Kim Ki Duk - biography, personal life, cause of death, movies, photos, died



The director Kim Ki Duk was called the East Asian Mikhail Lomonosov. A wonderful swan will grow out of the ugly duckling, only the name hung in youth. After all, in the edge of the morning freshness already knew another film director with the same name (he died in 2017 from cancer).

Childhood and youth

The world-famous director appeared in the late 1960s in the tiny South Korean village. Parents of Kima are poor peasants, and the future winner of the film festivals was considered a difficult child, contrary to Korean traditions who did not love to learn.

When the family of Kim Hydoke (and so on transcription standards, the name of the film director should be pronounced on East Slavic languages) moved to the capital, the guy was given to the primary school preparing specialists for agriculture. But the young man, without having done, went to work for the plant. According to the same way, flight from the school occurred when Kim Kim Kima turned 17, according to others -15.

The next stage of the biography of the Korean Coinovator was the 5-year call service in the marine. Although the growth of the director is only 165 cm, in the army, according to eyewitness testimonies, the young Kim looked in his place.

In the Soviet Army of the 80s, the collective view of the films of the patriotic orientation was an element of political training. Why there were no such views in the life of Korean servicemen, it is not clear, but in an interview the director claimed that I first met the movie in Paris at 32nd.

In the capital of France, a man went, wanting to learn the artist's skill. And painting the future director fell ill when she worked in the church after demobilization. In 1993, the artist who lives on revenues from the sale of his cloths, for the first time came to the cinema, and after 3 years he removed the first film "Crocodile".

In the picture, which made such a strong impression on the young Korean, in his memories, played Anthony Hopkins and Jody Foster. With a high probability, it can be assumed that the guy deprived cinematic "innocence" Thriller "Silence of Lambs", because the abundance of blood and cruelty is a feature of celebrity creativity.


According to the director who created the films very quickly, the lion's share of time went on thinking of scenarios. The ideas of Kim Ki Duk often scolded from everyday life. For example, the plot of the ribbon "Empty House" originated when the master broke the advertising leaflet from his home.

Characteristic features filmography of the Korean Masters:

  • rethinking Christian, Buddhist and ancient Greek mythology in titles and plots;
  • The absence of long monologues (and sometimes conversations at all) the main characters. The first films The future director watched, not knowing European languages, and came to the conclusion that the dialogues are not added to the video peace;
  • Plumility and marginality of most characters. Heroes Kim Ki Duka - prostitutes, pimps, killers, lumpen or externally efficient citizens, opening in themselves dark sides;
  • Skillful operator work (and the director often acted in part-time operator), in which landscape shooting is combined with shocking naturalistic frames;
  • Low on cinematic standards budget;
  • Mix of the genres of black comedy, parables and thriller;
  • In many ribbons, the director argued about the harmfulness of the opposition of two Korea, North and South.

The film director loved to violate the public taboos: a woman insulted by trees of her husband is castrated by a teenage son, a 60-year-old man is cohabitating a 16-year-old girl in the "stretched tent". Mother films are popular in Europe and Russia than at home.

The painting "Sigh", telling about the love of the prisoner sentenced to death, and married ladies, won the Golden Palm Branch in Cannes. However, even Europeans sometimes were not ready for the perception of films Kim Kim Ki. So, on the "Islands" show in Venice, fainting is fixed.

The least scandalous work of Koreans is considered "Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter ... and again Spring", in which the cycle of seasons symbolizes the life cycle. The tape "Time of people" is popular, in which the girl, wanting to return the attention of the beloved, resorts to plastic surgery.

In 2017, three actresses accused the masters in harassment, assault, and rape. Of the whole list of LESS, Kim Ki Duk, recognized only a fell, the purpose of which was the help of the plaintiff in the entry into the image. The Seoul Court sentenced the cinematographer to a fine of $ 5 thousand.

Kim Ki Duk was always full of ideas, in 2019 he shot in the country led by Nursultan Nazarbayev, a movie in the genre of Arthaus. In early 2019, the Russian audience saw a novelty from the Golden Lion owner - a thriller "Man, a place, time and again a man."

Personal life

Explaining the features of creativity, the Korean director said that he perceives life as a combination of sadism and masochism. The artist carefully hid a personal life from the press. It is not known whether the famous cinema film and children have a leader.

The photo of the director testifies that Kim Ki Duk was not chased behind the fashion in clothes and did not seek to look younger than his age. He loved manual work: made crafts from pieces of wood thrown by the ocean.

In 2008, the artist almost died on the filming of the film Kim Ki Ki. The artist sharpened himself in a halary in a hard-to-reach area and for 3 years he moved away from cinema. Creation of the "Ariran" tape helped to get out of the crisis.


On December 11, 2020, it became known that Kim Ki Duk died. The director died for 60 years of life. The cause of death has become complications from coronavirus infection. He spent the last days in Latvia: According to rumors, in this country Kim Ki Duk was going to buy a house and arrange a residence permit.


  • 1996 - "Crocodile"
  • 1997 - "Wild Animals"
  • 1998 - "Hotel" Bird Cage "
  • 2000 - "Island"
  • 2001 - "Address unknown"
  • 2001 - "Bad Guy"
  • 2003 - "Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter ... and again Spring"
  • 2004 - "Samarita"
  • 2006 - "Time of People"
  • 2007 - "Sigh"
  • 2008 - "Dream"
  • 2011 - "Ariraran"
  • 2012 - "Pieta"
  • 2013 - "Mebius"
  • 2016 - "Network"
  • 2018 - "Who is God?"
  • 2018 - "Man, place, time and again a man"
  • 2019 - "Dissolve"

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