in the town of Saint-Oben and was released only at the end of the anti-Napoleon campaign in 1814. Returning to Russia on August 8, 1814, Tolstoy continues military service. The young graph was transferred to the cavalry regiment and appointed an adjutant to Lieutenant-General Prince Andrei Ivanovich Gorchakov, a second brother of his mother.

After 3 years of service, in 1817 Nikolai Ilyich filed a petition to Emperor Alexander I on translated into the Gusar Prince of the Orange Regiment. Historians explain this solution to the deterioration of the material situation of the nobleman. However, here the young man served for a short time, having resigned in 1819 in the rank of lieutenant colonel.

Andrei Ivanovich Gorchakov

In the 1820th father of Nikolai Ilyich died. Mother and sisters remained on the care of a man. He transported them from Kazan to Moscow and to cover the debts of the Father, was forced to enter the service as an assistant teacher to the Military Orphan Branch of the Moscow Commandant Office. But, of course, only favorable marriage could quickly and significantly correctly correct.

Personal life

In 1822, the Count woven to the representative of the glorious kind of Volkonsky Princess Maria Nikolaevna, who accepted the proposal of the lieutenant colonel. The bride was 4 years older than his groom and significantly inferior to him in an external glory.

Silhouette of Mary Volkonskaya - the only image of the wife of Nicholas Tolstoy

Count Nikolai Ilyich was a brilliant young man with a rich biography: the hero of war, merry and tangear, in many noble houses.

"The father had a" Sanguine Red Neck "," cheerful fast step "," vigorous, gentle voice "," good, beautiful eyes "," graceful, courageous movements ", - so describes the portrait of Father Lev Nikolayevich.

Maria Nikolaevna possessed large features of the person who inherited her children. Volkonskaya had excellent education, artistic taste and talent talent, knew several languages. But the main thing - Princess owned a great condition, among her dowry was the famous estate "Clear Polyana" in the vicinity of Tula.

Lion and Nikolay Tolstoy, Sons of Nicholas Tolstoy

There are newlyweds left immediately after the wedding, which took place on July 9, 1822. In 1823, the pair had first-mentioned Nikolai. Then three sons appeared for each other - Sergey (1826), Dmitry (1827), Lion (1828). The only daughter of Tolstoy Maria was born in 1830.

Immediately after the birth of the first son, Nikolai Ilyich built a large manor house. Engaged a lot about things, loved to hunt. The economy was also close to him: the graph broke a large garden, led to the territory of the manor. Being a reading lover himself, Nikolai Ilyich gathered a large library from those brought from the capital and from abroad books.

Nikolay Tolstoy - Portrait, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Father Lion Tolstoy 12788_8

In 1830, without recovering Masha, the wife of Tolstoy dies. Ovdov, the Count makes the proposal to his second sister Tatiana Yergolskaya, in which he was still in love with his youth. Tatiana was an orphan and brought up in the house of Father Nikolai Ilyich. Its personal life did not work out, and she remained the old Virgin.

Ergolskaya Count refused, but promised to take care of his children left without a mother. And after the death of the thicker, the children had already completely trapped and engaged in their upbringing.


By the end of the life of Count, Nikolay Tolstoy managed to correct financial affairs. He accustomed to the debts of his father and strengthened his state, selling something from his wife's inheritance and having received his own. The count passed away unexpectedly, being in traffic offices - he received a blow due to jumped pressure. It happened in Tula on June 21, 1837.

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