Mahmoud Esambaev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Dancing



The first offensive nickname of the scomer, which, in childhood, Mahmoud Esambaeva was given the neighboring boys for his passion, over time they blocked new, loud, deserved king of dance and genius of dance. About such as he says that they are born once a hundred, and even a thousand years - with an extraordinary gift, in the course of life brought to perfection.

Childhood and youth

In the middle of July 1924, the son of Makhmud was born in a large family of Alisultan and Bikat, from an early age he was passionately loved dance art. Later in the native Chechen village, old Atagi without him no wedding did not affect. However, the male half of the family of delight from his abilities did not share - does not apply, they say that this jigita is to do this.

Mahmoud Esambaev in childhood

But Mahmoud did not give up, suffering mockery of brothers and anger of the Father, expressed in beatings, locking in the house and hidden clothes. Supported the boys only mother - biological, and then the second, "Jewish", Sophia Mikhailovna from Odessa, who called the child.

"She and only I always call her mom. She said: "Do you think I want you to dance Jewish dance, because I'm a Jew? No. Jews will talk about you: "Have you seen how he dances Brazilian or Spanish dance?" They won't say about the Jewish. But they will love you for the Jewish dance. " In those years, when Jewish art was not encouraged, the audience of the Jews asked me: "How did the Jewish dance allowed you?" I answered: "I resolved myself," the famous ballet artist shared memories.

After graduating from 6 classes, the teenager toured in the republic in the circus-shapito troupe. There is a legend that the number of young Esambaeva saw the Love Orlov itself, a predicted starry future.

Mahmoud Esambaev in youth

In 15 years, despite the obstacles, Mahmoud entered the choreographic school in Grozny, in parallel, hit the state ensemble of the song and dance. A year later, the war began, and Esambaev, who leaving to defend their homeland, did not leave his favorite activity and at the front - he spoke to the soldiers, trying to raise the morale and inspire a victory.

It was there, after the injury to the leg of the projectile by a fragment, bursting near the scene, the terrible words of the surgeon sounded that he needed to forget about the call. But once again, Mahmoud proved that predictions where he needs to abandon art, was not destined to come true.

Mahmoud Esambaev in Papakh

In 1943, in front of his incredible plastics and talent, a Pyagigorsky theater was not resistant, where not one role was proposed, and several at once. Mastic artists respected their young colleague, but his disqualled character was not always pleased with the bosses, once exiled Esambaeva in a distant village on the alloy of the forest. Here he almost died, but everything went through the efforts of the fascinated local audience and colleagues.

Soon the deportation of the Ingush and Chechens, which took many human lives. The faithful son of his people Esambaev, abandoning the tempting proposal to stay, went after the rest. The new Creative Biography page opened in Kyrgyzstan, where Mahmoud first taught dancing, and then virtuoso performed compositions on the stage of the local theater.

Dancing and films

With his appearance, Kyrgyz choreography was transformed, filled with a national flavor. In addition, the artist trusted the main parties in the leading ballets. Dancing the peoples of the world became a business card of Esambaev, who strange in achieving the goals of the goals and communicated their technique to perfection.

In the auditorium, the mother of Mahmoud Sofia was invariably belonged. Once the woman noticed that he, in contrast to other performers, do not bring flowers after the speeches. Having learned from Mahmud that the relatives of the artists do, she spent its savings on the opportunity to deliver the son of joy.

"Somehow my mother got sick and lying. And let me give flowers. I bring flowers home and say: "Mom, why did you get up? You need to lie. "Moyshe, I did not get up. I can not get up". "Where are the same flowers?". "People understood that you deserve flowers. Now they are worn to you, "he said.

Since 1957, Mahmoud - soloist of the Chechen philharmonic, and in two years he went to Moscow and abroad, where he invariably applauded admiring public. Upon return, he embodied the idea of ​​creating his own team, as well as a program where the national dances were performed alone. After a favorite issue, after, of course, Lezginki, the 9-minute Indian Golden God was, who dancer learned truly lightning room - for 20 days.

The public, critics and jury of numerous contests went crazy in Esambaev. The film director, invited the famous dancer in their own films, was not left aside and filmmakers (all of them were 13). The debut in cinema as an actor and the author scenario took place in the Space 1961. Later in the land of Sannikov, Mahmoud Alisultanovich reincarnated in Shaman, capable of scaling the main characters.

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The colorful appearance of the Caucasian celebrity did not give rest to the opposite sex. The smell on the chin, the posture and gave away the look, and, as the enthusiastic media wrote, about the waist of 47 cm with an increase in 182 cm and weighing 65 kg dreamed of, perhaps, all French models.

At the end of the active work activities, Esambayev was in the post of public deputy for 35 years and during that time managed to help almost everyone who appeal to him, contributed to the construction of cultural centers.

Personal life

Unlike his father, grooming 11 times, Mahmoud distinguished itself in constancy in his personal life. He chose himself a single beloved woman, Armenian by nationality and doctor with a specialty Nina Khanumyantz, who was familiar from 17 years old. At first, the "Jewish mother" did not approve the choice of a adorable son, but as soon as the daughter-in-law gave her the granddaughter Stella, love and friendship settled in the house.

Mahmoud Esambaev with his wife and daughter

According to the memoirs of the daughter, the mother, as relied in the loyal wife, always remained in the shadow of the famous husband, invisibly defended and participated in his formation, providing colossal support and understanding.

"In fact, somehow in life, she understood him very well and always contributed to his growth. Madly rejoiced his successes, was simply a real friend to him and an extraordinary mother for me, "Stella Makhmudovna added.

Attitude towards the Esambaev authorities symbolizes an interesting fact: it was the only one to make a photo on a passport, without removing his beloved dad.


It was so that in Orthodox Christmas left the Earth World Two Great Genius: January 6, 1993, after a long illness, Rudolf Nureyev left, and on January 7, 2000 - Mahmoud Esambaev. The cause of death is an oncological disease and stroke, which happened 3 years before the death. However, relatives believed that she was brought to constant experiences for the soldiers who were able to die in the hated fratricide Chechen war.

Mahmoud Esambayev's grave

The grave of the talented artist leader, the organizer of the charity foundation, who adored children, whose portrait wrote Picasso himself, is on his covenant in the Danilovsky cemetery. Although the government insisted on Novodevichy, near Galina Ulanova and Boris Brunov.


  • 1994 - "Call of ancestors. Great Turan "
  • 1994 - "Overture"
  • 1988 - "Road to hell"
  • 1984 - "Report of the abyss"
  • 1983 - "The Adventures of Little Flour"
  • 1976 - "Honest Magic"
  • 1976 - "While beat the clock"
  • 1975 - "On the edge of light ..."
  • 1973 - "Land Sannikova"
  • 1972 - "Wine from dandelions"
  • 1968 - "Swan Lake"
  • 1962 - "I will dance"
  • 1961 - "In the world of dance"

Awards and titles

  • Order "For merits to the Fatherland" III degree for an outstanding contribution to the development of art of dance
  • Order of the friendship of peoples for outstanding achievements in the art of dance and fruitful social activities
  • Order of Patriotic War II degree
  • Three Orders of the Red Banner
  • Hero of Socialist Labor (Order of Lenin and Gold Medal "Sickle and Hammer")
  • People's Artist of the USSR
  • People's Artist of the Kyrgyz SSR
  • People's Artist RSFSR


In honor of M. A. Esambaeva, asteroid 4195 (Esambaev), open on September 19, 1982, L. I. Black.

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