Ja-Ja Binx - character biography, actor, quotes, image and character


Character History

A ridiculous representative of the race of Gunganov Ja-Ja Binks is a truly happy creation. Despite the dangerous situations that the character falls on his own fault, Ja-Ja-Ja-Jazh is managed to survive throughout the galactic saga and build a political career. True, thanks to the efforts of Binxa Sith capture power. But can you have hate to such a scolding character?

History of creation

George Lucas - the author of the legendary films "Star Wars" - created the image of Ja-Ja-John Binx, inspired by the Cartoon Character of Gufi. Anthropomorphic dog, invented by Disney, constantly falls into ridiculous situations due to their own clumsiness. The same character of Lucas laid into the bink.

George Lucas

In appearance, the hero combines the characteristics of the wall and dinosaur. At the same time, the representative of Gunganov can primitively express and owns weapons. High (increasing 1.96 cm) Temperats, according to fans, was introduced into the plot for popularizing film polishes among the youngest category of viewers. However, George Lucas denies a similar statement. The author of Saga claims that the Ja-Ja-Ja-Binks recreated himself.

For the first time, the character appears in the film "Star Wars. Episode I. Hidden threat. " The role model with which specialists in computer graphic painted the movement of the hero, became the actor Ahmed Best. The artist also gave Ja-Ja-Ja-Jazh, which is so funny fans.

"Star Wars"

Ja-Ja Binx

Ja-Ja-Ja Binks was born on the planet Nabu in the family of hereditary kitoba. Unlike the Father, which masterfully owned the profession, Gungan could not master even school knowledge. Ja-Ja-Ja was kicked out of many educational institutions, and after the damage of parental equipment for whale hunting from the young man, relatives refused.

To make money on food, Ja-ja-jeju leaves the countryside and moves into the city of Gongs, where he gets to the leader of the thieves. The man immediately liked young odds. In addition, for the prosperity of criminal business, the robber needs a fool who would distract the guards of law enforcement.

Ja-Ja-Ja-Jazh cope with the mission entrusted to him, while once, in a ridiculous accident, did not break the submarine Rugora Nassa - an influential policy. To escape from punishment, BinsSu had to urgently leave the city. However, the locals and so planned to be expelled by barely chamber.

Rudor Nass

Ja-jaja settled in a swampy terrain, where Gungans are almost not found. The young man would have lived life alone if she accidentally did not meet the Jedi Kwai-Gonan Jinn and his student Obi-Vana Kenobi. The first of the nobility saved Ja-Ja-Ja-Ja-jeju from the pursuers, after which Binxi decided to devote the life to the service to a noble person.

Following everywhere behind the Savior, Ja-Jaja meets Princess Amitala. The representative of Gunganov and the Government of Nabu easily find a common language and even go to GongSu together together to conclude a world between people and Binsse.

Jedi Qui-Gon Ginn

For a diplomatic contribution to the relationship between Guggar and the outside world, Ja-Ja-Ja-Ja-Ja-Jazh is awarded the rank of general. However, such a title was later well deserved by a man in battle. During the attack on Nabu Ja-ja-jell, he commanded the detachments and, despite his own non-painting, did not receive serious injuries.

Delighted by the courage of their fellow tribesman, who was considered unworthy attention, Gungans send Ja-Ja-John Binx to the Senate, where the former thief should represent the interests of the little independent people. But calm political career men quickly ended.


Due to the attempt to kill Princess Amidal leaves the post of Senator Nabu and trusts BinsSu to represent the interests of the planet among other politicians. Gulling ja-ja-ja-ja-ja-jellis quickly falls under the influence of Palpatine Chancellor. Gungan does not realize that the elderly ruler is a dark Sitx, so it takes words and perspective politics to heart.

As a result, on the next voting of Ja-ja-jaju, supports the proposal of the future emperor about putting Palpatine unlimited authority. In fact, Gungan in the confrontation of good and evil protrudes on the dark side, not aware of this.

Princess Amidala

The main villain receives control over the republic. Ja-Jazh Binxes remains for some time in politics. Realizing that it is to blame for the collapse of the Galaxy, Gungan returns to his native planet. The arrival of Nabu turned out to be timely. A man cares of the funeral of the last close friend - Princess Amidala.

What happened to the good and gullible Guggar, is unknown. But the death of a man in the epopery was not reported. It is rumored that Ja-Ja-Ja-Jazh settled in the Malconed Area of ​​Nabu, married a long-standing beloved and spent his free time for the education of the only Son.

Interesting Facts

  • Among the fans of "Star Wars" there is an incredible theory that Ja-Ja Binks is a faithful assistant or a Palpatine teacher. Fans simply do not believe in such a frank credulity of a man, so we are convinced that the colorful character is the Supreme Sitx and the key to the entire conflict of the epic.
Kylo Ren.
  • In the ranking of the popular heroes of fantastic Saga Ja-Ja-Jaja overtakes Kaylo Rena. Perhaps the case is how funnaya binxes shows the language.
  • To finish the biography of Ja-Ja-John Binx, the director of the seventh film "Star Wars" wanted to place the forgotten skeleton of a character in the desert. Such a hint would remove questions about the fate of the shortble. But the fans of the promised skeleton on the frames did not notice.


"Oh, Maxi-Class Your power! .. But the case smells of kerosene." "My stay, my name is Ja-Ja-Ja Binx." "My get up, little eating your breakfast ... suddenly boom! My scream is great enough for Jedi and Bach! My here ... "" First "Boom de Gasa" ... Then he broke the heblyibber boss ... and expelled! "

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