Linda Lavleis - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Porn Actress



"Nuns," so called a quiet, modest girl from the Puritan family Linda Susan Borman. Nobody would have thought that over time she would become famous for the whole world of Lovelace Linda thanks to the leading role in the film for adult "deepthroat".

Linda Lavleis and Chuck Trainor

Was she glad such glory? Many years later, the porn actrix told in an interview that the shooting was carried out under coercion. Husband Chuck Trainor placed her head to her head, and on the body of a woman there were traces of bruises after strikes. And, nevertheless, the film "Deep Throat" gave the start of Lovelace's fame and brought $ 600 million to the creators of the Cassus.

Childhood and youth

Linda was born on January 10 in 1949 in Bronx, in a police officer. Parents forced children to live along the canons of religion. For the slightest disobedience, which would contradict the norms of morality, the mother punished physically.

Linda Lavleis in youth

According to memories, Linda grew up an obedient girl. The priest in the local arrival called her "the best of his parishioners." It was under constant strict supervision of adults until she fell in love. In 19 years, a breakdown occurs, and Linda is started in all grave sins.

After acquaintance with the future husband, Chuck Trainor will be pregnant. The family is just horrified by daughter's behavior. Linda's mother, a very powerful woman, makes a decision to give her child to the shelter and leave there until Linda is able to take care of him.


In the porno industry, Linda falls due to the efforts of Chuck Treinar, which led it to the shooting area of ​​"deep pharynx" in 1972. Prior to this, the actress was filmed in small roles in the paintings of the frank content.

Porn actress Linda Lavleis

For the filming of the film "Deep Throat" Director Gerard Damiano takes money from the Italian mafia, which then takes all the income from rolled ribbon. In the "sip" of Linda played a woman who does not bring sex life satisfaction. After consulting a doctor, it turns out that she cannot experience orgasm, since the chief erogen body is located in her throat. Eskulap is trying to help her solve the problem. The heroine of Linda is also looking for a man with whom she succeeds to feel pleasure.

15 candid scenes are removed in the film. Film Test for more than an hour made Linda Lovelace Pornstart number one. The film shocked the realism of the filtered material, and at one time to show the "deep pharynx" banned. However, this circumstance only strengthened the interest of Americans to the plot of the tape.

Linda Lavleis - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Porn Actress 12755_4

It is worth noting that in the history of porn industry "Deep-throat" became the first professional film with prescribed dialogues and the characters of the main characters. The picture was shot in color, on good equipment, with studio light, especially for the "pharynx" song Deep Throat, Deeper Than Deep, which has become a hit. On one of the sessions in New York, tickets were sold out for 2 weeks ahead.

With the "pharynx" began a short period of "pornshik" when the porn films were broadcast in cinemas as ordinary ribbons and without restrictions. It is still definitely unknown if Linda was filmed in this project forced, as she said in an interview. For example, in one edition, the actress says the following:

"When you watch the film" Deep Harness ", you look at how they rape me. This is a crime that the film is still shown; All the time a pistol was pressed to my head. "
Linda Lavleis.

In the book, recalling the first day of filming, she writes another:

"Something happened to me, something strange. It was due to the fact that no one turned to me as with garbage. Or maybe it was just chemistry to participate in the group. For the first time in many months, I found myself among people, other people who were not perverts and did not threaten me ... I didn't laugh so long so long ago, new wrinkles appeared on my face from laughter. And no one asked me to do what I did not want. "

Reviews were carried out on the violence. None of the actors and members of the film crew confirmed the participation of the Linda under the pistol. But the violence in the family actresses is the fact known. Chuck Trainor spoke about this, calling it an ordinary thing.

Linda Lavleis after the end of porn skins

After the film, the Linda is invited to an interview and in the show. Her photos have become the decoration of the covers of popular magazines. Producers, hoping to repeat the success of the first part, remove the continuation of the "deep pharynx". Later comes out another film with the participation of the actress - "Linda Lovelace to the presidency", in which she plays itself and participates in the election race.

New films turned out to be unsuccessful. In any case, they did not reach the commercial vertex and the audience rating, which was at the first tape. In the filmography of Linda 17 points. The last film was released after the death of the actress, in 2005. This is a documentary project in which the creators explore the phenomenon of "pornshik" and its influence on society.

Personal life

In 1973, Lovelace leaves from Chuck Trainer to Producer David Winters, with whom he worked on the picture "Linda Lovelace to the president." The union was short-lived, and in 1975 the actress marries the Larry Marchiano plaster. Two children are born in marriage: in 1976 - the son of Dominic and in the 1980s - daughter Lindsay.

Linda Lavleis and Larry Marchiano

The family lived on unemployment benefit. In the early 80s, Linda returns to the public, but in another quality. She performs lectures against the exploitation of women in the porn industry. Writes books in which tells about personal life with her husband-tyrant.

Linda is taken for any job. The last place where the star worked, became a computer shop. In 1996, a woman is divorced with Marchiano. But despite the gap, the former spouses remained friends.


On April 3, 2002, Linda rushes to work and does not cope with the car management. The woman was not fastened and flew to the track through the windshield. Multiple injuries received from the blow.

Linda Lavleis in old age

The three weeks of Lovelace is unconscious, all this time next to her her children and a former husband Marchiano. At the actress, the skull injury and the gap of the liver. On April 22, 2002, it is considered her last day.

The cause of death was the disconnection of the linda from the artificial life support apparatus. Such a difficult decision took the children of women in 3 weeks after a deep coma. Marchiano the next day after the death of the Linda in an interview with journalists said:

"Each of you thought about her either as a porn station or as a feminist. We knew her as mom and as a linda. "
Amanda Seyfried as Linda Lovelace

In 2013, the "Lovelace" feature film, shot on the biography of the actress, comes to the screens. Linda in youth brilliantly played Amanda Seyfried.


  • 1969 - Dog Fucker
  • 1972 - "Deep Hood"
  • 1974 - Exotic FRENCH Fantasies
  • 1974 - The Confessions of Linda Lovelace
  • 1974 - "Deep Hood 2"
  • 1975 - "Linda Lovelace for president"
  • 1975 - Lovelace Meets Miss Jones
  • 1980 - Super Climax
  • 1980 - Midnight Blue 2
  • 1988 - BLUE VANITIES 57
  • 1988 - BLUE VANITIES 93
  • 1989 - "Deep chuck 3"
  • 1998 - The Story of X
  • 2000 - Linda Lovelace: The E! True Hollywood Story.

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