Esther - biography, name, in the Bible, film and book


Character History

Christianity is customary as a religion in which male images play a major role. Old Testament especially promotes a similar thought. Nevertheless, it contains several books called women's names. Esphyre's book is especially known in Orthodoxy or, as it is customary to write on old canons, Estheri.


The real name of the heroine is Gadassa, which means "Mirt" in translating. The meaning of the Esther's name translated from the Persian - "Star". The girl belonged to the genus Saul and lived in the family in the sow. The legend says that the heroine of the Bible was an orphan, who was upbringing into the house of his father's cousin. Reception Father Esther was called MARDECH.


When the king gathered beautiful devies from Persia and Mussels to choose a spouse, the voice of Angela gave heroine Decree: to come to the royal court, where all the sketch of her beauty. The king chose her, but Esther Blond Jewish traditions, remaining faithful religion. MARDECHES regularly visited the palace to control the girl.

According to legend, Esther is one of the few beauties whose beauty was eternal and non-influential influence of years.


Based on the Esfir scroll, the action took place in the Persian Empire, when the rules of the king Artaxerks. Historians determine that this period fell by 5 century BC - the heyday of the Persian state. In the city of Suza, where the ruler lived, all conditions were created for its luxurious existence with an abundance of entertainment.

Esther and King Artaxerks

Jews at that time lived in different regions. From the tribe of Babylonian to the native places they returned a few. Others decided to try good luck in other states.

One day, the ArkSerks arranged a big feast for his approximate. All representatives of the nobility gathered on it to marry the wealth and glory of the Persian kingdom, as well as the grandeur of the ruler. The feast lasted for a long 180 days, after which the king made a big holiday for a simple Luda. For 7 days, that he lasted, people could plenty and get drunk in the royal gardens. Tired of the festivities of the queen Astin refused to come to the sovereign in the first call, and the king was driving her. Deciding that it would not allow the disclosures of the royal dignity, the Artaxerxes announced the beginning of the search for a new spouse.

Esther and Mardochi

Among other beauties, given to the court, there was Esther, delivered by the Mardohem, who once served the faithful service of the king. During the year, the girls were preparing for a date with the king, which lasted one night, and then waited for his answer. Esther defeated its risks and became the queen. But the biblical lesson is not in this part of the legend.

Biblical legends say that Jews began to persecute the BibleSerks. Aman, one of the approximate king, offered a project to retire the Jews, promising payment of murders and persecutions. On the terms of the transaction, some mining from the pogroms went to the royal treasury. MARDECH, who realized the bloody plan, did it so that Esther learned about him. The Queen declared a three-day post for the Jews to the glory of God's Will. Aman at that time was preparing a high pillar for the execution of Mardochi.

Queen Esther.

The king, who reads the chronicles for the night, remembered that Mordokhey was a faithful servant, and did not receive awards for their actions. After consulting with Aman, Artaxerxes had a mordechate in royal clothes, put on his horse and ordered to carry around the city. Aman was forced to lead a horse under the head.

Esther arranged a feast, inviting the king and his approximate. Esther was given a desire that the king would gladly fulfill, and the girl wished to preserve the life of the Jews. All the ideas of the Aman were revealed, and the bloodthirsty of the boredral hung on the post.

Since it was impossible to cancel the order of the murder of Jews, the king published another, allowing Jews to defend themselves. The day, when Jews stood up for themselves, celebrate as a holiday Purim.

Book Esther

Giving the characteristic of the book Esther, it is worth noting that this is one of the few biblical essays, where the name of God is never mentioned. Existing persons of history are only people.

In culture

If the legend of Esther was not counted on the biblical legends, it was possible to assume that this is a secular legend narrative of court intrigues.

The plot of how a simple girl saved the Jewish people from the persecution, was reflected in the work of writers and artists. Works called "Esther" in different years published Zaks, UK, de Monkerey, Rasin, Grillpalzer and Brod. Astryuk wrote a "tragedy about Queen Esphyr", Bliss - "Queen Esphyr", Goller - "Sleep in Purim Night."


The image of Esther has become popular in the Renaissance Epoch. They were inspired by Bothichelli, Rubens, Rembrandt and Tintoretto. With the development of the Dramatic Legend Theater about the feat of Estyiri became known to the Russian public. Especially for the presentation on theatrical frames, the playwright Gregory wrote and put "Artaxerks and Action".


The plot about Esther challenged in cinema from the second half of the 20th century. The director Raul Walsh, who released the film "Esther and the king" in 1960, drew on the Old Testament Legend. The main female role was performed by Joinn Collins.

Joann Collins in Esther

In 1986, Israelis Amos Gitay removed the film in which Simon Benjamini appeared in Esther's image.

In 1993, an animation project "Esther" was released to familiarize themselves to the young audience with biblical stories on the screens.

In 1999, the audience met a project called "Biblical Collection: Esther Beautiful." The little-known actors starred in it, but the role of Queen Astin performed Ornella Muti, and Louise Lombard appeared in the form of Esther.

Ornell Muti in Esther's Image

In 2006, the plot again attracted the attention of the director, and the light saw the project "One night with the king", which became the stellar embodiment of the legend. In the lead role of Tiffany DuPont. Oman Sharif, John Ris-Davis, Tommy Lister, Peter Otul and others were also starred in the picture.

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