Rita Kern - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "House-2" 2021



Rita Curne is sometimes called the "silicone queen" due to plastic operations that have strongly changed the appearance of the girl. However, this feature is rather her "chip" and a conscious choice, rather than the consequences of unsuccessful decisions. The star "House-2: Love Island" is sincerely satisfied with the results, which ensured her popularity and traffic to the blog in "Instagram".

Childhood and youth

Real name Rita Curne - Maria Kunayev. The girl was born on March 28, 1990 in Udmurtia. It is believed that the future star "House-2" was born in Izhevsk, but there is information that Maria grew up in the village of Yakshur-Bodia. She is a priest's daughter, her father - Archpriest Vladimir Kunaev. The religious family was large: in the children's picture of Mary, another four sisters can be seen.

Rita Kern to Dom-2 project with his family

It is known that parents brought up a daughter strictly, in accordance with religious rules. About the nature of Mash in childhood there are controversial information: some say that the girl was shy, others - that even in his youth, the future star was active and volitional.

After school, the girl entered the medical college and studied at the paramedic, but education did not finish - according to the Rita himself, did not reappear 1 year. After that, Kern escaped from the house and further built his life without regard to Orthodoxy.

"House 2"

The popular Rita began after appeared on the project "House 2: Love Island", shot at the Seychelles. Together with other girls, Curner hit the shooting in 2016. The essence of the project was to two houses "House-2", Alexander Zakonov and Ivan Barzikov, found brides. 12 participants fought for their hearts, among whom Rita Kern.

Rita Kern - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News,

After joining the project, the girl immediately chained the attention of the viewers. The main reason was the bright appearance: Kern moved several plastic operations, and it was glad.

The viewers' opinion regarding the participant was divided: some found it attractive, others criticized for the unfortunateness of appearance. Rita was the first of the contenders in the category of "servants." However, the girl himself was not embarrassed, but she surprised the fans of the show: despite the image of glamorous diva, Kern was calm and enjoyable in communication with man. Some even said that Rita - hardly the most adequate participant of the show.

Rita Kern and Ivan Barzikov

In an interview, the girl admitted that he had come to the project by no means out of the desire to conquer Alexander or Ivan's heart. According to Rita, both men were not interested in the partners - she wanted to dispel boredom and help guys find brides. Moreover, before the start of the show, Curne did not even know who would be the "grooms".

In total, at the project Rita held 2 months, during this time proven itself as a controversial participant. She attracted the attention of viewers, however, the opinions of the girl's personality from the beginning and to the end were ambiguous.

Personal life

The frank sexuality of the girl and her causing outfits awakened interest in fans not only to the biography, but also to the Personal life of the participants "House-2". It is known that Curner prefers men adults and those who have consisted: even her first sexual partner, which appeared when a girl was 18 years old, much older than her.

Rita Kern makes makeup

Rita was married, which does not hide - unlike the name and status of the former husband. The public with the words of Kern is known only that the man was a foreigner and was the director of the company. Before acquaintance with the girl, the businessman was married, but divorced to be married to a marriage with a new chosen. Kern admits that on her part it was a marriage for the calculation, although she honestly tried to love her husband. When it failed, Rita changed his spouse, and then left him.

Before the start of the filming in "House-2", Kern was met by a young man, but before leaving for Seychelles, they broke up. After the girl returns home, the couple was recalled, but soon the relationship was again smashed, which led to the final discontinuity.

Despite the glamorous lifestyle, the star "Instagram" is not against trying himself as a mother. Although Kern's husband is not, she says he wants to make children and plans pregnancy.

Rita Cern.

Separately, the public discusses the relations of Rita with the family. The girl herself confessed that after the escape from the house for more than 10 years she did not communicate with his father, which now regrets. However, on April 20, 2018, Kern wrote in the blog in "Instagram", which became sister at the 6th time: her father had a seventh child, the first son after the six daughters. The photo of Rita is captured with a bouquet of flowers, which, obviously, was going to give parents. Perhaps the relationship of the girl with his family was still warmer.

Another thing is the interest of the fans of Rita - its nationality. Kern itself, this topic is also not sensitive. In December 2018, it shared the results of the DNA test of nationality. The leading nation unexpectedly even for the rita itself was Lithuanians.


Rita Curne is a fan of plastic surgery, and it is this feature that made a girl such popular. On her account is not one operation. On the first plastic, Kern decided at 20 years: increased the size of the chest until the 3rd. According to Rita, it was a gift to a beloved man.

Rita Curne in a swimsuit

On this, the girl did not stop - made 4 breast enlargement operations, the result of which the exotic 8th size was. In 2017, she posted a video recording in "Instagram", in which he reported that he decided to reduce the chest. How fair it was this statement, it is difficult to judge - in the photo, where Kern poses in a swimsuit, it can be seen that her bust is still outstanding sizes.

In Rita, according to fashionable trends, the lips are increased, then the girl decided on rhinoplasty, and was also forced to go to surgical interference in the cheeks due to unsuccessful injections of the biopolymer made earlier.

Rita Kern before and after plastic

Such changes in appearance are periodically rigidly criticized by readers of "Instagram" Rita. Also, a storm of negative comments caused a comparison of the appearance of Kern before and after plastics. It happened after the girl published his photo blogs to operations.

The same Kern in the transfer of Amian Sardarova "Diary Khacha" said that plastic is a kind of hobby, and for her such interventions are equivalent to the hike to the beautician.

Rita Curne now

Today Rita - Star "Instagram". Each photo that she publishes on the network becomes the subject of discussions. The opinions of subscribers, as before, are often diametrically opposed. Kern, not paying attention to critics, continues to publish his photos without constraint and share impressions. 2019 The girl began with a journey, pleased with the fans of photographs made by the warm sea.

Rita Kern in 2019

According to Rita, now she is in harmony with her and her body. A celebrity is not shyless to demonstrate appearance, which is very pleased. Despite the proportion specific due to plastic, the complex is harmonious: when height 170 cm, the weight of the girl is 60 kg, that is, its body mass index is perfect.

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