Julie Andrews - biography, personal life, photos, news, "bridgeertons", Mary Poppins, Ajoa Andoch 2021



Unsurpassed Julie Andrews began a creative career in the 50s as the star Music Hall. Her wonderful voice conquered the theater viewer first in his native London, and then on New York Broadway. Success was waiting for an actress and on the screen: the role in the tape "Mary Poppins" brings Oscar in 1964. However, not everything was going smoothly: Andrews does not know what a starry hour is, and what it is - to survive the years of oblivion.

Childhood and youth

Julia Elizabeth Wells was born on October 1, 1935 in the old British city of Walton-on-Thames. Barbara's mother - Pianist, and Biological Father Edward Wells worked as a wood master and metal. At the 15th age, Julie learned that her real father was a friend's friend with whom the mother had a novel. The girl grew up with stepfather, singer Tedi Andrews, for which Barbara came out in 1943.

In the autobiography of the artist wrote that stepfather was a bad person. When Ted was drunk hard, tried to seduce the young stepdaughter. It forced Julie to hang the castle on the door of the room. Andrews lived very poorly and actually styled in London slums, but gradually touring activities began to bring good income. And partly this happened thanks to Julie Elizabeth.

Ted could not help but notice the vocal abilities of the stepper and offered Barbara to take a talented baby with him on tour, changing her surname to Andrews to position the speeches as family. 10-year-old Julie stood on a beer box to reach the microphone. But her touching songs were touched by the public.

Soon, the Andrews had accumulated money and moved in Khhershem (County of Surrey), his native place of Ted, where they settled in a spacious house. Julie visited the Kon Ripman School in London, then continued her education at Woodbruck and public school in Bekenham.

In parallel with the study of the start of the music with the vocal teacher Lilian Styles-Allen, which sincerely struck by the vocal range of his student in 4 octaves. At the age of 13, Andrews became the most young performer who had ever advocated the royal family, in 15 debuted on radio and television, and at 18 he played in the "Cinderella" in London "Palladium".

Movies and musicals

Talent Julie Elizabeth immediately noticed. In 1954, American producers invite a celebrity in New York, on a major role in the Broadway formulation "Friend". The image of Polly Brown brought Andrews fame and success. But it was only a prelude of this recognition, which collapsed to the artist after the role of Eliza Dulittl in the production of "My beautiful Lady" (1956). The partner Andrews became Oscar-and-actorist Actor Rex Harrison. This tandem shone on the Broadway scene for about 2 years, gaining the incredible love of the audience. Star performance brought actress prestigious Award "Tony" for the best female role in the musical, the title of "Queen Broadway" and the photo on the covers of leading magazines.

The next major role was expected by Julie in the Camelot project in 1960, for her, the British again nominated on Tony, but no longer managed to repeat. Andrews increasingly thought about the new page in the biography and career in the cinema.

The actress dreamed of embodying the image of the Eliza Dulittl in the on-screen production published in 1964. But the producers gave the role of Audrey Hepburn, having considered that the name of the bright brunette would provide the influx of the public to the cinemas. Julie received another interesting offer: Walt Disney studio invited Andrews to the role in the music film "Mary Poppins" (1964).

In an interview with 2019, Julie Andrews recalled Friendship with the Creator of the Company:

"I do not identify the great Walter Disney with today's studio. Walter was a wonderful person, very creative, thinly feeling. He behaved differently than his colleagues in Hollywood. "

Artist told and how agreed to shoot:

"He offered me the role of Mary Poppins ... I was pregnant and was going to return to London. I did not want to give birth in New York. But Disney said: "Ok, I'll wait, give birth and come back." He knew his heart that I would come to the role, so I did not doubt. "

Julie looked down to work and soon proved that it was able to bring the project to the leaders of the rental. The filmosus was one of the most commercially successful studios in the entire history, and the enchanting game brought the singer a decent award - "Oscar" for the best female role.

The following year, Andrews again entered the number of Oscar nominees for the role in the ribbon "sounds of music" (1965). This time, the award bypassed the actress, but the film was recognized by the film of the year, and largely due to the acting skills of the British artist. Miss Andrews played a simple girlfriend, who got a job in the House of Widrow Captain Background Trappa (Christopher Plammer), becoming a governess for his 7 children. Pupils at first do not like the new nanny, but Maria gradually conquers the hearts of capricious heirs, entitled to singing. And soon the heart and the captain itself melt.

Images of respectable nannies and governess, one after another emerging in her filmography, strengthened the star in this amplua. Leaving the same type of roles, in 1966, Julie starred in the gloomy spy thriller Alfred Hichkoka "torn curtain", becoming a partner popular Floor of Newman. The new project of the same year was the epic drama "Hawaii" on the emergence of missionary in the Hawaiian Islands at the beginning of the XIX century.

The next success of Julie Andrews noted after bright work in the romantic comedy of 1967 "very modern milli". The role of ambitious stenographer, the hunter for a rich boss brought her a nomination for the Golden Globe.

In the 70th actress was occupied mainly on television. Andrews led his own show, and also became a star TV host popular then transfer the Muppet Show and other projects.

In the 80s came the fruitful period. Among the bright film, the Decade is worth highlighting the Musical "Victor / Victoria" (1982) about the singer, who, after barren search, the work is forced to issue themselves for singers-transvestite. James Garner became a partner in the set. In this role, the amazing vocals of Julie Elizabeth and her distinctive acting game were perfectly converted. As a result, Andrews again became a nomineel "Oscar" in the category "Best Women's Role", as well as the owner of the Golden Globe and David De Donatello Prizes.

Then British brightened in a series of major roles, many of which are marked by prestigious film chairs. In the melodrama "The man, who was 1983 loved women" her heroine psychoanalyst Marianna treated the main character (Bert Reynolds) from sexHolism. For work in the painting of Andrei Konchalovsky "Duet for soloist", where Julie played hard violinist Stephanie Anderson, Andrews again put forward for the "Golden Globe" as the best dramatic actress.

The beginning of the 90s was noted by the participation of the celebrity in the romantic comedy "Beautiful Love" with the favorite of the beautiful half of humanity Marcello Mastroanni. In 1995, Julie returned to the atmosphere of youth - to Broadway. After the 35-year-old break, Andrews came out with the stage version of the Musicla "Victor / Victoria", after which he went to the world tour.

In 1997, in the life of Julie, irreparable - as a result of an unsuccessful operation on bundles (a benign nodules appeared on them), she lost her beautiful voice. First, doctors assured the singer that he would recover for several weeks. But after 2 years, the artist could not get rid of the hoarse-eyed. Andrews filed to the court to doctors, and in 2000 the case was settled for a certain amount of the compensation (the amount of compensation was not called).

In 2000, the comedy Eric Stilza "Blue Blood" came to the screens, where Julie Andrews shone in the lead role. Star Heroine - Countess Feliciti Marshwood. In the image of her screen son, Edward Etterton performed.

In 2001, the British actress appeared in the film "Princess Diaries" with Anne Hathaway, at the lead of the Queen of Clarissa. It was the second participation of Julie in the projects of the Disney Studio after the success of Mary Poppins. The Andrews played the role of nanny in Disney film adventures on the adventures of Eloiza ("Eloise on Square" and "Eloise for Christmas").

Since 2004, a new professional stage has begun in the life of celebrities - visiting animation work, which continues today. Andrews voiced Queen Lilian in all parts of "Shrek", Marlene Grew in the "ugly me" and the heroes of other cartoons.

In 2016, Andrews, together with his native daughter Emma Hamilton and producer Judy Rotman, created a series for preschoolers "Green Julia Room". The premiere of the TV show took place a year later on the Netflix channel.

In 2018, Julie took part in the voicing of the superhero film James Vana "Akvamen", who gathered the Star Star - Jason Momoa, Nicole Kidman, Amber Hörd, Dolph Lundgrena. The vote of the actress says Karaten - a mythical underwater being, which helps the chief hero to stop the war between the ground and underwater world.

Personal life

Happy personal life Julie Andrews did not work immediately. The first marriage with theatrical designer Tony Walton was short. Spouses got acquainted in his youth at home in England in the late 40s and got married in 1959. In 1962, their daughter Emma Kate Walton (Hamilton) was born in London.

In 1969, Julie married the scenario and director Blake Edwards. This union was happy. The spouses lived a soul in the soul of 40 years, raised children from the first marriages (Emma, ​​Jennifer and Jeffrey), and also adopted girls in Vietnam Amy and Joanna.

When celebrities decided to introduce their offspring, Edwards invited Andrews and her 6-year-old daughter to his home. To arrange Jeffrey and Jennifer to a new mother, he suggested Julie to change clothes to Mary Poppins. The heirs of the director came to delight at the sight of a fabulous character and gladly accepted the guest in the family.

In 2010, actress widowel. In an interview with the Russian newspaper Izvestia, she so recalled the late Blake: "He was my main prize taken out of Hollywood. Everything else was indifferent to me. " The artist decided to "live" in the United States next to the grave of her husband.

Julie Andrews now

Now Andrews lives creativity, the TV host discussion family show Julies Library and other projects. Julie leads the official account in "Instagram", where it is divided by personal photos. The star follows the figure - with a height of 173 cm, the weight does not exceed 60 kg.

She does not forget about the voicing of films. In December 2020, the premiere of Netflix Suit "Bridgeertons", which immediately won the hearts of the audience immediately. The plot tells about the life of one family in the UK the era of the regend. The main role was performed by Ajoa Andoch. Andrews's voice behind the frame says the mysterious gossip of Lady Whistldun, which produces a boulevard newspaper. The script is based on the works of Julia Quen.

Fans highly appreciated the film, even though they discovered kinolyaps. On frames, attentive fans looked at the yellow markup on the road and modern sewer hatches, which could not be in the city of the beginning of the XIX century. Almost immediately after the release of the series, work began on the 2nd season. The output of the picture is announced at the end of 2021.


  • 1964 - Mary Poppins
  • 1965 - "Sounds of Music"
  • 1966 - "Torn Curtain"
  • 1967 - "Extremely modern milli"
  • 1979 - "Dozen"
  • 1982 - "Victor / Victoria"
  • 1983 - "A man who loved women"
  • 1986 - "Duet for soloist"
  • 1991 - "Beautiful Love"
  • 2001 - "Princess Diaries"
  • 2003 - "Eloise on Square"
  • 2004 - "Princess Diaries-2"
  • 2007 - "Enchanted"
  • 2009 - "Tooth Fairy"
  • 2020 - "Bridgeertons"

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