Anton Delvig - portrait, biography, personal life, cause of death, poems



Anton Delvig is a poet and a lyceum friend Alexander Pushkin. His name is repeatedly found in the poems of the most famous Russian poet. Delvig was the organizer of the literary salon in St. Petersburg, published almanac "Northern Flowers" and founded the "literary newspaper."

Childhood and youth

Anton Antonovich Delvig is a representative of the ancient, but the ruined genus. His ancestors were baroni, who collapsed in Russia from the Baltic States. Anton was born in Moscow on August 6, 1798. In addition to the title, his family did not have any riches. The father served in the Astrakhan regiment and, having resigned in the rank of Major General, became the commandant of the Moscow Kremlin. His salary was hard enough for the most necessary. Mother Lyubov Krasikov visited by the granddaughter-Astronomous scientist Andrei Krasilnikov.

Portrait of Anton Delving

Parents gave a boy for training in a private board. In his education and further biography, Pedagogue Alexander Dmitrievich Borodkov played an important role. It was he who rented a child love for literature and literature, recommended the father of sending his son to the recently opened Tsarskoyel Lyceum.

Anton was 13 years old. For a happy random, he got into one class with Ivan Pushchin, Alexander Pushkin and Wilhelm Kühehelbecker. Lyceist friends were from a poor families, but were distinguished by talents and a mass of noble qualities.

Famous and some clumsy detail quickly accepted the company. Like his friends, the boy did not give a tendency to accurate sciences, so the teachers considered him a lazy. Odnoklassniki wrote the stroke epigrams and teased the same age because of his incomprehensibility and non-painting, giving the nicknamed "Lena Tosi".

Licewists Wilhelm Kyhelbecker, Anton Delvig, Ivan Pushchin, Alexander Pushkin

But it was worth walking to literature, Delvig changed in front of her eyes. He quoted the classics in the original language, not knowing it, and wrote poems. When the case concerned creativity, the young man demonstrated a rich imagination and insight. Anton's stories fascinated buddies, and his inventors believed the teachers. During the rest of the time the poet festive in bed, wandered around the park near the lyceum or enjoyed reading.

One of the first works of Deligus was "for the capture of Paris", which in 1814 published the "Journal of Europe" under the pseudonym Russian. In honor of the end of the Lyceum, the poet composed a poem "six years". Graduates wrote music for him and sank as a song.


Having completed training, Delvig entered the Department of Mountain and Salt Affairs, and after some time turned out to be an employee of the Office of the Ministry of Finance. Being a humanitarian, Anton did not experience interest in new responsibilities, so worked without inspiration and return. The data of his assignments were carried out slowly, which annoyed the bosses.

Portrait of Anton Delving

Delvig dreamed of translation and even led the correspondence with Alexei Nikolayevich Olenin, director of the Imperial Public Library. In the 1820s, his efforts were crowned with success: the poet was accepted by the help of the librarian assistant. From 1821 to 1825, the librarian in this institution was worked by the Basinista Ivan Andreevich Krylov. But here Anton did not come to the yard.

Ivan Andreevich Krylov

Instead of making a description of books and put them in a card file, the poet read the works, forgetting about work. The preposition for dismissal was found soon. For a visit to Pushkin, located in Mikhailovsky, a negligible employee fired, despite the intercession of his high-ranking friends. Delvig changed several departments, but nowhere could not prove himself. Monotonous activity of a dreamy young man, so his career was not set.


Anton Delvig did not leave a huge literary heritage, but his verse "nightingale", the music to which Alexander Alexandrovich Alyabyev was composed, is considered to be a classic work. It is performed by the best Russian and world vocalists.

Anton Delvig and Alexander Pushkin

Delvig was known as a literary figure, poet and publisher. In 1819, with friends Alexander Pushkin, Wilhelm Kuhelbecker and Evgenia, the Baratnian writer created the "Union of Poets". This society was not professional, but rather represented a friendly association.

Slowing through various departments and not finding an application, the poet came to make almanac "Northern Flowers". He possessed an amazing flaw on talents and showed organizational abilities, attracting authors from Moscow and St. Petersburg to cooperation. The following almanac produced by Delvig became the "Snowdrop".

The main brainchild of the poet was the "literary newspaper". Based on it in 1830 with the support of Alexander Pushkin and Peter Vyazemsky, Anton performed as criticism opposing with the "commercial" literature and an uneducated audience.

On the pages of the publication there was a place for the works of Pushkin and Kyhehelbecker, who were in the opal. The newspaper was in demand and was discussed in different circles, but in 1831, Anton Delivia's relationship with censors aggravated, and the editorial was closed. It is curious that the work of the publication resumed after the death of the founder.

Anton Delvig with friends

Delvig joined the number of people who were not alien to opposition socio-political views. He was friends with the Decembrists Mikhail Bestuzhev and Konda Ryleev, participated in the fate of the Polar Star newspaper. Despite the close relationship with militant revolutionaries, Anton preferred to remain at a safe distance from the epicenter of events.

The literary heritage of the poet consists of 170 poems. The author was engaged in creative searches and was among the first creators of sonnets in Russia. Delvig liked the size of Russian folk verse. Mikhail Glinka, Alexander Dargomyzhsky and Alexander Varlamov wrote music to the works of Anton.

Personal life

The first love of Anton Delivia was called Sophia Dmitrievna Ponomarev. She kept a literary salon, where she represented his works of the wings, and Nikolai Galothe read the translations of "Illiad". The lady struck the hearts of many starting writers, and Delvig was no exception. Recognition in passionate feelings did not find a response in her soul, and the poet had to forget about his love.

Anton Delvig and Sophia Ponomareva

The new girlfriend of Anton became Sophia Mikhailovna Saltykov, the daughter of the secret adviser at the court of Alexander I. Previously, Peter Kakhovsky was woven to her, who received a refusal of the father of the girl, although the feelings of young people were mutual.

Saltykova acquaintance with Delvig occurred in spring 1825. At first, the stern parent of Sony blessed their marriage, but later he took his word back: Saltykov was a hypochondrik, who often changed his own opinion. One way or another, but the wedding took place in the fall of the same year, Sophia Mikhailovna became the wife of Anton Antonovich.

Sofya Saltykova, wife Anton Deligus

Spiritual proximity, similar interests, fascinating literature - the newlyweds had a lot in common. Their house quickly became a literary salon where Vasily Zhukovsky were, Alexander Pushkin, Evgeny Baratinsky and others. The spouse studied the poems by heart and played on the piano. The girl understood who became a guest of her house: she was fond of the works of Deligney's friends from his youth.

Personal life Anton Deligus has developed successfully, he loved his wife very much. In their union, there were no many children, but the only daughter of Elizabeth Antonovna was hotly loved by the Father.


On the closure of the "literary newspaper", created by Delvig, influenced the penis of the writer and the journalist Faddey Bulgarin. Having lost his favorite brainchild, the poet was sicked. The threat of the chief of gendarmes Alexander Benkendorf was affected to Slight to Siberia. In the difficult revolutionary time, the words of the official could become fateful.

Grave Anton Del Servis

The poet began to root often. The reason for his death was the suffered tit. The confection of a friend shook his lyceum buddies, because Delvig was still young - 32 years old. Anton Antonovich's grave is located in the necropolis of art masters in St. Petersburg.

Deligney poetry is not so popular that the lines from his works have become quotes, but the memory of the author's activities is preserved. Today, there is an annual literary award named after Anton Deligus "for the loyalty to the Word and Fatherland", awarded by the writers who promote Russian traditions in the work. The poet portrait can be seen in textbooks in literature and in books on the history of the Tsarskoselsky lyceum.


  • 1814 - "Triolet Prince Gorchakov"
  • 1821 - "Oh, the power of wonderful beauty! .."
  • 1823 - "To the bird, issued on the will"
  • 1828 - "So sang without a forced ..."
  • 1829 - "Four Age of Fantasy"
  • 1829 - "Poet's Welding"

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