Margaret Mitchell - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, "worn by the wind"



Margaret Mitchell is a writer, whose global fame brought the novel "Gone by the Wind". The book was first published in 1936. She was transferred to different languages ​​and reissued more than 100 times. The work was often called the "Book of the Century", because in popularity Roman even in 2014 was superior to the other best-selling writings.

Childhood and youth

Margaret Mitchell was born on November 8, 1900 in Atlanta, Georgia, in a secured and prosperous family. She was a scorpion on the sign of the zodiac and Irish by nationality. Mitchell's ancestors in the father's line moved to the United States from Ireland, and relatives from the mother moved to a new place of residence from France. And those and others performed for the South during the civil war of 1861-1865.

Margaret Mitchell in childhood

The girl had an older brother named Stephen (Stephen). Father worked as a lawyer and engaged in proceedings related to real estate. Eugene Mitchell made a family of entry into higher society. He had an excellent education, was the chairman of the urban historical society and in his youth dreamed of becoming a writer. He brought up children in respect for the ancestors and the past, often talking about the events of the civil war.

It is impossible to underestimate and the efforts of the mother. Pupil and purposeful, she heard an outstanding lady, who was ahead of the era. Maria Isabella was among the founders of the campaign for the voting rights of women and consisted in the Catholic Association. The woman instilled his daughter a good taste and instructed the right path. Margaret liked cinema, adventure novels, riding riding and climbing on trees. Although the girl perfectly behaved in society and perfectly danced.

Margaret Mitchell in youth

In the school years, Mitchell wrote the play for a student theater mug. Then, being a student of the Washington seminary, attended the philharmonic in Atlanta. There she became the creator and leader of the dramatic club. In addition to theatrical case, Margaret was interested in journalism. She was the editor of the School Yearbook "Facts and Fantasies" and held the post of President of Washington Literary Society.

At the age of 18 Margaret Mitchell met Henry Clifford, a native of New York for 22 years. Acquaintance took place on dancing and gave hope for the development of relations, but Henry had to go to the front to participate in the battles of the First World War in France. Margaret entered the College Smith in Northampton, in Massachusetts. In this educational institution, she studied psychology and philosophy.

Margaret Mitchell in youth

In 1918, Margaret learned about the death of the groom. Her sadness doubled when the news came about the fact that the mother died from the flu epidemic. The girl returned to the Atlant to help his father, became the mistress of the estate and plunged into the management of them. In the biography of Mitchell, the story Scarlett O'Hara is visible. Margaret was a bold, bold and clever woman. In 1922, she became a reporter of the Atlanta Journal edition, for whom the essays wrote.


"Washed" - Roman who brought Margaret Mitchell Glory. In 1926, the writer broke the ankle and ceased to cooperate with the magazine in which he worked. She was inspired by an independent work, although he wrote it nonlinearly. Being South, Margaret created a novel about the events of the civil war, assessing them from his own, subjective point of view.

Writer Margaret Mitchell

But Mitchell was attentive to historical facts and was based in descriptions on a variety of sources. She even took an interview with former participants of hostilities. Subsequently, the author said that the characters of the novel do not have real prototypes. But, knowing the features of the views of the souffringers, understanding the morals and features of the era of the Great Depression, the popularization of psychoanalysis, Mitchell gave the main heroine of unusual qualities and characteristics. The symbol of America was the woman not the most kind of morals.

Margaret carefully worked out every chapter. According to the legend, the first one had 60 variations and drafts. An interesting fact: Initially, the author called Pansy and only before giving the manuscript to the publisher, changed his mind, correcting the name to Scarlett.

Margaret Mitchell - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death,

The book issued a publisher McMilllan in 1936. A year later, Margaret Mitchell became the owner of the Pulitzer Prize. From the first days, the statistics of sales Roman shook. In the first 6 months, a circulation of over 1 million was sold today. Today, the book is sold at 250 thousand copies per year. The work is translated into 27 languages ​​and only in the United States has been reprinted more than 70 times.

The rights to the decree were sold for $ 50 thousand, and this amount was a record. In 1939, Victor Fleming film on Roman Mitchell was released on the screens. He received 8 statuettes "Oscar". Role of Relta Batler executed Clark Gable, and Scarlett played Vivien Lee.

Vivien Lee, Clark Gables and Margaret Mitchell

The actress was looking for a major role for 2 years and approved only the performer who reminded the director to the young Margaret. The popularity of Scarlett has increased after the premiere of the tape. On the shelves of shops, ladies' lads in the style of the heroine appeared.

Margaret Mitchell flatly refused to create a continuation of the novel. Moreover, she taught after death to destroy their other works, so it is impossible to make a complete bibliography today. If the continuation of the story Scarlett and existed, the reader does not know about it. Other writings under the name of the author were not published.

Personal life

Margaret Mitchell was married twice. Her first husband was the illegal alcohol supplier, the man of a brown nrava Berrien Kinnard Apshude. The beatings and mockery of the spouse gave the girl to understand that she did an incorrect choice.

In 1925, Mitchell divorced him and married John Marsha, an insurance agent. It is curious that young people were familiar from 1921 and planned engagement. Their natives were already familiar, and the wedding day was defined. But the rapid act Margaret barely broke her personal life.

Margaret Mitchell with her husband

John insisted that Margaret leaves the job of the reporter, and the family settled on a peach street. There is a former journalist and began to write a book. The husband showed wonders of loyalty and patience. He forgot about his jealousy and fully divided the interests of the spouse. The march persuaded Margaret to take the pen not for the public, but for his own satisfaction, because becoming a housewife, Mitchell often experienced depression due to the lack of an important occupation.

A simple reading of her inquisitive mind was missing. In 1926, Mitchell received a writing typewriter from his spouse. John supported his wife in everything. Returning from work, he read the material written by her, helped thinking out the plot peripetics and collisions, introduced edits and looked for the original sources to describe the era.

Margaret Mitchell during World War II worked in the Red Cross

The publication of the novel brought the author to the world famous, but the glory fell on Mitchell became a serious burden. She did not want heightened attention and did not even go to the premiere of cinema on his book. Margaret was invited to the universities to read lectures, her photos appeared everywhere, and journalists were requested by requesting an interview.

Responsibility during this period, John Marsh took over. The writer's husband supported the correspondence with publishers and controlled financial issues. He dedicated himself to his wife's self-realization. The spouse estimated the feat, so the novel "Gone by the Wind" was devoted to the beloved man Margaret Mitchell.


Margaret died on August 16, 1949. The cause of death was a traffic accident. She was shot down the car, driving a drunk driver. As a result of the accident, the writer never came into consciousness. A woman was buried in Atlanta, at the Oakland Cemetery. Spouse Margaret Mitchell lived after her death 3 years.

Mitchell Margaret's grave

In memory of the writer, several quotes remained, the film "The burning passion: the story of Margaret Mitchell", describing the biography of a woman, photo, interview and immortal novel.

In 1991, Alexander Ripley released a book called Scarlett, which became a peculiar continuation of the "worn by the wind". The presentation of the novel stirred a new wave of interest in the work of Margaret Mitchell.


"I will not think about it today, I'll think about it tomorrow" "When a woman cannot cry, it's scary" "" Humors or happiness, or break "


  • 1936 - "Gone by the Wind"

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