Natalia Strizhenova - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, movies



Life rarely develops as a person plans, and even a good start does not guarantee subsequent success. The tragic fate of Natalia Strizhenova's actress is a direct proof of that. She was born in the star family, possessed bright appearance and talent, filed great hopes. However, women's dreams about glory and creative success were destined to break about the difficult realities of acting and the decline of Russian cinema times of restructuring.

Childhood and youth

Natalia Olegovna Strizhenova was born on July 28, 1957 in Moscow. Her parents were already famous at that time Oleg and Marianna Strizhenov. Father and mother met on the set of the film "The Wheel", where they fulfilled the most famous roles.

Natalia Strizhenova in youth

Marriage collapsed 11 years after the birth of the girl. Leaving the family, Oleg Strizhenov went to the actress of love of strawberry, but did not stop communicating with her daughter.

Little Natasha dreamed of going in the footsteps of parents and become an actress. After school, she entered the Moscow academic choreographic school, then continued to education in VGIK.

Theater and films

Career Natalia began successfully. Already at 15 years old, the girl was invited to play in the painting "Moscow - Cassiopeia". In this fantastic film for children and young people, Natasha played an episodic role of Leli, sisters Pasha Kozelkova, one of the "departures in the Universe".

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In the future, the stredens regularly offered small, but still noticeable roles in the movies. Therefore, by the time of the end of VGIK in 1980, the girl had 4 on screen work. Natalia could be seen in the episode of the Drama "Middle Life", as well as in the role of a girlfriend of the Matros of Grigoriev in the mini-series about beloved in the USSR plot Aniskin.

Non-standard appearance of the girl also imposed a fingerprint on the nature of the roles offered: a pretty face, a high forehead and huge eyes allowed Natalia to play characters, much younger than her. So in the 1979 film "Preparation for the exam" 22-year-old actress appeared in the image of a high school girl Kusikova, perfectly portraying not a young woman, and a teenager.

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In 1983, Natalia again got a character of his own age: she was invited to an episodic role in the film entertainment of the Roman Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky "Teenager". The actress embodied on the screen the image of the Olympiad of the fanariot, about which the writer in the original source said that in appearance she was "no more than nineteen."

The next work in the filmography of Women has become a small role in the detective drama "Bus driver". Natalia played blonde Lena, remembering the viewers again thanks to bright appearance.

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Large roles in the biography of Strezhenova. In the tape "Fairy Tales of the Old Wizard", the actress appeared in the episodic form of Freillia, and Joan Halford became a more or less noticeable character of Natalia in the play by John's play. "Time and family of Conway". However, although the actress also played the main character, it did not become a big role - Natalia appeared on the screen, only to show Joan in his youth.

In the mid-1980s, the actress played another 3 episodic roles: it can be seen in the frames of paintings "on the eve", "victims do not have" and "without limitation period". Despite the talent and external data, Natalia got through passing, insignificant characters. After that, Strizhenova disappeared from screens for 4 years.

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And then the restructuring began in the country, which led to a serious decline of Russian cinema. Many actors, including the first magnitude, not to mention the unprofessionals who did not have time to light up in large roles were on the sideline. In 1990, shortly before the collapse of the Soviet Union, Natalia appeared on the screen in the melodrame "provincials", again playing a small-awake character Svetlana. More in the movie Strizhenova was not shot, the "provincials" became its last on-screen work.

Theatrical career was also not very successful. After graduating from Vgika, Natalia entered the service in the Moscow State Theater of the film actor, but also the actress's main roles were not given. From 1988 to 1990, Strizhenova was involved in the formulation of the "demons" of Fyodor Dostoevsky, played in the play Lizaven Nikolaevna, a girl with a tragic, like almost everyone in this novel, fate.

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Her heroine, and without that weak and unhappy, after the night with a man who does not love her, is damaged by the mind and, being not at that time, yes not in the place, dies, a crowd, who considers the girl involved in the murder of Lebyadkins.

In the play "Without guilt guilt", Natalia went on stage in the image of Nina Corinkina Actress, and in 1994 he participated in the fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City", there she played the Snow Maiden. There were no other noticeable roles in the actress's theater. Thus, despite the stellar parents and excellent education, Strizhenova starred only in the episodes of 13 films and in the theater also embodied on the scene of secondary heroines.

Personal life

Natalia's personal life was no less difficult than acting career. In the late 1980s, she married a colleague on the workshop of Nikolai Holoshin. However, despite the fact that in 1987, Alexander's daughter was born in marriage, the married life of Natalia and Nikolai was not rooted - they divorced. Father Sasha Participation in the life of the girl did not accept, and all concerns about the child lay on the shoulders of the actress and her mother Marianna Strezhenova.

Natalia Strizhenova and Nikolai Kholoshin

The USSR collapsed, there was practically no work, he paid a penny in the theater, it accounted for a small salary of Natalia and Marianna retirement. Abused alcohol Strizhenova began then. According to Alexandra's stories, the mother drank even before going to the scene, so the girl took her grandmother to her.

Later in the life of Natalia, another man appeared, who became her civil spouse. Alexander's years later, the years also responded extremely negative.

Alexandra Holoshina, daughter Natalia Strezhenova

Sasha Strizhenova after the death of Mother left the theatrical school, although in his childhood she showed talent and even went out with Natalia on the scene. The girl went to work as a waitress to facilitate the financial position of the family. When her grandmother left, because of her unsuccessful decisions, Alexander lost an apartment.

In the future, she gave birth to 4 children and unsuccessfully visited the surrogate mother: "Customers" refused to twin boys due to the publicity of the situation and Alexander gave them to adoption. Neither the Father, nor relatives from the famous grandfather do not help the girl.


Natalia Strizhenova died on May 21, 2003, the actress was only 45 years old. The results of the autopsy showed that the cause of death was the poisoning caused by the simultaneous use of alcohol and the phenazepama. The grave of Natalia Strizhenova is located on the Golovinsky Cemetery of Moscow.

Mogil Natalia Strizhenova

Alexandra Baloshina is inclined to blame her civil husband's mother's death. According to the girl, he, reporting the death of Natalia, cried not from grief, but from happiness. The daughter of the actress believes that the pills she mixed up to her, and Strizhenova herself would not mix alcoholic and tranquilizers.

Alexandra made a small site dedicated to the memory of mother and grandmother. There you can find information about actresses, as well as several photos of Natalia.


  • 1973 - "Moscow - Cassiopeia"
  • 1976 - "Middle Life"
  • 1978 - "And again Aniskin"
  • 1979 - "Preparation for the exam"
  • 1983 - "Teenager"
  • 1983 - "Bus Driver"
  • 1984 - "Tales of the Old Wizard"
  • 1984 - "Time and Family Conway"
  • 1985 - "On the eve"
  • 1986 - "The victims do not have"
  • 1986 - "Without a limitation term"
  • 1990 - "Provinitions"

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