Hell lavleyce - portrait, biography, personal life, cause of death, first programmer



Hell Lovelace - English Mathematician, is predominantly known for the work devoted to the analytic car Charles Babbja.

English mathematician hell lavley

She became the first person who realized that the device developed by the compatriot was capable of more than elementary calculations, and the first one who published an algorithm intended for this car.

Childhood and youth

Augusta Hell King, Countess Lovelace, nee Byron, was born on December 10, 1815 in London. Her father was the famous English poet George Bayron, and Mother - Anna Isabelle Milbenk. The married life of the couple did not ask, so the daughter of Lord Byron saw once in his life when the girl was marked for a month. In the spring of next year, the poet signed documents on divorce and left England forever. He has remained the only legitimate daughter of Bairon.

Parents of Ads Lovelace - George Byron and Anna Isabella Milbenk

According to the British legislation of that time, the rights to custody of the child belonged to the father, but Lord Byron did not try to participate in his life daughter and the girl was brought up without his influence.

Regarding the role of Anna Milbenk in the life of the doings, various rumors go. According to one version, Mother and Daughter tied a close relationship, at another future Countess Lovelace grew, not knowing both parents, and Anna Isabella wrote his daughters touching letters, only to comply with the rules of decency and avoid condemning the Company.

In childhood hell, Lovelais often sick

In childhood, Hell often sick, she was tormented by headaches that had strongly affected on their eyesight, and after the suffered measles, she remained paralyzed for a long time. However, it did not bother to develop a sharp mind of the girl.

Mathematical abilities she inherited from Mother: Anna Isabella in his youth showed talent in the field of accurate sciences, for which the spouse called her "queen parallelogram". Even when in 12 years old, the girl caught fire with the idea to learn how to fly, she approached her with a methodical, scientific position.

Hell lavlay in childhood

To construct wings, hell carefully studied the materials for their manufacture, got acquainted with the anatomy of birds and even reflected that the use of steam thrust would be needed.

Mathematics and informatics

An important point in the scientific biography of Adda was familiar with Charles Babbird in June 1833. A month later, the mathematician who rated the outstanding abilities of the girl, invited her to see the prototype of his difference machine. He was very fond of the invention mathematics and tried to visit Babbja as much as possible, which, being impressed by the analytical talents of Lovelace, gave the girl the nickname "Magician numbers".

Hell Lovelace and Charles Babbage

In 1842 - 1843, for 9 months of Hell, he was engaged in a translation from the French lecture of Babbide about the analytical car, which the Italian mathematician Luigi Menirabia recorded. Lovelace notes were attached to the translation, and they were 3 times the more article. The reason for this was the unpreparedness of the British scientific community to the written Menaba: the scientists of England were not interested in this topic, and the hell had to explain the principle of the mechanism. Lovelace was rated highly, Michael Faradays himself responded about her work.

One of the comments of the does described in detail the algorithm, according to which the number of Bernoulli could be calculated on the analytical machine. In the future, this work was recognized as the first program possible to play on the computer, despite the fact that the Babbja car was never designed during the Life of the Ads.

The abilities of the hell Lovelace admired Michael Faraday

In Lovelace records, a huge future predded the invention, saying that this car could continue to independently deal with the creation of formulas, music and painting. But the possibility of the appearance of artificial intelligence of hell denied, believing that the device is not able to generate anything that it would be outside the algorithms embedded in it.

Possessing a living mind, hell was interested in a variety of scientific trends, including those that later did not pass the time test. For example, a woman was fascinated by Franology (the dependence of the psyche on the shape of the skull) and mesmerism - the doctrine of animal magnetism.

Portrait of Ads Lovelace Brushes Alfred Chalon

In 1844, in a letter to a friend, Lavleis wrote about the desire to create a mathematical model describing the principle of operation of the nervous system, but it did not have time to start this work. Perhaps the cause of interest in neurology was the theory of Mother Ads that Lovelace could go crazy, allegedly inheriting the mental instability from the Father. As part of the work on this issue, the Countess even met with Andrew Cross, an English scientist and a researcher of electricity.

Also in 1844, Hell wrote a review of the work of Baron Karl von Reyhenbach, regarding magnetism, but this work Lovelace was not published.

Hell lavleyce was interested in neurology

Achievements of hell and its contribution to computer science still remain the subject of disputes. The researchers doubt whether the Lovelace Council has the right to the title of the first programmer. Opponents of this point of view argue that the programs did not develop it, but Charles Babbage, and He himself was engaged in popularizing the analytical machine.

The defenders of a woman as the first programmer claim that her work on calculating the number of Bernoulli is surprisingly accurate and thin for their time and do not go to any comparison with what previously wrote babbej. However, most researchers agree that Hell Lovelais became the only person who fully appreciated the potential of the analytical car and managed to foresee what changes in human life would bring such research.

Adu Lavleis is called the first programmer

An interesting fact: Despite the disputes on the scientific achievements of Lovelace, it is known that the terms of programming "Working cell" and "cycle" are introduced by it.

Personal life

Hell Lovelace, besides the mind, possessed and bright appearance, and female charm, so that her personal life was discussed in society no less than scientific talents. On the undoubted attractiveness of women testify the lifetime portraits.

Hell lavleyce was beautiful

In 1833, the girl had a speed romance with a tutor. After the relationship of the couple became known to the surrounding, He tried to escape with the beloved, but the relatives of the tutor learned about it and contacted the parents of the girl. The incident was hidden to avoid a public scandal.

At the age of 17, the girl was represented by the yard and gained a reputation in the main beauty of the season in a secular society, which contributed to her outstanding mind.

Hell lavleis became lady king

In 1835, Hell became Lady King, coming out married William, the 8th Baron King, who then inherited the title of Lord Lavleis. In marriage, three children were born - sons Byron and Ralph and daughter Anna Isabella, which Anabella was often called.

In 1843, Anna Bayron asked English Medica and Zologna William Benjamin Karpenter to become a teacher of hell children and at the same time to look after her. Carpenter passionately fell in love with a woman, but she quickly stopped his attempts to start a novel.

William Benjamin Carpenter and Hell Lovelace

The 40s of the 19th century began to lavayes rich in scandals. First, she was suspected of trees to her husband, and secondly, a woman was too interested in gambling. Unsuccessful rates on horses led to the loss of a significant amount of money, which made the hell attempt to create a mathematical model for successful rates. The result was still big debts, forced Lovelace to confess all her husband.

Hell Lovelace was fond of gambling and jumps

I also walked rumors about the relations of the doings with the son Andrew Cross, John. After the death of the woman, he destroyed most of the correspondence, but it was Lovelace who led his relics left by the Father.


Hell Lovelace died, like the Father, at the age of 36, November 27, 1852. The cause of death became blood loss due to bloodletting, which a woman was trying to cure from the cancer of the uterus. In the last days of the life of the Additional, the orders gave her mother, because of what many friends and loved ones, in particular, John Cross, did not allow Lovelace to death.

Also under the pressure of Anna Isabella Hell was forced to repent in frivolous behavior. Some recognition obviously served the reason that William never came to say goodbye to his wife.

Adu Lavelis buried in the family crying of Byhronov

By order of Lovelace, she was buried next to his father, in the Church of St. Mary Magdalena in Hacknell, Nottinghamshire, in the Bayron family crypt.

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