Nina Sazonova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Films



If the acting fate of Nina Sazonova can be called happy, then personal, unfortunately, no. Brilliant memorable roles, adoration of fans and the recognition of colleagues were overwhelmed by almost 20-year-old family horrors: the constant payment of numerous debts of the hot-beloved son-a gambler, his beatings in a drunk and the sad outcome of the new year 2002 - a fight ended with suicide. However, no matter how the only child was, a star of Soviet televisers could not live without him.

Childhood and youth

Binding to the Orthodox Christmas Day of Christmas 1917 (according to a new style, according to the old - in Catholic), Nina Sazonova seemed to be under a happy star. She managed to go through a complex competition, where only three applicants smiled at the three contenders from several hundred, twice escape from an imminent death in the Great Patriotic War, and then - and from the attacks of the sole son.

Actress Nina Sazonov

The birthplace of the actress - Konstantinovo, but not the Ryazan village, sneezed by the poet Sergey Yesenin, and located near Sergiev Posada. The family was big, friendly and musical, Nina among five children - the youngest. She has two senior sisters and two older brothers. In the 20s, Sazonov moved to a small town on the Volga with the sonorous name Kimra and settled in a communal service.

"I always remember the town in which my childhood and youth passed. Old houses, green streets with household sidewalks running down to the Volga, "the actress was shared by memories.

Parents owned string tools: Father Athanasius - Gitar, Matrin's mother - violin. Nikolai and Boris playedly playing accordion, Seraphim with Tatiana - on balalaikas. Often on Sundays, homemade, hurt by the cheese and tea from Samovar, satisfied concerts of amateurs, and then went for a walk towards the river. Nina took over the main passion of his life from his relatives - singing.

Nina Sazonova in youth

In school years, she was incredulously lucky. Anna Mikhailovna taught His disciples not only the rules of a competent letter, introduced the world of mathematical formulas, but also instigated them to art - taught Russian romances and old songs, and also involved in scenic activities. Noticing Sazonova special acting abilities, hurried them to develop them. Nina Afanasyevna is always with warmth and gratitude responded about the wise mentor.

In the future, the 16-year-old theatrical skills of the 16-year-old girl was honed in a local flexible drama, where a person who helped in the disclosure of talent was again met on her way. The head of the studio later played in the creative fate of the ward a crucial role - noting the announcement of the set in the metropolitan workshop at the Tsera, urgently recommended to go to examine, even despite the protests of the mother.

Nina Sazonova on stage

And did not lose. Asbiturient Sazonova struck the harsh "jury" and fell into a limited number of received. Here Nina absorbed all the advice and secrets of mastery from the main teacher - director Alexei Popov, whose true and loyal student she was, as many critics noted.

The views on debut performances in the theater were separated. Some of the media argued that it was a "teacher", others - that "Lev Gurych Sichkin." The war began, and Nina with a colleague by Tosya Romanova hurried to the station to raise the soldiers who are leaving to fight the enemy: the sad "steppe" changed intricate chastushki.

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Soon, after them, Nina went to the front - with concerts, which in total about 3 thousand twice in 4 terrible years near Sazonova passed death, and not tonow, but left the imprint in the form of mental illness.

After the long-awaited world came, the actress returned to his native theater, where he shone in the "idiot" and "player" on Dostoevsky and "Forest" on the Ostrovsky, Gorky "Vass Zheleznova", etc., in parallel receiving higher education at Marxism University -Lennism.


In 1958, the Star Path of Nina Afanasyevna in the cinema began with the "Poles of the Sea". Her heroines are strong women who have been stagnant before the blows of fate and not confused optimism and faith in life and people.

At the set of the film "Lives such a guy", the artist managed to get acquainted with Vasily Shukshin and even convince him to rejuvenate his heroine, giving the opportunity to love longer.

And songs ("sister", "Chamomile hid", "standing at the half-one"), who sounded in the films performed by Sazonova, asked to sing on the bis and viewers in creative evenings, and simple work scenes in the intermission. And she did not refuse to anyone.

In a rich filmography - and Zigzag Good luck, and "our house", and "women", and "day after day." After entering the screens of the last ribbon in the hands of the postmen, telegrams came across with the addressee: "Aunt Pashe". And someone even began to call the actress by Mom.

"Nina Afanasyevna, if you knew how I envy you. And you know why? Here everything is called Angelina Josephovna, and you just - aunt Klava, aunt Pasha. You are not just a folk actress, but a nationwide. And the love for you is also nationwide, "- gave a clear definition of her friend and colleague in the anniversary.

Personal life

The only husband of the Mother of the Soviet Union is Alexander Borisov, director of the gallery, with whom the girl met in his youth at the front. The son of Misha was born at the couple, but the family did not save the family, and the marriage collapsed. Ironically, Mikhail was destined to become a major man in the fate of celebrities.

Nina Sazonova and her son Mikhail

She adored him what was called, blindly and unconditionally, paid the card debts, tolerated unemployment, alcoholism, bullying and terrible beatings, not deciding to write a statement to the police. In addition to strong love, another reason for such behavior was assumed - the burning of guilt for being opposed to receive his chosen.

At 16, the guy reported his own serious intentions - to create a family and throw a school. Nina Afanasyevna is such a state of affairs, to put it mildly, it did not suit - at the first acquaintance she did not come out to meet future daughter-in-law, after the wedding in every way invaded their personal life. The situation did not save even the birth of the only grandson of the Zhenya. Young people divorced. And then he began hell.


On New Year's Eve of the year 2002, the next scandal and a fight - Mikhail beat Mother to the unconscious state, which took for death. Whether wanting to avoid the subsequent prison sentence, whether he was frightened by the had done, or confusing the door with the window, he jumped from the 11th floor.

Nina Sazonova in old age

The actress was able to save, but after the death of his son, she lived for a long time - he moved two heart attacks, he moved with difficulty. Soon she developed senile dementia, arthritis and longing for her beloved child were aggravated. It is also known that immediately after the Sazonova, a nurse appeared, called a relative, who had deprived her luxurious place of residence and settled in the nursing home. However, later Larisa removed a small apartment where in the fall of 2003 and moved along with Nina Afanasyevna.

On the first day of the spring of 2004, the favorite of millions did not become. Cause of death: acute heart failure.

The grave of Nina Sazonova

Once in an interview with Olga Bogdanova, questions about the creative biography of the eldest colleague answered:

"If I asked me, what a woman Nina Afanasyevna Sazonov would answer:" Happy! ". And it will sound strange, because everyone remembers the final of her life. But she was a kiss and really extremely happy work, roles. She is like the soul of the theater. So - it will always be. "


  • 1958 - "Poem of the Sea"
  • 1960 - "Simple History"
  • 1961 - "The Tale of Family Years"
  • 1961 - "Taming of the Shrew"
  • 1964 - "First Trolleybus"
  • 1964 - "Lives such a guy"
  • 1965 - "Our Home"
  • 1966 - "Women"
  • 1968 - "Babia Kingdom"
  • 1968 - Zigzag Good luck
  • 1970 - "My Street"
  • 1971-1972 - "Day after day"
  • 1974 - "Yurkina Dawn"
  • 1978 - "Vassa Zagronnova"
  • 1993 - "Shoking"

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