Sergey Babaev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, TV presenter 2021



Russian journalist Sergey Babaev is known to millions of viewers of the first channel as a leading "other news" and "good morning."

TV journalist Sergey Babaev

Starting to work at the age of 17, the young man passed all the way, ranging from the director's assistant and ending with the post of lead, with which he perfectly copes, every morning raising the mood to Russians.

Childhood and youth

Sergey was born in Moscow in the fall of 1976. By nationality he is Russian. The parents of the boy were engineers and did not differ from other Soviet families. He studied at a local educational school, received good evaluation. Being a high school student, Babayev became interested in biology. His interest in living organisms in the future even led to the choice of the future profession.

Having received a school certificate, Sergey comes to Moscow State University at the Biological Faculty, because it decides to seriously explore this subject and link life with biology. I studied some time, Babayev understands that journalism is closer to him and translates to Journalism.

Sergey Babaev replaced the biological faculty of Moscow State University on Zhurfak

The future journalist was not entitled to start work, so in 1993, at the age of 17, he receives the first position and becomes an administrator, and soon he is raised before the director's assistant. Babayev did not lose time with a gift, any incoming information was absorbed as a sponge, so it was easily carried out by instructions and soon became the director. Due to the permanent employment at work, the man graduated from the university only in 2004, after 10 years from the date of admission to the faculty of journalism.


Study the specifics of Russian TV channels Babayev began on NTV. He worked in a sports editorial office, invited him there Anna Dmitriev and Alexey Burkov. In 1996, first tried himself as a TV host on the NTV-Plus Channel. Gradually, gaining experience and learning from his colleagues, a man tries to conduct programs "Near. Unfortunate news "and" Tennis at midnight with Anna Dmitriev ". And later he was entrusted to conduct reports from the Olympic Games and even allowed to work as a sports journalist.

Sergey Babaev started a career on NTV

On the same channel, the young man served as a permanent host of news. At the same time, Sergey was often visited by competition and commented from there. So he managed to visit races on bulldozers and combines, to appreciate the athletes in figure skating, golf and sled.

Just during this period, NTV experienced a crisis, from the post of the general director, Oleg Doblyow, who worked for a long time the team began to decay. Already who has already become native by that time, the canal left Sergey Babaev, but he had his own reason. The man did not want to stop at what was achieved and to lead only sports programs, in his future plans there was a variety of creative work.

Sergey Babaev

The next 2 years, Sergey works on the TV channel, tells the audience the latest news. At that time he had the opportunity to attend the hostage seizure on Dubrovka and to cover the latest events regarding the terrorist act. In the summer of 2003, TVX closes, and the first channel appears in the professional biography of the journalist.

In the new place, Babayev receives the position of a special correspondent for the Directorate of Information Programs and has time to work in the "time", "time" and "news" for 3 years. He finally got the place that he wanted. The journalist opened the opportunity to make reports on ecology, science and space, as well as direct inclusions from the places of various events, cover the topics of government meetings.

Sergey Babaev on the first channel

During the Orange Revolution, he issued materials on the elections of the President of Ukraine, told the audience details of the collapse of the sports and entertainment complex "Transval Park" and about the explosion of the hotel "National".

In 2006, Sergey receives the position of the leading program "Other News", coming out every day on weekdays. There were broadcasts dedicated to transport and ecology, quality of life, education and leisure.

Leading programs

In 2014, the program is closed, and in the fall of the same year, a man becomes the leading "good morning", His co-codes are Ekaterina Strizhenova, Arina Sharapova, Yulia Zimin, Svetlana Zeynalova and others. Since 2015, Babaev, together with Marina Kim, as a speaker, comments on Pervomaisk demonstrations held on the main square of the country.

Personal life

The personal life of Sergey Babayeva has been happy. With the future wife, Irina met for another 19 years, at work. At that time, the young man worked as an assistant director at NTV, and she was in the same place secretary.

Sergey Babaev with his wife and children

A man admits that, despite the young age, he immediately felt that Ira was his fate, so the girl's location was achieved for 2 years, and in the end she surrendered. Officer novel over the years overgrown in strong family relationships.

The first child of Babaeva was born 3 years after the wedding, it was the son of Nikita. And after another 6 years, their family was replenished with a new member of her daughter Liza.

Sergey Babaev loves to relax in the country

Since the education of children takes a lot of time and effort, Sergey and Irina decided to dwell on it. They often spend time together, love to go to the cottage, on the TV presenter site periodically places new coniferous species of trees, as well as bushes with berries. Love for biology, apparently, remained from Sergey since childhood.

Communication with subscribers TV host supports through "Instagram", where regularly postpones fresh photos. In his profile, there are many frames with family, and also pictures you can see that the man loves to spend time in nature.

Sergey Babaev with daughter in 2019

Babayev does not consider himself to athletes, and, although Sergey does not apply to growth and weight, extra kilograms are present. Probably it does not confuse him, the journalist feels comfortable.

Sergey Babaev now

Babayev and now continues to work on the "First Channel", in the program "Good morning." This is a publicistic and entertainment transfer that comes out on television since 1986, and during this time there was a lot of leading.

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Also, a man often gives interviews various editions. For example, in January 2019, he shared with journalists about the salary information. The exact figures of Sergey did not disclose, but noted that it receives significantly less than 500 thousand rubles. He also said that among the employees of the TV channel there are those who still boast of high incomes.


  • "Today"
  • "Such is a sports life"
  • "Tennis at midnight with Anna Dmitrieva"
  • "Press Center"
  • "Near. Unfortunate news »
  • "Sports news"
  • "Now"
  • "News"
  • "Time"
  • "Time"
  • "Other news"
  • "Good morning"

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