George Epifantsev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Films



For 53 years of Earth's path, Georgy Semenovich Epifantsev was held the road from all-union glory before oblivion and poverty, his fate is a sad symbol of the artist's diet in the era of change. The actor knocked down the railway composition, but long before that the ex-star grinding the moloch of the market economy.

Childhood and youth

Georgy Epifantsev was born on the last day of the spring of 1939 in the distant microdistrict Kerch. About the childhood actor, jumped that he was called in honor of the artist, it is known to the offensive little. One of the cineviccopedias even claimed that in reality the famous artist was born in 1931. George had a sister Tatiana, who did not have anything in common with the actress Tatiana Leonidov Epifantseva, except for the name and surname.

Actor Georgiy Epifantsev

In articles about the founder of the acting dynasty of the Epifantsev, an analogy between the tragic fate of Georgy Semenovich and the words addressed to his character are often held:

"The start of your life is beautiful, the middle will be violent, and the final is terrible."

However, taking into account the fact that the beginning of the biography of Epifantsev coincided with the fascist occupation of his native city, the childhood of Goosh was unlikely to be cloudless. According to the testimony of the widow of Epifantsev, Tatyana Vasilyevna, Georgy, like all the children of the war, was desperately afraid of hunger.

George Epifantsev in youth

Since both Sons, George Semenovich, are famous for steep gear, Zhorik, namely, he called his mother Praskovya Kondratyevna, was hardly a Pai-boy.

According to Tatiana Epifantseva, the husband, moving on the bike, somehow crashed into a truck. The result of the collision was a shallow wound on the forehead. The remaining Scar did not spoil the appearance of the future actor: in all photos made in both youth and at the time of disappointments and failures, George Epifantsev is very beautiful.

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After graduating from the school, the boy went to conquer the capital and succeeded in this: he entered the MCAT studio school, at 19 years old played a major role in the film "Thomas Gordeyev", married the ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater of Lilia Ushakova, the marriage of which lasted long. However, Tanya, the future mother of three children of Epifantsev, who met the actor during filming in the crowd, to a meeting with Georgy Cinema, who glorified the young man, did not look. The girl saw in the guy not a star, but a charming young man of high height.

Theater and films

In addition to the Thoma Gordeyev, George Epifantsev had another great acting work - in the series "Ugryum-River", shot in the Urals for 3 years, the artist played Prokhor Gromov. Initially, this character went to Vladimir Gusev, but he broke his leg, and the director Yaropolk Lapshin replaced the injured performer Epifantsev.

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Most of all of his filmography, Georgy Semenovich loved the episode in the film "Nine days of one year".

In the theater, most of the roles of Epifantsev were episodic. In the monologue of Prospero in the Mkatov "Three Fatty", Georgy managed to insert the words of love, addressed to his wife Tanya, and in the "Steel," went on stage with her children. In the mid-60s, Georgy Semenovich moved from the theater kingdom of Oleg Efremov to the theater on Taganka, where she flashed in the play "Ten days shook the world."

Personal life

Nature generously knew George Epifantsev: The actor composed a few hundred poems, created talented artistic canvases, wrote the plays, two of which were put on the main dramatic scene of the USSR.

George Epifantsev in the clinic

Perennial friendship tied Georgy Semenovich with the famous classmate Vladimir Vysotsky. The Epifantsev during the tour in the Transcaucasus saved a friend, pulling the singer from the rapid flow of the Kura River, the first began to record the songs of Bard on the tape tape. An element of the partnership with Vysotsky was a kind of game: Vladimir portrayed an intelligent Muscovite, and a friend of coarse provincial.

Like many creators, the Epifantsev drank a lot. In Hmly, the artist remained kind and generous, but the drunkenness slowed down the brilliantly started acting career, imposed a print on a personal life.

Georgy Epifantsev and his wife Tatiana with sons

The actor was married three times, and 2 times with the same woman by Tatiana, an economist for the profession, which was influenced by her husband a recognized artist and the designer of performances. Six months after the first divorce, the spouses got married again. The family life of the Epifantsev was filled with love and creativity, moving and touring, quarrels and an unstable financial position. The wife as he could fought with her husband drinks, but he failed to cure a spouse from alcohol dependence.

Children George Semenovich inherited his acting talents. Senior Michael as a child shone in films "The meeting place cannot be changed" and "We are together, Mom," but, without surviving up to 30 years, died in strange circumstances.

Children George Epifantseva: Mikhail, Vladimir and Natalia

Middle Vladimir - Star of Russian TV series, participant of numerous televisions, hero of scandalous incidents.

Natalia's daughter, younger and beloved Child Epifantsev, graduated from Vgik, but chose fate, far from cinema. A woman lives in the suburbs, engaged in breeding dogs of the breed English Beagle. The younger son called in honor of Grandfather George.


The social changes of the last decade of the 20th century have adversely affected Georgia Semenovich: the artist "divorced" with the theater, which served 30 years, the role was absent, money too. Pride and disgust to the bureaucratism did not allow a former celebrity to issue a pension that the Epiphanse was right. To feed the family, the artist dived into the market element - first traded paintings written, and then cigarettes, alcohol and clocks on metropolitan streets and stations.

Grave George Epifantsev

In the summer of 1992, a documentary film was filmed about the star. In the frame, the artist eats a nomudinal food and demonstrates artistic fabrics, hesitates with his son on the phone and uses an abnormative vocabulary, reads his poems with the words "Love others, like himself" and shakes the ashes from cigarettes at the neighbors from the bottom, "Live His". A few days after the filming of the Epifantsev died, so the film is called a "monologue before death."

The tragic end came as a result of the fact that the actor coming from work was shot down the train. The blood alcohol was not found in the blood of the blood, and the widow refuses to recognize suicide as the cause of death. The grave George Semenovich is located in a plot number 10 of the Trocerovsky cemetery.


  • 1959 - "Thomas Gordeev"
  • 1961 - "Nine days of one year"
  • 1962 - "Volga flows"
  • 1962 - "Flower on Stone"
  • 1963 - "Unadiest History"
  • 1965 - "Split" Aurora "
  • 1965 - "Mother's Heart"
  • 1966 - "Fidelity of Mother"
  • 1968 - "And again May!"
  • 1968 - "Ugryum River"
  • 1972 - "Privalov Millions"
  • 1973 - "East"
  • 1975 - "Merry Zhabokrichi"
  • 1976 - "Siberia"
  • 1976 - "We are together, mom"
  • 1978 - "In a new place"
  • 1979 - "Poem about wings"
  • 1979 - "Do not part with your loved ones"
  • 1979 - "His happiness"
  • 1981 - "Strange vacation"
  • 1991 - "This is me - fool"

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