Remus Lupine - biography, image and character, actor, quotes


Character History

Character of a series of books about Harry Potter of the British writer Joan Rowling, as well as a series of films taken on the motives of these works. Werewolf and for a while, Professor Hogwarts, where he taught protection against dark arts. James Potter and Sirius Blake, along with those entered the company "Marauders" under the nickname of Lunatic. He studied at the Faculty of Gryffindor. He entered the Order of Phoenix.

"Harry Potter"

Remus Lupine appears in the plot, starting with the third novel "Harry Potter and a prisoner of Azkaban". The hero arrives in Hogwarts to take the position of teacher to protect against dark arts. Remus's patronus was a wolf, and the hero stick is made of a cypress and a hairy of the unicorn.

Writer Joan Rowling

Remus was not born, but became so after in his childhood, the waswolf was attacked by Fenrir and bitten. Remus - Half-Blood, the father of the hero is a purebred wizard, and Mother is Maghan. Remus's father worked at the Ministry of Magic, where he was engaged in "inhuman spirits."

Mr. Lupine-senior had the negligence to insult Fenririan Sivo, declare that werewolves were soulless and evil creatures that deserve only death. Fenrir was elegantly avenged, turning the five-year-old son of Lupins in the Werewolf.

Lupins tried to cure her son, however, magic medicine in those days did not have any effective means of treatment of lycantropy. Little Remus isolated from society. The hero was forbidden to be in contact with other children, because the family lived in fear that the child would run about his "illness". Remus grew alone and was closed.

Remus Lupine

Remus's parents did not want to send the Son to Hogwarts from fear of exposure and were going to keep the hero on home training. However, thanks to Albus Dumbledore, which then only became director of Hogwarts and took responsibility for himself, the boy was still credited to school. During the full moon, Remus turned into a werewolf, and the hero for this period was locked separately from other students, so that Remus in the "wild" state did not harm any of them.

The hero hid in a squeezing hut, and she acquired the reputation of the "house with ghosts" among Hogwarts students. The tunnel led to the hut, and so that no one passed into the entrance, the tree was put on the entrance - a rattling willow. None of the uninitiated even knew that in a squeezed hut could be hit in this way.

Frame from the film

Remus himself also tried to hide anyone who he is, and no one show it. The hero was lied to friends that once a month leaves home to visit the chorus Mother. However, the hero's friends revealed the secret already in the second year, and the mooncript enacted behind Remus.

Having learned that their buddy was awolney, Sirius Black, James Potter and Peter Pettigrew were not frightened, but decided to support the hero. As a gesture of support, all three began to master the animagia and spent three years on this science. As a result, "Marauders" learned to turn into different animals and in this form they were accompanied by Remus, when he addressed a wolf. In the company of the aimnhips, the hero felt better and better controlled himself in the form of a beast. In the biography of Lupina, a light strip came.

Remus Lupine and Werewolf

Remus Lupine Together with friends, the students of Hogwarts created a map of "Marauders", which Harry later enjoyed. On this map you could see the rooms of Hogwarts, as well as the names of people and how they moved at school. The map was very helpful in the shadows and adventures of "Marauders", and later Harry Potter and his friends - Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.

After school, Remus tried to get a job in life and find a job, but other wizards treated Remus with caution. It was extremely difficult to find a place to be covered with him, they were afraid to communicate with him, so the hero lived in poverty and was mainly engaged in the orders of the Order of the Phoenix, putting a cross on a career and personal life.

Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger

Due to difficulties in communication, friends mean unusually many for Remus. James Potter's death with his wife became a huge blow for her hero. Remus himself did not expect to ever marry and get the children, because it was used to be that people react to him like on a ledge.

However, those who simpatized Lupine were also. Nymphadora Tonks fell in love with the hero and went on marry. From this marriage, the son named Teddy was born, whose godfather was Harry Potter.

At the time of the main action of Remus about forty years. This is a wounded man with light-chestnut hair and blue eyes. The hero is still in vain trying to find a place in life. And he appears a chance - magical medicine invents wolf antidote, the potion that mitigate the manifestations of lycantropy.

Nymphadora Tonks

With this medicine, Lupine turned out not in the terrible beast-monster, but in an ordinary wolf, which basically slept. However, the potion was worth a lot, and the hero could not afford to buy this purchase, so continued to live a hermit in Yorkshire, in an empty abandoned house.

There, the hero finds Albus Dumbledore, who offers Lupine work - to become a teacher of the Hogwarts school. Professor Snape agreed every month to prepare a wolf antidote for Lupina, the hero accepted these conditions and arrived at school. The newly made Professor Lupine was driving on Hogwarts express and got into one coupe with the main characters - Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. When the train was detained Dementors, Lupine drove those from the coupe.

Volan de Mort

The Lupine school was loved by students and showed himself a good teacher. In Lupina's studies, the student was waiting for the practice - battle with boggarts and other dangerous creatures. Lupine gave Harry Potter private lessons and taught him to drive demoments and call the patronus.

In the seventh book during the battle for Hogwarts Remus Lupine dies. Antonin Doolokhov, the Russian Dark Mag and Death Eater, the Supporter of Lord Volan de Mort became the killer of the hero. Lupina posthumously awarded the Order of Merlin I degree - the highest award in the world of magicians.


The role of Remus Lupine in a series of films about Harry Potter played British actor David Tuelis. The actor sought to get to the shooting area "Harry Potter" in 2001, when he participated in samples on the role of Professor Quirrell in the first tape of the Harry Potter series and the philosopher's stone.

Actor David Tylis

Then the role left from Tylis and went to Ian Hart. However, in 2004, the actors were invited to shoot a third part - "Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban." The role of Lupina Actor was given even without samples, because the director of Alfonso Quaron saw in the image of Lupine, it was Tulisa and considered the first and preferred candidate for the role. Tuelis remained in the project to the end and starred in the following four parts of Harry Potter:

  • "Fire Cup" (2005),
  • "Order of Phoenix" (2007),
  • "Prince-half-blood" (2009),

And in both parts of the "gifts of death", published in 2010 and 2011.

Dubli Actor Vsevolod Kuznetsov

In Russian doubles, Remus Lupine in different films were voiced by actors Andrei Kazantsev, Alexander Rakhlenko ("Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix) and Vsevolod Kuznetsov (" Harry Potter and Prisoner Azkaban "). It's funny that in the rest of the "Harry Potter" Actor Vsevolod Kuznetsov voiced the role of Lord Volan de Mort.

Remus Lupine in youth played actor James Ustorchin.


"The best weapon against boggart is laughter." "- Neville, who are you afraid of most? - Professor ... Professor Snape. - Not you alone ... "

(Remus Lupine and Neville Longbottom)

"Fear pushes into monstrous actions." "Only the quality of someone's belief determines the success, and not the number of followers." "Outgoing, most of all you are afraid of fear. It is commendable!"

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