Alfred Molina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



British and American actor Alfred Molina became known for movie lovers after filming in an exciting adventure militant "Indiana Jones: In Search of the Lost Ark" in 1981. And although it was the role of only the second plan, it was after it the actor opened the doors to other films. Today, a man is a sought-after artist, and his filmography has no one hundred projects.

Childhood and youth

Alfred was born in London, United Kingdom, in the spring of 1953. The parents of the boy were emigrants: his mother moved from Italy, and father from Spain. The familiarity of young people took place in London, where the family settled.

Alfred Molina in youth

Molina's childhood spent in Notting Hill, this is a working area in London, where many visitors settled at that time. The family lived is not rich, at one time the father worked as a waiter, and then the driver, mother was a maid, removed the rooms at the hotel.

The idea of ​​conquering cinema Alfred caught fire at 9 years old. The boy looked at the film "Spartak" directed by Stanley Kubrick with Kirk Douglas and Lawrence Olivier starring, which inspired him. After that, he decided to go to study at the Gildholl School of Music and the Theater, and later there was audition and to the National Youth Theater in London. So in the biography of Molina, the first performances and filming in the movies, which he dreamed from childhood appear.


Molina debut as an actor took place in 1978. It was the British Sitter "Luzera". And the next work of Alfred was the series "Careat". Despite the episodic roles, the artist saw the director Stephen Spielberg and invited the role of a second plan to the film "Indiana Jones: In Search of the Lost Ark."

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After that, other directors appeared in young granted interest in young talent, who increasing him in their projects. So in 1983, he played by Jacob Blumikin in the mini-series "Railey: King of Spies" and John in the film "Meanwhile," and in 1984 it is removed in the Lady-Hawk tape as Cesar.

In 1985, Alfred is invited to play Sergey's main character in the film "Letter Brezhnev", where Peter Firth, Tracy Lia and Alexander Pigg were shot. The picture tells about two women who spend time in the local bar and are acquainted with Russian sailors there, but soon young people are forced to leave England, although the couples are already in love and do not know how to come on.

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Until the early 1990s, Molina starred mainly in television series, among which the "second screen", "cats", "bun", "catastrophe", "presentation". However, I later decided to leave this work and plunged into full-length cinema and theater. And in the mid-90s, the man moved to the United States.

Already in America, Alfred appeared in the Comedy "Perez Family" director Worlds Nair, in the Western "Dead" along with Johnny Depp, Gary Fermer and Crispin Glover. Also in 1995, he works on the shooting of the horror movie "SPACE", the criminal thriller "Spring Scorpion" and in the detective "before and after" the Barbet of Schroeder. And in 1997, he fulfilled the role of Konstantin Levin in the melodrama "Anna Karenina".

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Since 2000, Alfred has expanded its profession and, in addition to filming, began to engage and sounding. His first work in the new position - in the cartoon "Wonderworker", he also voiced the characters from the "League of Justice", "Orchids", "Wonder Women" and others.

At the same time, in 2001, Molina works in the picture "Murder in Eastern Express, which directed by Karl Shenkel on the novel Agatha Christie. There, the man performed the role of Erkulya Poirot, and, although he coped well with the task set in front of him, this film was not in a lot of popularity.

Alfred Molina as a doctor octopus

In 2002, Alfred appeared in the film "Frida" with Salma Hayek in the lead role. The picture tells about the life of a Mexican artist who fell into an accident and the whole life suffers from injury from it. Being on the hospital bed and not the name of the opportunity to move, the girl through effort begins to draw.

In 2004, Alfred invites the director Sam Raymi to his new fighter. In the Comic "Spiderman 2", the actor received the role of Doctor Osming. At the shooting of the painting, $ 200 million was spent, but in global boxes she collected $ 783 million. And later Molina appears on the screens in the "Code of Da Vinci" paintings, "Silk", "Zhilts", "Pink Panther 2".

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2010 became the most successful for the career of the actor. The man worked in the film "Prince of Persia: Sands of Time", which gathered more than $ 300 million in global boxes, and also starred in the ribbon "Correction's student" as Maxim Croat.

In the period from 2011 to 2013, Molina works in the main actor of the audio. And in the following years, his filmography has been replenished with tapes "Mystery in the eyes" (2015), "Hunter with Wall Street" (2016). "Broken Life" (2017), "Red" (2018).

Personal life

A little known about the personal life of a talented actor. In 1986, Alfred married Jill Gaskoon. His wife became a professional actress, although she had suffered this profession only 9 years after marriage. Perhaps it inspired her spouse. Couple brought up two children.

Alfred Molina and his wife Jill Gaskina

In 2004, Molina informed the press that he became a US citizen, so he now has dual citizenship, British and American. He perfectly owns English, Italian and Spanish. Since 2017, lives in the city of La Canyada Flintridge, California, USA.

In addition to the main activity, Alfred consists of an organization engaged in the protection of the rights of people with the syndrome of the acquired immune deficit (AIDS). The movie star regularly donates funds for research in this area, and also participates in all sorts of promotions.

Alfred Molina now

Alfred and now continues to be filmed in films. In 2018, he worked in the film "The Devil has the name" director Edward James Almos, who should go to screens in 2019, but the exact date of the premiere is still unknown. He also appeared in the horror movie called "Revival", the premiere was held at the end of January 2019.

Alfred Molina in 2019

Looking at the current photo of the actor, his fans point out that in his youth Alfred was more touched and slim. Although the weight of Molina is unknown, with a height of 189 cm today it looks quite large. Spectators write off the emerging completeness of age and lack of time for hiking.


  • 1981 - "Indiana Jones: In Search of the Lost Ark"
  • 1985 - "Letter Brezhnev"
  • 1987 - "Turn your ears"
  • 1991 - "American Friends"
  • 1993 - "When Pigs Fly"
  • 1995 - "SECOND"
  • 1998 - "Immovable"
  • 2004 - Spiderman 2 "
  • 2007 - "Stars under the Luno"
  • 2010 - "Student of Correder"
  • 2014 - "Heavenly Sword"
  • 2016 - "Wall Street Hunter"
  • 2018 - "How not to become president"

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