Roman Arkhipov - biography, personal life, news, "Chelsea", photo, "voice" 2021



Arkhipov Roman - musician and singer, graduate of the "Star Factory 6" and a former participant in the Chelsea group. Today, a young man conquers the Russian audience and cooperates with the music label in the United States, where he has already managed to find fans.

Childhood and youth

The Biography of the Roman could not be associated with something other, except for music, because he was born in a family known in the artistic circles. His father Igor Arkhipov performed the concert director of some pop stars. In particular, he collaborated with Tatiana Ovsienko.

The romance of Arkhipov was born on November 9, 1984 in Nizhny Novgorod, which in those years was called bitter. In 1991, the family moved to Moscow, as parents saw large prospects for development in the capital. And they were not mistaken.

The boy was 7 years old when he was recorded in the metropolitan school. By that time he was already engaged in music and learned to play the piano, and later on the bass guitar. Like many children, he was not disappointed in the selected direction and graduated from a music school. Roma patiently tolerated high loads, showing persistence and dedication. The character of the child manifested itself. It became clear that the archups are not from those who stop halfway.

Roman archups in childhood

In addition to music, the novel was interested in tennis. The boy studied and English and even then curiously recognized the stories of success of foreign performers. Arkhipov was a diligent and interested student, so the 11th grade graduated from external.

He wanted to complete the training faster and do what he really had to do. The young man has repeatedly traveled on tour with the concert group of Tatiana Ovsienko, and these tours inspired him. When a voice broke due to transitional age, the guy was desperate and decided that with music would have to end.

Choose a future profession to a young man was not easy. He all dedicated himself to music, but he wanted to try strength and at the FSB Academy. Knowledge and level of preparation have failed. The obstacle was the fact that the young man did not pass a medical examination.

Roman went to the United States for a year, and a miracle happened there - a voice returned to him, and with him inspiration. Arriving to Russia, archups knew exactly that on the way to goal would not stop him. He enrolled in Moscow State University at the Faculty of International Relations, as the lack of higher education for the family was unthinkable, and in parallel with study at the university engaged in music. The chance to experience good luck turned up when the casting was opened on the project "Star Factory 6". The artist successfully passed the test and became a member of the show, where they were preparing future pop stars.


The appearance of Arkhipov at the "Star Factory" surprised some viewers, because the guy did not quite fit into the format of the show. He loved rock, and a low voice with hoarsely allocated him among other participants. Roman in open declared the desire to show another vision of the "Factory", and producers gave this opportunity.

At the reporting concerts, a young man performed in a duet with Olga Kormukhina and Nikolai Noskovoy, Gorky Park. He was trusted by the execution of overseas rock hits Gotthard and Scorpions. The novel was not enough one step to the final, but this did not prevent the artist to find a faithful and loving listener. The song "Do not go" in his performance for a long time remained popular.

According to the results of the project, together with 3 other participants in the "Star Factory", the novel of archups became part of the newly minted group "Chelsea". The producer of Boy-Band became Victor Drobysh, and the organization of the concerts took over the father of Arkapov. For 5 years, the novel recorded songs and filmed in the clips along with colleagues. The group released 2 albums, visited tourists in many cities of Russia, received the Golden Gramophone award. Photo by performers, something and the case appeared on the covers of youth magazines.

The resulting experience was enough to understand: it's time to realize in solo work. In 2011, the Roman Arkhipov completed cooperation with the Chelsea Group and went to independent swimming. It did not affect personal relationship with the former colleagues. In an interview, the Contractor admits that the artists are still friendly, and he with warmth recalls the time when Chelsea went on tour.

Cashing with creativity, Roman decided to send strength to development in the American show business and moved to Los Angeles. Now he constantly runs between Russia and America, cooperating with world names with producers. At first an English-speaking audience, the Roman appeared under the pseudonym for Troy Harley (Troy Harley). The adapted name of the foreign public was easier to perceive. Under it, the Contractor acted on heating from the legendary Nickelback as part of the Gastro Tour of the Group. But afterwards the singer decided to return to his own name and renamed his project in R.O.m.a.n.

In Russia, the Roman Arkhipov participated in the music project "Success", which broadcast the CTC channel. Invitation to cooperation turned out to be a pleasant surprise for the artist. The singer became the finalist of the show, which was performed by the material accumulated in the United States. He managed to remind himself by the Russian public, and fans with new forces began to hurt for the pet.

Personal life

The life of the novel archupov is saturated with travel, beloved work and interesting events. The artist is not in a hurry to acquire his wife and children, since in American standards it is at the most productive age, when he can not think about his personal life and the family.

Roman has always enjoyed the attention of girls. For some time, he was in relations with Darya Reznikova, a master of sports in the Latin American dance. The scandalous relationship of the singer with a married actress Ekaterina Klimova and a romantic story with a participant "Success" show Julia Boyko did not remain unnoticed by press and paparazzi.

In September 2019, the novel married the daughter of Mediamignat Alice Gorodnikova, serving as a beginner singer under the creative alias of Eliss Roxx. The artist met the future wife in the course of working on joint songs in 2017 in the United States, after which they had a novel. The proposal of the hands and hearts The musician made on the Washington Capitam hockey match.

Roman often visits the gym, skiing on a snowboard, skiing, wakeboard. The singer loves domestic animals. A cat, dog and proteins have been shelted in his house. About their budgets of archups tells fans in the personal account in "Instagram".

It thoroughly worked out his image, fond of brand items of wardrobe and exclusive accessories. Now, as in his youth, the novel remains a Yarym Support of Rock, which is visible in the external closure of the artist.

The romance of archups is engaged in charity. In the company of other stars, the musician starred in the clip "New Year will come so soon."

Roman archups now

Next, the artist began to cooperate with producer Thomas Marold, who brought to the musical Olympus group The Killers and Imagine Dragons. A close friend of Marold Richie Sumboris became a friend and novel Arkhipov. Thanks to this, the composition of WE AIN't Giving Up appeared.

Deciding to try out its strength in producing, the novel opened the company Ra Entertainment, engaged in the video office. It combines talented operators, actors and directories to create high-quality video. Olga Bukov, Glory, Sergey Zhukov, and Nastasya Samburskaya were already clients. Now the branch of the organization works in Russia.

In October 2020, the next issue of the "Voice" show was published on the first channel, in which the romance of archups took part. On his voice during the "blind listening", Sergey Shnurov turned, who became his mentor on the project.


  • "Do not go"
  • "You and I"
  • "The sun"
  • "In those days when she was mine"
  • "Knockin 'on Heaven"
  • Someone Like Me.
  • Lift Yu Up.

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