Valentina Kosobutskaya - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The favorite "New Year's Adventures of Masher and Viti" went to the screens in 1975 and turned out to be incredibly progressive for that time. Here and the evil spirits, playing rock, cat-villain in jeans and, of course, the appetizing Baba Yaga in a mini-skirt, in which the deserved artist of the Russian Federation Valentina Kosobutskaya reincarnated, the laureate of the Golden Mask of 2008. Before the new 2019, the first channel and Maxim Galkin personally gathered together the heroes of the musical fairy tale in the transfer "tonight."

Childhood and youth

The future star operetta was born in the Northern Capital of Russia on October 17, 1947. The child was baptized in the Vladimir Cathedral, where his godfather were the fellow father and mother. Since childhood, a little Valya dreamed of becoming an actress, but he could not think that it would be in the musical theater, although there was an ability to sing from an early age. Parents took the daughter in a circle of choral singing, and then in puppet. Classes of dramatic art in the House of Pioneers The girl in the future chose themselves.

Actress Valentina Kozobutskaya

As she confessed later, the first inspirer on stage activity was the Yves Montan himself, who sang about the swing in the two rays of the world, created the illusion of movement. The art did not take place until the end of the school, and after the secondary educational institution, the girl went to enter the Theater Institute. The attempt was unsuccessful, I had to go to work. But from the dream, the persistent Kozobutskaya did not refuse.

"In the evenings, it was engaged in the studio operetta in the Palace of the Lensovet's Culture, which went hoping that she would say that she would help to dance, and it would help me upon receipt for the next year. So it turned out. I studied and ended the dramatic faculty of Lirtmika, "the actress frank himself in an interview.

On the protection of the thesis project to the court of a strict examination commission was presented with the Moliere Statement of the Grace Tartuf, where Valentine shone in the main women's role. She managed to attract attention and later get an invitation to his troupe from the artistic director of the theater of the musical comedy.

Valentina Kosobutskaya in youth

Without seeing himself a leaky performer, a graduate the proposal rejected and left for the Pskov Pushkin Drama Theater. But soon the telegram came, who changed her creative biography, about the free vacancies in the temple of Melpomen, where Vladimir Vorobyev was headed. And in 1973, Kozobutsky returned to his hometown.

On the eve of the Victory Day in 2016, the actress admitted that he often regained himself for the fact that in his youth thoroughly did not ask the veterans' parents about the Great Patriotic War. Acquaintance with the war talked thanks to episodes and short memories.

Valentina Kozobutskaya

Father and Mother of the Celebrity met on the Leningrad Front, where the man came to the urgent service from Ukraine, and worked side by sidelight. Thus called people who caught enemy planes in the night sky light spotlights.

The family stores the relics - three large dishes that have taken mothers of artist from aunt. It was them that they pressed against the chest and was afraid to break the young girl who fell under the bombing. Now these plates are carefully taken from the servant exclusively on holidays.

Theater and films

The native theater of the musical comedy artist does not change until now, for which her colleagues appreciate and adore fans. In the repertoire, Kosobutsk will find works of both classical composers and modern. She was lucky to participate in the statements of the founders of the French operetta Florimon Erve and Jacques Offenbach, as well as Matters of American Musicles Frederick Lowe and Frank Leester.

Valentina Kosobutskaya as Baba-Yagi in the film "New Year's Adventures of Masha and Viti"

Valentina Grigorievna began a career in cinema with a debut role in the film "To be happy." Almost immediately after him, he starred in the "New Year's adventures of Masha and Viti", which brought it all-union fame. In an attractive Babo-Yagu, it was not worth the labor. After all, according to their own recognition of the actress, in every woman, especially beautiful, lies with this character.

And on the first day of the new 1977, "Trofaldino from Bergamo" was released, where the servant of two Lords played an inimitable Konstantin Rykin, and his bride is Natalia Gundarereva. In Beatrice, Valentina Kosobutskaya was transformed, playing vocal parties on his own. The on-screen bridegroom was Viktor Kostytsky.

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An interesting fact: the actress filmography includes 3 television series about the adventures of the famous owner of Sherlock Holmes.

"The actor is not free in his desires. Play what we would like, not always succeed. However, it seems to me that the characteristic role is more interesting to fulfill! I for the actor could try myself in different roles. But today I am even easier to me in my characteristic role. In adulthood, for example, lyrical heroines will no longer play, you need to go to other roles. And my role is saving me, "the star told the Operetta, who received the Golden Mask for Baroness Lily and Golden Sofit for Hollywood Diva.

Personal life

Valentina Grigorievna does not belong to the circle of artists, whose personal life is the treasure and object of attention, and even more so discussing the public. Therefore, there is an accurate information if the artists have a husband, children and grandchildren, no.

Valentina Kozobutskaya

In 2014, becoming the heroine of the program "Evening. Meetings, "to the question about Valentina's revelations, he answered that the most striking was a meeting with a man who changed her worldview. After conversations with him, the woman began to be interested in things that he had never even thought about. For example, about certain books or policies in general.

Kozobutskaya is distinguished by a trepidative attitude to colleagues, especially those who have already gone. In 2018, in a conversation with the editors of the Fifth Channel, he was delighted and sincerely responded about Olga Lozova, and four years earlier - about Victor Kostotsky.

Valentina Kosobutskaya now

In the repertoire at the beginning of 2019, posted on the theater website, along with her photographs from performances, Valentina Grigorievna is busy in 6 productions. The artist was also part of the jury "Gold Masks" of the same year.

Valentina Kosobutskaya in 2019

In addition to the game on stage, the actress willingly holds master classes for young spectators, where discloses the secrets of the declaignation and advises to certainly teach poems and read books out loud.

Looking at this energetic, cheerful and tightened woman (growth - 175 cm, no weight data), I can not believe that in 2017 she celebrated the 70th anniversary.


  • 1973 - "To be happy"
  • 1975 - "New Year's Adventures of Masha and Viti"
  • 1976 - "Merry dream, or laughter and tears"
  • 1977 - "Trofaldino from Bergamo"
  • 1981 - "It was for the Narva Zaving"
  • 1983 - "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: Treasure Agra"
  • 1984 - "Incredible betting, or a true incident, safely completed hundred years ago"
  • 1985 - "Here is my village ..."
  • 1987 - "Tutor"
  • 1990 - "Zamri - Melci - Sunday!"
  • 1996 - "Bring me horses ..."
  • 2000 - "Memories about Sherlock Holmes"
  • 2007 - "Two of the Lartz"
  • 2013 - Sherlock Holmes
  • 2015 - "One day, one night"

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